Staying Behind

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After the 'now daily' get together, we started back to the lodge, however, I made some poor excuse that was:
"Toilet, I ne- huh. I need the- uhhh. I need the toilet."
"What? Why don't you just go when we get back to the lodge? And why where you failing at sentences so much?" Ranta continued, "is it because you can't stand up to the Lord Ranta?!"
"I, uhh, I need to go now!" I said, surmisingly I didn't comeback at him after his snide remark.
I ran back into the tavern, not looking very much like I needed the toilet, but rather a bulky-esque man was standing behind him, glaring at me because I owe him money. That of course wasn't the case, but I'm sure I made Yume angry somehow. I may or may not like this, it's unknown at the moment though.

I waited about 10 minutes before I decidedly gave up and left Sherry's, though I would like to know what Yume wanted to talk about, it seems like she isn't coming. I've spent quite a bit of silvers on drinks as well, while waiting for her. What is she doing? Why isn't she here? Is she not appearing on purpose? Whatever the answers were, I'm sure they weren't in my favour.
It was only when I got of my ass and started walking back when I thought about 'that time we hugged. It probably wasn't special or anything for her, but it was like the first time I'd hugged a girl like that. Sure, it was in exceptional circumstances, but the feeling lingered. It was also then that made me remember that one time Master Barbara got me thinking about girls. Yes. In that way.
Mary. An elegant and definitely beautiful woman, probably the oldest person in the party. Her 'Icy Queen' aura gives off a feeling of asocial behaviour, but she's opening up to us.
Shihoru. Quiet and shy. I don't talk to her much, but as a leader, I need to bring the group together. Obviously, I'm trying to avoid the elephant in the room, and u don't like thinking perversely, but Shihoru has DEFINITELY the largest breasts. Please don't think less of me... Haha, guess I can't help it.
And finally Yume. She had... Better than average looks. She is a bit of an airhead but that actually adds to her cuteness. She doesn't really have any special traits, but I have this weird compelling force that literally makes me look at her. Makes me think of her. Makes me, like her? I really don't know if I 'like' like her, but I feel a strange attraction to her.
It was only after all that thought and walking through the door, I realised Yume was just coming in.
"Oh- h-hi!" Real smooth Haru, real smooth...
"H-hello." She responded.

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