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I came out of the main gate and looked back at the building for the last time. I was happy and content with what I just did and said there, but still, Mehta Creations had been my dream. I could never forget how ecstatic I was when I got the acceptance email.

Before the rest of my memories could take me back to the old days, Aanchal and Rajat, who were waiting for me outside, called out my name as we were getting late. And now, it was time for the 2nd phase of the plan. Rajat left us at the fabric store for his college and promised to meet us in the evening.

We both roamed around for 6 hours, went to 40 different stores, looked through millions of fabrics until we found the ones we were looking for, and shopped for threads, laces, and buttons and I am not sure if anything was left. I was too tired to think. We decided to grab some pizza for the lunch and somehow managed to come back home, with the zillions of bags that we were carrying.

Both of us were too tired to move, even for an inch more. Just then Rajat entered and saw us lying on the floor. All three of us looked at each other and started laughing. I didn't know why, and I guess nobody knew, but it felt good.

Somehow, we freshened up and sat for a round table meeting with a cup of coffee. We were planning to start an online portal for my designs. Yes! That's actually an amazing plan to give a tight slap to Mehta Creation, but only if it works well, which I was hoping it does. Rajat had a friend who was a web developer and has agreed to help us develop the portal.

Now the question was, how to reach the public? So initially we decided to start through social media which will showcase my designs because social media has the largest attention of the population these days. The number of likes and shares would help us to know if people are interested or not. Also, the page would have the link to our official portal, if they wish to order any of the designs or for any other information. We were stepping onto the field of business if I want to sum it up. And based on the report we would get from our social media handles we would eventually tie up with the well-known stores and malls of Delhi.

As soon as we were done, Aanchal went back to her room to study since she had exams in her coaching centre, leaving me and Rajat alone. Both of us were quiet. We hadn't spoken to each other directly after what happened that evening. But finally, he broke the ice. 'So excited for the new start?', 'Um....ya, and a bit nervous too!' And there was silence again. Even in midst of all this chaos and fun and laughter, I really wanted to know what Rajat was thinking. Is he thinking anything about us? Is he even thinking anything? But I didn't know if this was the right time to bring that topic up, so I didn't try and let the silence settle between us before he stood up to leave and assured me to come back tomorrow.

The next day, our portal was ready and we were all set to launch "Daffodils". The name is slightly odd than what usually fashion studios go with, but it wasn't just a studio for me. It's my dream, and more importantly, it's the beginning of my dream. And hence Daffodils. Because they symbolize new beginnings. Although our social media page was ready my designs were not. So initially, I posted some of the old designs that I had and started sharing the news with all our friends, families, and colleagues. Not my family though. I devoted all my attention to my designs as I wanted my pages to have some really amazing designs so that people didn't have to think twice before ordering them.

After almost 15 days, my page couldn't reach many people. No orders were placed in my portal, even after posting the new designs. I was tensed, so were Aanchal and Rajat. I started working hard on my design, and another week later, there was still no response apart from a single order which was delivered within 72 hours.

'Guys! It's not working! I tried everything that I knew about designs. I tried fusion, I tried traditional with a western twist, but nothing seems to work. My designs are not catchy enough, I guess. What if Kriti was right?', I said. 'It's nothing like that. Your designs are superb. It's just not reaching the target audience', Aanchal tried to cheer me up. Surprisingly Rajat didn't participate in our conversation. I couldn't exactly understand his expression if he was blank, upset, or was thinking something. But I waited for him to say something. Anything. But he didn't. A frustrated me then said, 'I think we should drop this whole thing!', and Aanchal cried a long musical No. But then finally he spoke. 'Yes! I think we need to think in a different way!'' he said in a very serious tone that completely caught me off-guard. Both I and Aanchal went together "Whaatt?" I know I just said that we should drop the plan, but it doesn't mean I meant that. 'Seriously Rajat! You think that we should drop this?', I asked in an upset tone. 'No!', he said in a way that felt like he came back to his senses after being zoned out for a long time. 'It's not what you think. I was thinking that maybe blogging about your designs would help!', 'And who's gonna write those blogs? Do we have the money to hire a professional fashion blogger?', I said rolling my eyes at him. And I caught him smiling on that. Huh! 'What if... I do the blogs? Aanchal could be the model.' I looked at Aanchal only to find her staring at me in absolute horror. 'You create the designs. I'll do the photo shoot, and I will write blogs on them. What say?' I wasn't sure how much this would help, but I loved the idea. But what became a job for me and Rajat, was to convince Aanchal. I could understand where she was coming from. Her pictures as a model for anything could be an issue in her family. But we had ways to resolve that, and eventually, she came along.

So, the next day we started to work on our new plan, and I have to admit, Aanchal was just made for modeling. The way she carries each and every attire is, just flawless. If it was up to me, I would have made her quit her coaching and start modeling. But I know she would never agree to that. Even if she wanted to.

Rajat started blogging tagging all famous fashion bloggers, and doing everything as per the social media algorithms, though none of us knew how much this is going to help, we hoped for the best.

Surprisingly, it worked. The post came out with 700 likes,500 shares, and about 456 comments at the end of the day. The reach of the post showed 2500. We were happy at least it was working, and within a week we were all set and lined up with quite a good number of orders.

I didn't know how this miracle happened, but Rajat's blogs were reaching thousands of people. Our start-up was doing great, which was literally beyond our expectations. I know how hard it must have been for him. I mean, he has a full-time job. And managing that, along with a start-up, that doesn't even benefit him, was a lot to deal with. Aanchal's job was tiring too. The fact that she agreed to help me, without expecting anything in return, meant a lot. Had it not been for them, I would have been crying my eyes out. But these two people never left me alone to grieve for what happened a few weeks ago. What did I do to deserve these amazing people?

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