How this will work

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1. Your one shots will be published here as a separate chapter each that will be dedicated to the author.

2. You can send us and we will publish as many stories as you want but they won't all be published at once.

3. Each round has no time deadline but rather a number deadline. We will keep publishing until we get 6 stories and then they will be up for a vote. Then the count will start again with a fresh batch of stories.

4. You can have up to two stories per batch but they have to be independent from each other.

5. During the contest, the members of the club will be voting and even the general readers. You can't vote for yourself.

6. Whoever wins, will get 6 votes on a book of their choosing from the members of the club. It can be any book you wrote even if it's not part of the Fangs and Claws Book Club.

To see the criteria of the stories you can write, check the previous chapter.

Send one of us a PM when your work is completed, revised and you are confident about your work.

Okay guys, happy and scary writing to you all.

Abbey and Alicia.

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