'Welcome back! Now it's time for the most eventful and spine-chilling moment of the day. But before going to that, I would like to thank our media partner Dawn Times, our beauty partner—', the host started announcing.
My heart started going up, while Aanchal stood by my side holding my hand firmly. Few minutes and my reality would change forever. Either for the better or for the worse. Well, not for the worse, I guess. Even if I don't get this today, this particular show, my presence at GFS would significantly affect Daffodils, and it's only going to be for the better.
'I have the results in my hand. But before announcing... who won the title of the "Best Designer"... I would like to call all our designers present today, on the stage.'
'All the best. You got this.' Aanchal whispered to me and I nodded, heading towards the stage. Everybody else made their way to the center of the stage and we all stood in a line. 'Your designs were amazing!' said Neha Duggal, the former creative head of Vintage Textiles turned aspiring designer. She stood right next to me. 'Thank you. It means a lot. And the same goes for you too.' I smiled at her.
'Time for the revelation ladies...' the anchor said to us. I crossed my fingers, taking one final deep breath, while she opened the envelope in her hands. She pulled out the card and eyed the name on it.
'Any guesses who could it be?', and the crowd started bustling among themselves. At this moment, my heart was beating so loud that I felt the pulse all around my neck and ears. I was mouthing chants constantly.
'All right! So, ladies and gentlemen...'
Oh my God!
'... please put your hands together...'
It's happening.
'...for the Best Designer of this year...'
This is it!
'Ms. Nityaa Aroraaa!' she yelled and my heart stopped.
I snapped my eyes open and looked around. Not knowing if I heard it right. I started searching for a familiar face. A familiar pair of eyes. To confirm that I was not imagining this. Muffled congratulations hit my ears, but I didn't, I couldn't respond.
It wasn't until I saw Rajat screaming and jumping 'Yes! Yes!' and found Aanchal's hands wrapped around me, congratulating me at the top of her lungs, I realized this has actually happened.
I won! I freaking won! I was the Best Designer. As soon as this hit me, I broke down. Weeping. Holding Aanchal for physical support, because I wasn't sure about my legs. My knees felt weak. My head buzzed from the roaring claps.
'You need to stand straight Nitya. It's show time babe!' Aanchal whispered in my ears. And I did as asked. She was right. It was, indeed, the showtime. The biggest show of my life. I wiped my cheeks and saw the judges approaching the stage.
All of them stood in front of me enveloping me in a semi-circle, and shared their blessings and wishes. Malini Chaubay tapped on my shoulders and said, 'Well deserved Nitya! I knew I didn't make a mistake exposing you to the world. Congratulations!' she smiled. I thanked her and wore the best smile I had in me.
The judges handed me a bouquet and slipped a sash that read "Best Designer 2023", followed by a memento and a contract that would allow me to closely work with the GFS for a whole year. If Universe stays in my favor, I would eventually become a member of the biggest institution in the fashion world.
Amidst all this celebration, my eyes met with Kriti who was glaring at me through the corner of her eyes. Her eyes had hatred and fear. Because by now she knew, what I said, I did. And this was an example of that very thing. Clearly, her stars had left her side, and they aren't going to show up for at least, another decade, now that I had won the title. Because I'm going to make sure, they don't.
'That's all for the day people. See you next year, for the very same reason, at this very same place. Until then, stay safe, happy, and healthy. This is Madhuri Khatri, signing off!' the anchor yelled and all of us left the stage slowly.
On returning to the green room, everybody congratulated me and said how proud they felt being a part of this. I thanked everybody and asked Ketan to clear the payments of our models. Slowly everybody started filtering out leaving Rajat, Aanchal, me, and Varun behind.
'Congrats Nitya. I knew this would happen when I saw you and your designs that day at that exhibition!' Varun said showing off his teeth. 'Thank you so much. It means a lot.'
'Somebody thank me too. I worked hard with her as well,' Aanchal whined. 'Sure you did!' Varun tucked her on his side giving a peck on her cheek, while she blushed. It was truly a sight. All of it felt surreal. I still wonder, how did I ever get so lucky? You worked hard. Don't forget that. A voice in me roared back at me to my question.
My gaze returned to Rajat who was already staring at me with a weird expression. 'What you looking at?', I asked grabbing his hand and pulling him near me. 'You.' He said, his face still expressionless. 'I know that. Care to tell why?', I asked wrapping my arms around his waist, such that the side of my face met his stomach.
He didn't speak for a few seconds, but then he tugged my arm up, asking me to stand up. I did and met his eyes. I almost missed it at first, but upon looking closely I found the corners of his eyes filled with water. 'Are you crying?', I whispered, my smile turning upside down.
He shook his head like a 4-year-old, while I held his face with both of my hands, grazing my thumbs across his cheekbones. 'Aww... come here!' I said and wrapped my arms around his neck, while my throat started feeling sore and my eyes threatened to break the dam anytime.
'I am so happy to see you happy. I love you,' he mumbled near my ear. 'I love you too,' I said, climbing down his neck to give him a kiss, and then shuffling back up to his neck.
'Yo lovebirds!' I rolled my eyes before looking at her. 'Why you guys are always so clingy?', I frowned at her question. 'You're one to talk,' Rajat said from my side while wiping the corners of his eyes.
'You kno—', 'Okayy! Let's not fight today. Tell them what were you thinking,' Varun intervened and Aanchal huffed. 'Fine! What do you think about going home and celebrating... you know the way we had decided earlier?', she smiled bobbing her brows at us.
Rajat looked at me with an affectionate smile and I did the same. 'We could do that!' I replied, resting my head on his chest. Aanchal clapped her hands and stepped beside me. 'All right, let me drop you guys then!' Varun chirped.
'Oh no! Don't just drop us. Join us, please.' I smiled at him. 'No, I don't thin—', 'See Varun, you're dating Aanchal, and she is my family.' Aanchal laced her hand around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. 'So now, you're family too.' I said before he could complete it.
'You should come. It would be nice to have somebody who understands anything besides Pinterest and Instagram.' Rajat stepped towards him, placing his hand on Varun's shoulder. His comment earned him squinted looks from both me and Aanchal, while Varun just grinned. 'Well, what can I say then? Count me in.'
'Ma'am!' Ketan called from the door. I went to him. 'Ma'am, all payments have been made. Is there anything else I need to do?', I beamed a smile at him. 'No Ketan. You don't have to do anything else. Thank you for being there with me always. Without you and everybody else, this day wouldn't have come.' He didn't say anything, just kept blushing and smiling.
'Go take a vacation or something. I'll manage for a few days.' He opened his mouth to say something but I didn't let him. 'I insist. Take a break. Also, inform our tailor Kakas that we have won.' 'I already did that. They asked me to convey their blessings to you.' He spoke. 'Sure you did! I forgot that you were my best employee.'
'Nitya, let's go!' Rajat came from behind. 'Hi, Ketan. You didn't go home?', Rajat asked Ketan. 'Hello, Sir. I'm leaving now.' Ketan smiled at him.
'Yeah, okay.' I returned my attention to Ketan. 'All right then. See you next week.'
'A week?', he squeaked. 'Yeah. A week. Now go. Don't you dare come before next week.' He nodded, thanking me before leaving.
After coming from the festival, we all passed out on the floor of our living room. Somebody's phone ranged which worked as an alarm for all of us. The sun was long gone when we woke up.
We decide to do our little celebration at Rajat's place. It has been a while since we visited his place. After he moved in, we started using his place to keep stuff for Daffodils. Occasionally we went there, whenever we wanted to be left alone. Just the two of us.
So today seemed nice to use his place to celebrate our victory. Everybody freshened up in an hour and a half and put on the comfiest clothes we had in our closet.
Since Varun didn't get a chance to bring any change with him, Rajat helped him find something. Aanchal ordered two large pizzas at Rajat's address, while I picked up a bottle of red wine from the fridge. Within the next 15 minutes, we were on our way to his place.
The moment we reached; our pizza delivery man parked his bike, next to Varun's Chevrolet. Aanchal took the pizzas while Rajat unlocked the door.
We entered giggling at something Varun had said and placed the contents of our hands on the table. His place was prettier than ours, and I was yet to know why he considered ours the better one.
'Wait here, I'll come in a minute,' he said and went upstairs. Yes. Exactly. His place was a two-storied building which he had completely to himself. Wooden furniture and vintage lights lit up the dining area. Plush couches decorated the living room.
There was a balcony upstairs which was as big as my bedroom, perfect for hosting small get-togethers like this. Not being here enough almost made me forget how magnificent his place was. 'Where did he go?', Varun asked just at the moment Rajat yelled from above, 'Come up guys!'
We jump-ran the staircase and I almost tripped at the view. Fairy lights lit up the balcony. He had gotten the potted plants that I have been nagging him to buy, God knows when which now decorated the corner of his balcony.
Right at the center, a beautiful floor seating arrangement was set up. 'Wow! This is... so cute,' Aanchal chirped snuggling closer to Varun. 'You have quite a place up here I see,' Varun said eyeing everything. 'Yeah, but he thinks our 2BHK apartment is nicer than this. What can you say?', I shrugged which earned me an eye roll from Rajat.
'We can discuss all the nice places while we ate. Now, shall we?', Rajat motioned his hand towards the balcony. 'Hell yeah!' Aanchal nodded and went downstairs to bring the food and wine up and I accompanied her to grab wine glasses from the kitchen.
We all sat and the next few hours flew by like 10 minutes, laughing, eating, and drinking. It was almost midnight when I went near the railing of the balcony and rested the arm that was holding the wine glass.
Rajat had gone downstairs to check the doors, in case we pass out unintentionally. The midnight breeze brushed my face, sending shivers through my body. Varun and Aanchal were bickering over the last slice of pizza when Rajat came into view.
I sipped from my glass while he came and leaned on the railing beside me. 10 months ago, on a very similar night, under very similar circumstances, Rajat and I had finally brought ourselves to put labels on each other, and since then my life has been merrier than ever. There were hurdles, but knowing I had him beside me gave me a lot of strength.
Tonight didn't feel much different. This would be a nice setting to get engaged. I smiled at the thought. 'Noted!' Rajat spoke from my side and I jerked up. Shit. Did I say that out loud? 'I didn't—', I stopped. I didn't know what to say. It was no secret to him. So, I just left it at that and sighed.
I looked over my shoulder only to find Aanchal curled up on Varun's chest, while he hugged her with both of his hands, on the verge of dozing off. 'It's good that your balcony has a roof. It's a nice place. Why don't you like it again?', I asked in a voice low enough that it was only audible to him.
He didn't answer. A couple of minutes passed and he didn't speak, so I assumed he was more invested in enjoying the view and tilted up my glass to finish the remnants. 'It doesn't have you.' He spoke.
I shot him a confused look which he understood very well. 'You asked me why I don't think my place is nice. It's because it doesn't have you.'
'But you can have me here. That's the whole point of living together, right?'
'I know.' He nodded. 'It's just not the right time yet.'
I was confused about what he meant but I didn't question him. 'You'll live here as the woman of this house.' My breath hitched. 'Nothing less. So until that happens, my place is as nice as a studio apartment,' he looked at me.
Blood rushed to my cheeks and my skin felt like on fire. What did he just say? As the woman of this house? Is he thinking about—, don't go there!
'Look at you, you cute little tomato.' He tugged at my waist grinning, which only warmed up my body temperature even higher but I didn't say anything. I couldn't. 'You know it's gonna happen one day.' He slowly turned me towards him so that I was facing him now. 'And trust me, that would be the best day of your life. I'll make sure of it.'
His eyes darkened. He was close. So close that his breath fell on my chin. 'I know. I trust you.' He leaned in, such that our foreheads met and we closed our eyes. I ran my fingers on his hand that was holding my face. 'You are the best thing that has ever happened to me,' I whispered. 'You're the best thing that has happened to me,' he emphasized on me, repeating my words before gently placing his mouth on mine. Soft and tender, yet desperate and claiming.
'I love you, Nitya. Always, forever.' He breathed the words into my mouth. My eyes felt misty while the thing in my ribcage swelled to the point that it started aching. 'I love you, Rajat. Always, forever.'
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