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I smiled when I stepped out of the plane and onto an entirely different world. I joined two of my firends as we started walking in to the airport smiles plastered onto our faces. 

"Wait, where's Erin?" Ariel asked. 

We all stopped and turned around "Erin!" Katie yelled out to our blonde friend who was still standing by the plane. She turned and looked to us, running to catch up. Together we all entered the airport.

"So guys, what should we do first? I think we should just wander for a bit, get used to everything." Katie spoke up, ruining the excited peace we had. 

"We can map out what we want to do after we go to our new apartment, or should I say 'flat'?" Ariel saying flat made us all giggle, we giggled as we made our way through the cold airport. I shivered as we stopped at the baggage claim.

I pulled a sweater on. "Hey guys! I think we should go to a duck pond and feed the ducks!" I had a small hop in my step, because I think that'd be so much fun! Feeding little ducks, in a different country.

"I am thinking of going to a Zoo actually. I heard they have this really cool zoo here in London, it's like the world's oldest scientific zoo, or something." Erin said, looking away. There is no way Erin is actually interested in the fact that it was the oldest zoo, she just wanted to meet some hot guy, who liked animals. Kind of her dream, to be with a super hot guy. In my opinion, I don't really care, I would rather live alone with fifty cats, but if I meet a nice guy, maybe, just maybe, something could happen. 

Ariel hailed a cab and we all piled in slightly smooshed. She gave him our new address and turned to us with a smile. "I really think we should go visit an arcade, those are lots of fun!" That does kind of sound like fun, playing some arcade games. But I really wanna feed duckies rather than play games!

"I kind of want to go on the tube." When Katie said it, she kind of stretched out the 'u' in tube causing us all to dissolve into fits of laughter, but once our laughter begun it didn't stop. We only laughed harder once Erin started tearing up. We were still laughing even as we scarmbled out of the cab, and gathered out things from the back. We somehow managed to calm ourselves before we stepped into our new apartment building. 

We all walked towards the elevator to go up to the 34th floor. I kind of wanted to take the stairs just to  see if I could do it, but I decided not today. 

I pushed the button for the 34th floor becaus I was the closest, and all of us girl looked at eachother with such excitment, as the elevator started up. 

Once it stopped and made a little 'ding' to let us know we were on our floor, we waited rather impatiently for he door to open. When it opened we all ran down the hall to our new apartment. 

Katie shoved the key into the hole and unlocked the door, pushing it open. We all stood in the hallway amazed. It was plain, but a good kind of plain. I liked it, it was sexy.

"I call this room!" Ariel yelled as she ran into the bedroom at the very back of the hall. We all took that as an initiative to run to the rooms we all wanted. 

It ended up being Ariel at the very end of the hall, Katie's door was on the left of hers, Erin's was on the right, and mine next to Erin's. 

"I think I am going to explore before I unpack. I really want to got to that zoo."  Erin said as she pulled a brush through her blond hair, no doubt prepping herself for a hot guy. 

"You know, that is a great idea, and we even managed to get here at eleven o'clock, so we have all day!" Katie said as she walked out of her room, leading into the living room. Erin followed her with Ariel and I hot on her tail.

"Why don't we all go to the places we want to go and meet back up here at dinner time, and find somewhere to eat?" Ariel said as I pulled my shoes on super excited to go feed ducks. I was going to feed British ducks! I wonder if their quacks had an accent?

"Sure! Sounds like a plan! See you guys later!" Erin yelled as she grabbed her things and ran out of the house. I decided to follow her example. 

"Yeah, I'll be back soon, too!" I grabbed my things, a bag of bread, and headed out the door. I skipped around looking for a small park, oddly enough there was one a few blocks away from our apartment, I saw it on our way in, in the cab. 

I skipped all the way, not caring about the cold weather that nipped at m cheeks and nose. Once I made it, I saw duckies right away, little yellow ducks following their mommy. They were so cute. I sat on the edge of the pond throwing bits of bread to them, they quacked happily, eating the bread and sharing with eachother. 

After a while the few people who had previously been at the park had disappered, so it was just me happily feeding ducks. 

"Uh oh, little duckies, I am all out of bread." I sighed as I looked into the bag, I had somehow feed them all the bread without realising it. The girls were gonna kill me, I don't even have any money on me, either! 

I hadn't realised the ducks approaching me, because I was so lost in my thoughts. 

"QUACK!" I looked up and saw a small angry herd of ducks coming towards me very fast. 

I jumped up and ran away from them, but they were gaining quickly, I made the mistake of turning my head to see how close they were. I felt my head hit something hard, and I fell to the ground and landed on my butt. I looked back at the ducks and saw them stop moving, turn around, and go back to the pond. I turned back to see my savior, and saw a tall, pale boy, with the brightest blue eyes I have ever saw. He had black hair that was cut into a different kind of style, but on him it looked perfect. He looked perfect. 

I gasped slightly, I knew him, that was AmazingPhil! That guy from Youtube.  

He stuck his hand out to me and smiled brightly. "Need a hand?" 

I nodded and grabbed his hand allowing him to hoist me up. "Thanks."

He gasped, and his smile got wider. "You're American!" He exclaimed with a very excited and cute expression. 

I giggled at how excited he was. "Well, yeah I am pretty sure!"

He stuck his hand out to shake, "I'm Phil." 

I nodded and grabbed his hand for the second time, shaking it slightly. "I know, I'm Becca." 

He gave me a questioning glance that seemed to ask how I knew who he was. 

"Oh, uh, Youtube.  A friend of mine showed me your videos, they are funny." I smiled dropping his hand. 

"Thanks." His eyes travelled down to the empty bag in my hand. "All out of bread, are you?"

I looked down "Yeah, and my friends are going to kill me because this is the only bread we had a our apartment. And I don't have any money with me to buy more." 

Phil put his thumb and fore finger on my chin forcing me to look at him. "Hey, how about I take you to a shop, and get you more bread? My treat?" 

I smiled lightly. "Oh, no I couldn't trouble you to do that!" 

Phil smiled back "Oh, no, I am going to." He grabbed my hand and dragged me off, out of the park and through the busy streets. I was feeling slightly bold at the moment, so I intertwined our fingers. I felt Phil give my hand a small squeeze when I did so. 

"Here is a good shop!" He exclaimed as he pulled me into a shop I didn't recognize. He pulled me straight to the bread isle and grabbed a couple loaves of bread. He held both loaves with one hand and continued to hold my hand. 

After we payed he offered to walk me home. "So, Phil, what is your favorite animal?" I decided to question him and get to know him more. 

"Lion! What about yours?" He was so excited about lions, I should have known that from his videos. 

"Hmm, probably horses. When I was a kid I had a couple of them. I loved them a whole lot, but I really like a lot of animals, like cats!" 

Phil slowed our walking down and turned to look at me with a smile on his face, he had a small glint in his eye. "You know it's real cute, when you get all excited like that."

I just stared at him with awe. He just called me cute. A boy had called me cute. 

"Sorry, that was a little uncalled for." He blushed and dropped our hands continuing to walk away. 

I stood there watching him before I came to my senses, I rand up to him and intertwined our fingers again. "It's okay, you know you are cute when you are embaressed."

He chuckled soflty, and stopped in front of my apartment building. "I am guessing this is the place?" His chuckle was so deep, and cute, and amazing. I think I was falling for someone. Me, a person people always thought was asexual, was falling for someone. 

"Uh, yeah, want to maybe come up and help unpack, or something?" I asked, really hoping he would stay longer.

"Sure!" He pulled me inside and to the elevator, allowing me to push the button to the 34th floor, we started our slow desent. 

I was feeling awfully bold, again, so I dropped our hands, and wrapped my arms around his torso. "Thanks." I mumbled into his chest. 

I could feel him tighten up at first, but then he relaxed and wrapped his arms around me. "No problem, you need bread anyway!" He laughed and I could hear it rumble through his chest. 

When the doors opened, We pulled apart and made our way to my apartment, hand in hand. 

I opened the doors and walked inside, hearing two voices come from down the hall, one sounded male, though. 

"I'm home!" I yelled and took the bread from Phil setting it on the counter and headed into the back to see Erin's door closed. The voices radiating from inside. She had seemed to manage to make a new friend too!

"Erin, It's Becca, I am going to be in my room, and don't be alarmed, I have someone with me." I yelled through the door, only to hear her yell a faint 'okay'. 

I pulled Phil into my room and closed the door.

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