85 - Huhh!!!

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We stood in the balcony, the cold night breeze continously sweeping past us. The night was dark but the bright stars shone, to light up the night.

I found warmth in the arms of the one I love. My head rested on Lemuel's chest and he wrapped his strong arms around me.

We said nothing, just enjoying the moment, watching the night sky and the ever busy city of Lagos.

Lemuel continously patted my back. At some point he would kiss my hair.

Everything I could ever want and have ever asked for, I found in Lemuel. I was complete with him. I was ready to go down this path with him.

I smiled when he tucked the tiny strands of my hair sticking over my face behind my ear.

Then I raised my head from his chest, placed my right hand on his chest and the other hand by his back. I looked up into his eyes, my innocent eyes peering into his dark orbs.

He smiled, looking bark into my brown orbs.

We held hands, our fingers intertwined together. Lemuel gripped tightly.

"I'm never letting go." He reassured with a smile.

I released a smile that exposed my whole teeth. "We got this, together."I smirked stylishly. My confidence was boosted knowing that I had Lemuel by my side, in this walk.

"I promise to always be by your side. I'm never leaving you to do this alone. I'm going to try my best and do whatever other takes to be the best father."

I chuckled nervously. "Are you trying to win father of the year?" A joke that didn't really make any sense.

He shrugged. "If I could." That really didn't matter to him.

"I'd give you all the support that you need." He gave a heartwarming smile.

I couldn't resist the urge to smile back.

I could confess my feelings a thousand times, just for Lemuel.

"I love you." My lips pressed into a thin line forming another smile.

"I love you too."He replied bringing our faces together so that our noses brushed against each other.

Suddenly, I felt wetness in between my legs that I couldn't hold in. Did I just pee on myself? A pale yellow liquid, without smell rushed through my legs to the ground. I was wet in between my legs and the feeling was disgusting.

"Lemuel." I called out mortified and scared. "I think I just peed on myself ." I kept glaring at the ground with fear in my eyes.

Lemuel gazed at the ground and returned his gaze to me. He looked nervous.

He shook his head otherwise. "I think your water just broke."

What? I creased the skin of my forehead as beads of sweat started to form there.

The next feeling I got was excruciating pain at my lower back and between my legs. I felt like I was going to die.

"Fuck!" I screamed, the pain overwhelming me.

Nobody told me it was going to be like this. This pain, it was worse than all the menstrual cramps I had had in my entire life.

Lemuel who was scared but trying to be strong for us both, helped me into the room. He placed on the bed in a sitting position and rushed to the other side of the room.

"Babe do you think everything is in the bag?"

I was in so much pain that I couldn't even talk. "Fuck!" I screamed harder this time with a groan.  "Lemuel it hurts soo... So fucking badly." I closed my eyes, the excruciating pain rushing through me.

I heard Lemuel zip the bag and I managed to bring my eyes open. He rushed to me, lifted me up from the bed. This was hard, because I was weighing double and the pain weighed me down the more.

I couldn't walk. Lemuel carried the bag on his shoulder, holding me up with his two hands. I managed to take slow baby steps and then we got to the door after so much effort.

Descending the stairs was a suicide mission.

I shook my head rapidly once I saw the mountain before me. "I can't... Ah" I screamed. "Fuck.... Ah... Jesus."My eyes sprung open as I held my Tommy tight. My back bent to the rhythm of the pain. It took me a lot to not fall to the floor.

Lemuel who was sweating profusely still managed to hold me. I had to rest all of my body weight on him. He led me through the stairs.

Once we got to the parlour he made me seat on a sofa there. Then he dropped the bag on the table.

I noticed that the contractions I was having started to calm down. I inhaled sharply my eyes shut ad exhaled sharply with a gasp.

My heart rate was starting to calm down.

Lemuel rushed up the stairs. I almost thought he could fly. He returned with three phones in his hands as he jumped the stairs.

Then he dropped the phones on the table beside the bag and ran off to the stand where we hung out keys. He grabbed the nearest key he found, not wasting any time to make any choice. He came back running to the table grabbing the mini travel bag and out three phones.

From inside, I heard the sound that the car made when you pressed the keys. I also heard the sound of doors closing. Surprisingly, I heard the car start.

He rushed into the house like someone who was being chased. Just then, I felt a stronger force this time. At my lower back, at my lower abdomen and pressure in the pelvis.
The pain was so strong that I fell to the floor on my knees. Then I bowed my head on the rug, wailing. I don't know when a tear dropped to my face.

This was just too much.

I perceived his cologne so I knew he was standing beside me. He helped to my feet after so much effort and struggles.

His next action was... I didn't see that coming. He lifted me up in bridal style. Lemuel really braced himself.

We got to the front door and I saw our small black Ferrari car parked in front of the door with the back door open.
No wonder I heard the car start. This explains why it took him a while before he came back inside.

He dropped me to my feet. Now I had to use the remaining strength that I had to get into the back seat. The contractions subsided.

Once I got into the car completely, Lemuel closed the door and rushed to the front door. He got in, quickly closed his door and started the ignition.

Our gatekeeper got the gate open even before we got into the car. The car drove out with ease.

Lemuel started to drive with speed, but with control. I'm talking minimised and controlled speed because he was carrying a woman who was about to go into labour.

Then he placed our two phones on the tripod stand and kept his other phone on the passanger seat, the same place where the bag was. Still wondering how he was multi tasking while driving.

He started to make calls, but he called the first person's first. I was quite surprised that Mabel picked up by this time of the day. It was some minutes to twelve, the last time I checked.

She answered sleepily with a yawn. "Yes." The call was on loud speak.

"She's having the baby. We are on our way to the hospital." Lemuel didn't even give her a break.

"What?!" I bet she screamed out of bed for that one.

"The address is number 127, Adetayo Avenue, Off Victoria Island Road. Victoria Island."

"Thanks. We'll be there." The line went off.

Next person was Charlie and Tony at the same time. It was a group call with all his guys.

"Guys we are on our way to the hospital, she's having the baby ooo."

"What?" They all screamed.

"We'll be there." I heard Charlie answer. He knew the hospital.

Lemuel continued to drive. The next person he called was his dad.

"Dad it's time. It's time. We are on way to hospital." He didn't even let his dad talk. I could imagine the hot seat Lemuel was on right now. He was not having it easy too.

No matter how much we tried, we could never ever be ready for this moment.

His father cleared his throat chuckling. "Son, calm down. For you and your girlfriend. Calm your fears and worries down. We will all be there by your side. Just relax, you need to be strong for her."

Lemuel sighed heavily. "Thanks dad."

"It's the family hospital right?" His dad asked.

Lemuel chuckled. "Yeah."

It came again and this time I couldn't scream. I had no voice for that. I was just weeping and gnashing my teeth.

I didn't even hear his conversation with Nancy and Tessa. The pain had overtaken me.

It is time. My baby is going to be here soon. My heart melted with joy when I remembered the positive side of this pain. I was finally going to see her. I finally leaned into Lemuel's idea that it was a girl, I mean I started to get that feeling too.

My baby is going to be here soon. My heart panted with joy but it was shortlived when I felt another surge of pain.

This car was as cold as yet I was still sweating and going through indescribable pains. All mothers deserve an award.

I really don't want to go through labour again.

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