23 - Wednesday

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Today was wednesday and I decided to spend it in 'the valley' to have a serious thought about my life.

I was sitted on a bench a which was under a mango tree in our garden. I loved having private times to myself in peace and tranquility.

This place was quiet and peaceful, the radiation from the sun was high but I had the tree to shield me. I couldn't hear anything, just my song which was playing from my phone on my ear pod. Justin Bieber's intention.

From time to time my phone would beep from messages and notifications.

Lemuel was number one on my message list. He kept showering me with messages, telling me what he was doing asking me how I was doing and saying that he missed me.

I didn't have to ask how he got my number.

He was really sweet and this messages only made my stomach do flips. I was liking him the more.

A beautiful butterfly, blue and orange just flew towards me and landed on the back of my palm. I admired the beautiful creature before it flew away.

This garden gave me memories of my childhood. Roses are my favourite flowered and I used to come here when I was little to see them. They were my friends. I never plucked them, it would be inhumane to cut the lifespan of such beautiful flowers.

I love this place so much because I became best friend with Charlie here. That was when he asked me to marry him. We didn't even know what marriage was but we just eanted to be together. As we grew, we understand what marriage was and we found out that we couldn't make it. I smiled dryly at the memories.

The purple and red blooms too which made the garden lit, I admired them from the distance and was caught up in my world when a call brought me back.

It was Nancy.

"Hello babe," I answer.

"Hey, how you de?"

"I'm fine. How is your own side now, everybody?"

"They're all good."

"So wats up now?"

"Yeah, my NYSC letter came in and I'm serving at Abuja. "

"Cool, wow. That's good oo. So you're in first batch?"


"When are you going?"

"Two weeks from now probably. I'm not sure."

"Eiya, I'll miss you. So when do we see?"

"Don't worry we can FaceTime. "

"Ode. I mean physical seeing jare. "

"Later. How far Lemuel, any gist?"

Here we go.

Gossip time!!!

"Every one is in his side. They all think I should date him. Even Charlie." I say like a five year old and pout.

"Wait should we... Wait, did he ask you out?"

"He did."

"Oh My God,  that's a progress. So you guys are official now.  Thank God oo."

Didn't she hear what I said.

"No we're not. He just asked me out and I said no."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, were you not listening. "

"And why would you do that?" she raises her voice a bit.

"You know Lilly I wonder why you do some things to punish yourself. Ever since you saw this guy you've not been normal and now that he has asked you out, you said no. Hmm you know not every guy can be as patient as him.

Here goes another piece of advice.

"This is about Oscar right, you're not over him yet."

Why does everyone think it's about Oscar?

"It's not that. I'm scared of letting him in."

She chuckled. "Babe you're wrong then because from the moment we were all mature we took risks and every relationship is a risk. So you can't do anything without risking something. There has to be sacrifice. Give him a chance."

"I will."

"Better. Chop knockus."

I laugh. "From where? I can't see it."

"Anyhow sha. I've to go."

"Okay, greet everybody for me."

I've made up my mind.


Hell of a board meeting, I sighed as I walked into my office.

I haven't gotten over last Monday.

Lilly, I'm lost that I can't even understand myself.

All I  want is her, all I think is her.

Other girls would kill to be mine but here I was dying to make Lilly mine.

It's complicated.

I don't know how to win her heart and get her trust but all I know is that I'm not giving up on her.


She'd come around and I was sure of that.

My only technique right now was to give her the space she wanted but constantly remind her that I care and that I'm still around.

So I kept sending test messages. I couldn't send gifts because she is notthe one that will be bought over by those things.

My mom texted me.

' To all the sons and daughters: Be informed that every one should be home by Friday morning  in preparation for the big event that is slated for the evening."

She actually has two sons, me and Charlie.

This year was my mom and dad's thirty first wedding anniversary. So it's getting into her head. It was going to be lit.

They should exclude me from Friday night because I would be working on behalf of my dad.

Someone barges into my office and I know who it is.

Annabelle of course, and with her rascals this time.

I decide to be a good junior brother so that I won't get a basketfull of knock from her as my lunch.

"Good afternoon sis," I greet and fake a smile.

Fuck Nigeria and it's culture of respect your elders.

She definitely liked that so she walked towards me and rubbed my head like I was some dog.

"Hey baby bro. How's your day been? You look so stressed out. Have you been having vigils?" She creased her brows and made her face look like she cared.

"Exactly, I've been working my ass out. That's why you shouldn't bring your rascals with you when you come to disturb me."

Her face sank and she looked hurt.

Lord when is this baby coming?

"You actually think my visit is a nuisance, " She sobbed.

God! What do I do. I just made a pregnant woman cry.

"I'm leaving, " She stood up to go.

"Wait, you're not leaving your kids for me to babysit right?"

She smiled and blew me a kiss.

"I have a date with Jake , mom and dad are lovesick and Chisom is out with her fiance. So you're my only option. " She shrugged and opened the door, before I knew it; she slammed the door on me.

"This is my office Anna, not a daycare for babysitting." I shouted, hoping that she will hear me.


My gaze shifted to my nieces and nephew who were staring at me in anticipation, cute smiles on their faces.

"Jewel, Jess, Josh.." I spread my arms open for an embrace.

"Uncle Lemuel." They squealed and ran into my arms.

"How are you doing?"

"We're good. " The eldest among them which was Jewel replied pressing her phone.

"Can I watch my frozen?" Jessica cooed, she was Jewels twin.

Here we go.

"Sweetheart there is no frozen here." I began and continued my work.

"Well then get us something that'll keep us busy." Jewel snapped and I was amazed.

Isn't she just six?

Just then Josh their four year old brother picked up an antique from one of the stools.

"Keep that," I cautioned him.

I looked to see Jessica standing over a huge painting and was about to touch it.

"Don't touch," I shouted and her hand came down as if she just touched fire.

"Fine, " I sighed and rubbed my forehead which was now soaked in sweat.

I was under tension.

The only solution is to give then my laptop or have them touching my things.

"You can have my laptop, watch whatever movie you want. Here. " I handed it to them and I saw jewel smile in victory.

She's just like her mom.

"Thanks uncle Lemuel. " Her voice was laced in sarcasm as she took it from me while the other two ran to her side.

That wasn't enough to calm them down. From time to time they would throw tantrums, fight,  say silly things and request for crazy things.

I'm not sure that I'm ready to be a dad.

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