Chapter 86 - Katarina - Unwanted Guests

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Last night was chaos.

Here I thought meeting King Rainier and Queen Edila would be fun, if not a little more joyous than the meeting we actually had. They weren't necessarily welcoming of Kalla and Víđarr despite Serephina previously telling them that the two myths existed and were as harmless as flies so long as they didn't threaten them. I think they just didn't like how powerless they are standing next to the elementals and their pets.

There was a lot of talking happening at a distance since the King and Queen of Corvina refused to allow anyone but their own to approach them. They didn't necessarily say those words directly, but it was easy enough to tell that they didn't want to be near us. So we kept our distance, Serephina playing messenger throughout the night when their royal pains in the asses had questions - and they always had questions.

I feel bad for the immortal woman, seeing as she's clearly tired and regretting ever agreeing to go to the kingdom in the first place.

It took hours before Darius and Clare gave up and decided their time was better spent training. So they trained while the others made camp but didn't quite settle. King Rainier disappeared inside his rather large tent, but Queen Edila stood outside, watching everyone train.

They didn't take the food we offered to share. Instead, they snapped their fingers for a servant to instantly respond to with a large platter of various servings. The poor servant boy looked rougher than a stable hand. His body was so skinny that I could see the definition of his bones, and yet he ran to their summons with enough energy to get me through another cycle of this shit. I didn't regret finding Víđarr and asking him to take some bread and a chunk of the deer the Bhaltayr had hunted and brought back in the middle of the night when the King and Queen were asleep. The royals didn't notice, and when I woke this morning and peeked over at him, Clare came up beside me and told me that Víđarr slept with the boy through the night and kept him warm against the cold. I thanked her and the wolf, feeling a little bit better that we had at least gotten through to someone.

The King and Queen of Corvina wanted to leave as soon as possible, but Darius respectfully declined their rather bland invitation to join them, explaining that we'd leave in a few hours and arrive at midnight. King Rainier didn't take kind to the decision. He thought we were sending him to a trap, staying behind to escape whatever ridiculous scenario his large head came up with. It was another thirty minutes of a formal worded argument before Queen Edila made the decision that they would wait to leave with us. Despite Darius and Clarice's smiles, I could tell no one was necessarily excited for their extended company.

It's a real shame that we kind of need them. Otherwise, I don't think Víđarr would've been napping nor Kalla taking up a quiet perch on Melody. The Bhaltayr, Ginerva, Darius, Lance, and Clare left the royals to train again. They've been at it for an hour now, their annoyance being worked out in their quick movements.

I've kept my hands busy with slowly packing everything of ours up, getting saddlebags on their horses, and tending to the horses themselves, ensuring that they're ready for the last trek of our journey. I'm currently sewing up a torn bag, easily slipping the needle and thread through the fabric to mend it. Víđarr lays beneath me, having done so so that I may sit for a little while. Kalla ended up curled up on his back too, her beak tucked beneath her wing as she sleeps. I keep glancing over at how cute she looks all curled up.

I look down at her and Víđarr, smiling at how peaceful they look when one small noise could have him turning feral and her growing ten times her current size to set everything on fire. They are just so darn cute.

"Do they always train so often?" I jump at the sound of the voice, nearly stabbing myself with the needle. My movement had Víđarr's head shooting up, making the Queen who snuck up on me jump herself. I put a hand on his side and he goes back to his nap.

"Forgive me, Queen Edila," I apologize, lowering my head to her. "I didn't see you approach. King Darius and Queen Clarice train with their guard twice a day - or at least twice a day when they are able."

She stares at me with a crucible gaze, and I stare right back, not at all afraid of her. Her brown eyes are oddly piercing, especially with the hazel lining her eyes and her blonde hair pulled back tightly before falling down her shoulders. I've seen scarier.

I return to my work, glancing up to watch as Clarice blocks Henry's blow and tosses up her blade behind her before swinging for his legs. He dodges, but Darius whose back was turned to the two of them spins around, catching her blade mid-air, and uses his momentum to block Garrison's own blade aimed for Darius's chest. Clarice and Henry go into a rally, moving faster and faster while Darius and Garrison dance around them. Everyone does the same, doing two on two drills.

"They're not using their powers," Queen Edila observes.


"Why not?" she asks, clearly annoyed at my one-worded answer.

"Because they can't rely on their powers to be there when they need it. They can, however, rely on their own strength to survive."

"They could easily win if they'd use it," she points out.

I bite down on my annoyance, focusing harder on threading the needle in and out of the fabric. "They could, but where's the fun in that?"

She has no answer, but she doesn't walk away as I hoped she would. "You're a brave girl for speaking to a Queen the way you do."

"Well, we're all human, Your Majesty. I see no reason to not speak to you as one."

"I must say, I'm rather appalled that your rulers allow you to be so obscene."

If I wasn't raised to control my emotions, I would've socked the woman already. Queen or not. So I slowly put my hands down and turn to the Queen whose eyes are alight. She's trying to get me to act out so that she can yell at Darius and Clare, but I'm not as easily manipulated as she thinks.

Straightening to my full height despite her standing and me sitting, I look her right in the eye and keep my voice dangerously honeyed. "King Darius and Queen Clarice are the most honest and trustworthy people I've known. They don't force anyone to be something they're not, nor do they force them to do anything they do not wish to do. They rule with what's in their heart, not what lays upon their head nor the power they've been gifted. If it came down to it, they would gladly give their power and their crown to save their people. I don't know about you, Queen Edila, but I have yet to come into contact with another ruler in which would do the same for their own people, nor a ruler who is nearly as rightfully deserving of their positions as they are. Though I do hope that there are some rulers in this world who are as they are or at least rulers who are smart enough to see it and know that going against them, going against us, would be unwise. We're here to save the world, not create a worse one for our children to suffer in," I finish, giving a pointed gaze to her stomach. Her smug expression falls so fast that I have to bite my inner cheek to keep from smiling.

It wasn't hard to figure out she was pregnant. She got pale and looked like she wanted to hurl her guts up about ten times yesterday, not to mention three times this morning alone. Her hand is always on her stomach, either just sitting there or rubbing unknowingly against it. And every time she sees Roseia, there's a spark of hope that lights in her eyes.

"I'm not threatening you, Your Majesty, nor would I dream of it. I'm simply pointing out a fact. If you want that babe in your womb to live, then you'll do whatever you need to do to ensure it does. But you should know, I'm not the first to come across the knowledge of your condition. The Ginerva have increased senses, which means they can smell the pregnancy on you, and the elementals are connected to life itself. They knew the moment they saw you what you carried, and trust me when I say that they'll do anything to keep that little light lit. Anything."

She doesn't answer and I look away, glad to have at least given her food for thought. Hopefully, it'll ease her to our side and she'll tame her rather brooding husband. If not, then at least I tried.

I look back to my friends who now settle into another drill. Winston pulls away from the crowd, walking right for me.

"Tired already?" I ask him.

"Not nearly," he answers, ignoring the Queen as he offers me his hand. "I've been asked to take over your lesson for today."

I blink, glancing behind him to where Lance talks with his sister and Darius. He glances over at me, winking before they all form a circle and begin again. I haven't had a lesson since we've left Vandaria, but I'm anything but against jumping back in. I set the needle and bag down and take his hand eagerly.

"You train your servants to fight?" Queen Edila questions.

Winston looks at her then, his shoulders straightening in preparation to defend. I tighten my hand on his, asking him to be nice.

"Katarina is a close friend, not a servant nor will she ever be, and yes, we train her upon her request. Your Majesty." He lowers his head to her before pulling me away. We choose a spot in the clearing away from everyone. "Don't tell me she was bothering you."

I roll my eyes, dropping his hand to face him. "She wasn't bothering me, Winston. In fact, I think she got the brunt of it." His eyebrows shoot up, and I casually shrug a shoulder. "I may not be as physically trained as the rest of you, but I know where to put pressure on the right points to get people to fold without having to touch them."

Pride flickers in his eyes, and I smile up at him. "Always a surprise with you, Kat. It's no wonder Lance fell for you. You're strong enough on your own two feet."

A light turns on in my chest, warming me from the inside out. "Is this your so-called training? Flirting?"

"Saints no. I'd rather take my chances with a Raver than face Lance's jealous wrath." I laugh at the thought of Lance getting jealous and knocking the sense out of Winston. "Now let's see where you are, shall we? Lower into your stance."

I do as he asks, spreading my feet shoulder-width apart, one angled behind the other, knees bent, and hands raised at the ready. He nods approvingly at my movement.

"I assume you know the basic combinations?" I nod, and he sets his own feet as he raises his hands.

I set into the combinations, feeling clumsy as I try and remember them. He doesn't say anything, just lets me figure it out until I've got my rhythm. Punch, one, two, one. Punch, one, one, two. Right punch, left punch, duck, right punch again.

We go until I've set into a decent enough pace and sit within it for a while before he leads me into new ones. Once I've got those he puts me through scenarios. Someone grabbing me from behind both around my waist or in a headlock, or approaching me head-on and taking my wrist in his hand. We do each one until I got them, and then he keeps going into slow spar, never landing blows, stopping them before they touch me. I fail over and over, either ending up on my back or staring at his fist that would've broken my nose. I start to get frustrated which only makes him stop and brings us back to the basic combinations until the tension in my shoulders have left. Then we go back into sparring until sweat thickly covers me and my breathing is ragged.

"Alright," he says, calling it. "That's enough. Cooldown and get some water. We'll be leaving within the hour." 

I nod and he turns to leave but I stop him. "Thank you. I didn't know I needed that."

"Don't thank me. It was Clarice who asked me to help you out." He leaves with a wink, leaving me to stretch and slow my heartbeat to its steady rhythm once more. I really did need this.

Clarice finds me once she and the others have finished themselves, everyone moving to get ready to leave. One more day. One more day to go before the Winter's Ball. I am not excited.

"You look like you need a nap," she chimes, sitting criss-cross next to me as I try and work out the already settling soreness in my calves.

"And you a bath," I remark back. She laughs, her smile bright. She's always like this after training. Glowing despite the workout she just went through. Both figuratively and literally. I've taken notice of how her skin gains a glow to it after she uses her powers. It happens to Darius and the Ginerva too as if using their power gives them more settlement.

"We'll both be bathed soon enough."

"Some may say too soon."

Her smile only falters a little. "Perhaps. And where will you be while the rest of us try to keep peace within the rulers of Ker?"

"Well, seeing as I won't want to leave your brother's side and he won't want to leave yours, I'll be right behind you and everyone else. Though I can't promise I won't try killing one of them. That many rulers in one room...there's bound to be a fight or two."

"A fact I would do anything to avoid."

We both watch across the way as the Corvinians make quick work of readying themselves. King Rainier is already on his horse, Queen Edila standing beside her own as the boy servant rushes a stepping stool over towards her. That woman needs to learn to get her dress dirty every once in a while.

"She wasn't bothering you earlier, was she?" Claire asks, eyeing the other Queen.

"No," I answer sweetly, folding my own legs to match hers. "She's nothing I can't handle on my own, and even if she did try something, both Víđarr and Kalla were there to stop her if she did."

She hums to herself, watching Edila for a moment more before standing with a sigh and offering both hands to me. I take them gladly, unfolding my legs as she pulls me to my feet. She doesn't let go of my hands once I'm standing. "I don't know if I've said this before, Kat, but I truly am grateful for you and your friendship. I know my brother appreciates it, as do Darius and the others, even if they're all too big-headed themselves to admit it. We'd all be likely lost without you and your keen eyes and quick wit."

I smile back at her, tears threatening to fill my eyes. No, she hasn't really said those words before, but I always knew they were there. I mean, really. They'd all be dead without me.

"Now come on, I think it's time you ride with me and Víđarr for a change. My brother can have you for the rest of your lives, I want your company today." I nod and let her lead me to the alpha wolf, but I know better than to think that it's just my company that's her reason for me riding with her.

We're getting closer to Cadorelin, and closer to Xaxias. Riding with Lance would distract him when he'd need to focus on other things. Riding with Clare will allow him to do those things, as well as put me in the safest place behind a formidable wall. He won't have to worry about me as much with me behind his sister, next to Darius, and behind both the Bhaltayr and Ginerva. I don't like being coddled, but I know when it's better that I allow them to do so than fight against them.

Plus, I kind of want some Clarice time to myself too.

"Nice to have you join us, Katarina," Darius says as I climb up behind Clarice. He and Roseia have already saddled on top of Melody, the girl grinning at me as well.

"Yes, well, Clarice said she needed better company, so here I am."

"Oh, did she now?" He turns a teasing gaze to Clarice who doesn't bother correcting me. "And what else has the Queen of Thralia complained about my company?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. You won't shut up, you're far too demanding, you have no sense of humor-"

"Agree to disagree."

I shrug, playing it off. "Whatever strokes your ego."

His laugh is deep yet light, something I only hear when he's either in a really good mood or around Clarice. I'm assuming it's a mixture of both at the moment.

He hands Melody's reigns to Roseia who takes them eagerly and pulls the mare west. Víđarr follows, his body growing until we sit at the same height as Darius. The grass doesn't clear a path as it did before, but I don't complain. Clare needs to save her energy for what's to come, not waste it.

The grass slides against my legs, which makes me thankful I'm wearing pants. Otherwise, my legs would be itching up a storm and I'd throw a tantrum.

The Ginerva trot past us to form their arrow, the Bhaltayr lined up beside and behind us. I glance over my shoulder and find the Corvinians behind the Bhaltayr and Kalla hovering overhead before landing behind Alex on his horse. King Rainier watches the bird with a glowering distasteful expression. He's going to have to accept that he's not the most powerful ruler sooner rather than later, lest he wants his death to come sooner and not so swiftly.

"I hope the other Kings and Queens are more compromising than these ones," I say, turning back forward.

"Corvina, Kaweth, and Melinoe will be the hardest to convince," Darius states. "They're set in their ways and traditions rather firmly. Asking them to go against them or bend them won't be so easy."

"And the others?" Clare asks.

"Cressida will join only because Adaeric is the one currently under siege and will likely side with us if we can save them. They only like to go against Vandaria when Adaeric is against us, that way we're forced to fight on two fronts. We've kept peace with Adaeric for years, so they haven't raged war on us. The four eastern kingdoms usually keep to themselves and their own wars, claiming neutrality when it came to wars west of them."

"So would they join us?" I ask.

"I trust Kathika and Tsil to ensure that their usual standing in a war won't be a wise option in this instance. They'll side with us so long as we prove that we're a strong enough kingdom to ally with."

"How do we do that?" Roseia asks, joining the conversation.

He smiles down at her as he answers. "They'll test us - Clarice and I. Young rulers are seen to be naive, inexperienced, and fresh prey. Kingdoms tend to throw a coup when it has young rulers if only to gain more territory. We have to show them that despite our age, we are not so easily conquered," he directs to Clarice. A silent thought passes between them. One that starts off serious then turns to something burning and yearnful.

I pinch her side if only to save me and Roseia from sexual tension. It works and they break eye contact, though I do take note of Clare's red cheeks.

"How do you plan to get the others on your side then, if they're so set in their ways?"

Darius drags his attention away from Clarice and back to the little girl. "First we have to get everyone else to side with us. With eight of the twelve kingdoms united, they'll have to greatly consider their place in the war. So then we'll have to show them just what kind of fate they'd be sentencing upon their people should they not align themselves with us."

"You want them to see that Xaxias doesn't care for the innocent," I conclude.

He nods. "The ball may give us that. I know it sounds bad and I hate to say it or even use it as a tactic, but if they see innocents die in the ballroom and the work of Xaxias's creatures, they may just agree to take our side."

Saints. To think that we need people to die cruelly just to get the aid we need is...madness, but, it's war. I fucking hate war - even if this is technically the first war I'll see.

"You forgot the northern

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