KicktheAriel pt. 2

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As everyone sat on the couches all cuddled up, I sat next to Ariel, a little too awkwardly. I so needed to get this done and over with. I mean, I liked her. I liked her a lot. She was funny, and geeky, and so beautiful. We liked so many of the same things, and I just can't let her go. That first day I met her, I walked into the coffee shop and there she was. Hair draped messily over one of her shoulders, her glasses sitting on the table beside her, and she was drawing. She was so concentrated, and passionate, and beautiful. I felt myself drawn to her, compelled to sit near her, introduce myself, and get to know her. I didn't know that about a week later I'd be sitting in her flat contemplating on how to ask her out.

I sighed and yawned. "It's getting a little late guys. We staying here or heading back?"

The other boys all looked at each other, then at me like I was crazy.

"Here obviously." Dan spoke, nudging Katie. They didn't even have to bother to ask. They just knew we could stay.

I looked around at everyone. They looked so happy together, all lost in each other's eyes. Or faces if you were Katie and Dan. I wish I could have that with Ariel. Looking deep into her eyes, and getting lost in those bright blue skies. Speaking of Ariel, I looked down at her, and she was scrolling lazily on her phone through Facebook. She didn't even seem to notice there was a world happening around her. I loved it. She had a bit of hair that fell in her line of sight, but she made no effort to move it, almost like it wasn't even there. I so desperately wanted to move it, but what if she thought it was weird? Oh fuck it. I don't care. As I raised my hand to move it Becca spoke up jumping me out of my thoughts, and abruptly putting my hand back down.

"I think I'm going to turn in for the night. I'm so tired." She yawned leaning her head against Phil, who was practically glowing with happiness.

"Yeah, me too." Katie stood and stretched, grabbing Dan's hand and lifting him off the couch. "Night everyone!" She called as she walked down the hall. Erin and Becca grabbing their respective partners and following suit.

That means it was left with just me and her.

Oh my gosh, I was freaking out inside. How could my friends do this to me? All go to bed, and leave me on the couch with Pj? I even saw Erin shoot me a wink before heading back to her room. I so desperately want to be with him, but I don't even think he wants to be with me.

"So, the couch fine for you?" I asked. Stupid! Stupid! Why don't I ask him to my room? He hasn't even been in it yet, because every time they spend the night, he stays on the couch.

"Uh, yeah, sure." He shoots me a small smile. Did he seem disappointed?

"Want me to bring you some pillows or anything?" The least I could do, since I was stupid and wouldn't even share my bed.

"No that's alright you go ahead and go to bed. I can tell you are super tired. I'll be fine."

I stood up and stretched like Katie. If only I could grab the man of my dreams and drag him to my room like Katie, too. I sighed heavily. Oh well.

"Night Peej." I said while heading back to my room.

"Night" I heard him faintly respond as I closed the door.

I immediately got into my pajamas and laid on my bed. I was hoping that the moment my head hit the pillow I would fall asleep. Obviously that wasn't the case. I got up and grabbed my DS, I'd just play animal crossing for a bit, maybe make me sleepy and get my mind off Pj.

I yawned. My town seemed to be doing fine now, so I turned off my DS and checked the time.
"Holy shit!" I whisper-yelled. I had been playing that stupid game for almost three hours. It was about one in the morning, and I still couldn't sleep.

I sighed in exasperation and decided maybe I'd just take some pillows and blankets out to Peej, and hope he was asleep. I sat up and just grabbed my pillows, and my blanket off my bed. I wouldn't be using them anyway. Then I tiptoed to my door, and slowly opened it. I felt like a kid on Christmas Day, trying to see their presents under the tree without waking their parents. As I slowly made it down the hall, I finally looked at the couch and noticed Pj was awake and sitting on his phone. I sighed and contemplated turning around, but right as I did I stepped on a squeaky part of the floor.

I saw Pj jumped and quickly turn in my direction.
"Can't sleep, huh?" I said with a small smile, as I tried to stop the heat rising to my cheeks.

He shook his head. His curls moving ever so slightly. God I just wanted to run my hand through them. "You either?" I jumped slightly at his voice.

"Nah, I was going to bring you some pillows and blankets, but now it seems you don't need them." I moved toward him and sat on the couch, as we both sat there in a very awkward silence. I so badly wanted to ask him if he meant what he said. Maybe he doesn't want to be with me. That'd suck. So much. I sigh sadly, then sit up abruptly. I didn't mean to actual do that. I hope he didn't hear me, and then start asking what's wrong.

"Ariel?" He asks, kind of timidly. I was scared to look at him but I did anyway. He looked, kind of nervous? Maybe. I'm not sure, but it was so different than the Pj I was used to.

I cleared my throat, and my thoughts. "Uh, yeah?"

He placed his hand just above my knee, and I could feel just a burst of heat radiate through my body from that one spot. "I wanted to talk to you about what was on my mind, and I don't want a response until I'm done, so then I don't get sidetracked, okay?"

I just nodded not knowing if I was supposed to speak or not.

"Okay good." He took his hand off my knee and all the warmth was gone the moment it left. "When I walked into that café for the first time and saw you there. I almost didn't approach you. But, I just had to. You just compelled me so much that I was walking before I even knew what was happening. I sat down, and just watched you. You were so beautiful, and so concentrated."

My eyes grew wide and my cheeks grew red, but I kept my mouth shut like I had promised.

"When we left, and I held your hand, I couldn't help but feel a spark, a warmth, like this is where I was meant to be." He paused and looked me straight in the eye with such intensity, I could just feel myself falling apart before him. "And when we were all walking back from Phil's thing with Rebecca. I couldn't help but feel so jealous that they all had what they wanted, but I didn't. And when they said it was our turn, I didn't want to push you into anything. That's why I said what I did. That maybe we didn't want to be together. But it was a lie. I do, I want to be with you, and I don't know how to ask you, and for the first time in my life, I really can't think. I can't think what to do for you because I wanted it to be so creative, and absolutely perfect, and I just didn't know what to do." He put his head down. I glanced at his fists that were now balled up angrily. I knew I couldn't talk, but I do this. I grabbed one of his hands and relaxed the fist, and just simply held it in mine. I could already see him relaxing at my touch. He turned back to look at me and smiled slightly. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I can't wait any longer. I can't wait for the perfect idea to pop into my head. I want you to be mine now. So Ariel." He paused and used his free hand to tilt my face up towards him. "I was looking for someone to share in an adventure. Would you be my player two?"

"Hey, sleepy heads. Wake up." I heard a voice pulling me from my sleep. Oh no. Sleep. Was it a dream? Did I seriously just dream the Pj asking me out in the cutest way possible? I was so happy it happened then it turns out to be a dream?

I open my eyes, only to be absolutely blinded by an extremely bright light. There is no way this is my room. Wait, if I'm not in my room does that mean...

I then suddenly felt arms around me and noticed I was sleeping on the couch, sleeping on the couch wrapped in the arms of MY NEW BOYFRIEND.

I then sat up really fast, a blush instantly flaring over my nose, making me look like Rudolph. I looked around at the people all standing in front of us, smiling happily.

"I knew it'd happen eventually." Chris spoke breaking up the weird staring fest, and sat on the couch where my feet just were.

"Our little Peej, all grown up." Dan ruffled his hair with a laugh.

"And out little Ariel." Katie reached over and did the same.

Pj sat up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me impossibly close. "Grown up Peej, is also a very happy Peej." And with that he kissed the top of my head.

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