4 Khushi

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Part 4 Khushi...

The doctor who got horrified hearing Arnav's statement called Arnav but Arnav was not set to waste his time, hearing the doctor's useless advice because he was already determined what has to be done. He locked the doctor's room door and left the hospital. The doctor banged on the door and someone opened it. Before the doctor ordered the hospital staff to catch Arnav, he left the hospital vicinity.

Arnav rode the car casually. He was well prepared to complete the mission. HP has already kept his clothes in the car. Though Arnav could get some clothes in Lucknow he was so mean about his dressings. He didn't think that he will get a good tailor to stitch his suits soon. He bought two bags to arrange his clothes before coming to the hospital because he knew he won't get time for purchase after meeting the doctor. He had two packets of cheese sandwiches to eat while traveling to Lucknow.

The BMW SUV of Arnav was streaming towards Lucknow. Arnav just bought the car with his credit card because he knew all the Raizada cars have a tracking device in them. And he also bought a SATELLITE phone that no one can trace. He bought it through an agent who came to AR to sell the phone two years ago when he was fit and fine. At that time, he didn't have an interest in the phone.

He already dropped enough money for his expenses for the upcoming days.

Arnav always likes LONG drives. And now, he was driving for the purpose that he liked the most. He is driving for the girl, who is looking like Divya... sent by Divya for him...

In the meanwhile,

The doctor called Shyam and told him about the matter.

*Tell me, Doctor. What Arnav said...*

*He is in the full swing to get the girl*


*Didn't he meet her in the Darga?*


*Yes, she resembles Divya...*


*Yes... he said he will kill her husband if she is married...*


*That one stance is enough for us to understand how intensive he is...*

*What can we do when he comes back home, doctor?*

*I don't think he will come home...*

*You mean...?*

*Yes, he must be going to Lucknow to meet the girl*

*He doesn't know who she is... where she is...*

*He will find... he will definitely find her*

*Ok, Doctor... I will go to Lucknow...*

*what will you do going there? Do you think you can get him in your control?*

Shyam was silent.

*He may get aggressive if anything comes his way... try to understand his condition... he won't mind doing anything... anything means anything...*

*What do you want us to do doctor?*

*Handle him carefully... he is just like a glass... if the glass gets broken down, not only the glass crumble but also the opposite person will get wounded...*

*Yes, doctor...* Shyam gulped down.

*Don't forget we could never take him under our control... he became dangerous...*

*Ok doctor...*

Shyam disconnected the call all frustrated.

*What happened, Shyamji?*

Shyam told them everything and they became worried.

*We do need to worry. Sale Sahib couldn't stay uncaught for long because our cars have a tracking device.* Shyam said.

Anjali sighed in relief... unaware of the truth. Shyam called Aman.

*Yes, Jeejaji... how is your Sale, Sahib?* Aman asked.

*I don't know* Shay said disappointedly.

*What happened? You sound worried...?*

Shyam once again explained the issue.

*Oh... God...*

*Track his phone number and his car*




Aman disconnected the call and called a person who could track the car and Arnav's phone number. He got the shocking news. His car and his mobile signals pointed to the hospital where Arnav had been admitted for two years. Aman was confused. He called Shyam and told him about the signals.

*What does that mean?*

*ASR should have left the car and his phone in the hospital* Aman sighed.

*Then how he would have gone to Lucknow?*

*Did ASR says, that he is going to Lucknow? It is only the doctor's perception, right?*

*But Sale Sahib's statement matches his perception...*

*Ok... do you want me to go to Lucknow?*

*Could you...?*

*For ASR...*

*Thank you, Aman. I will ask Akash and NK to take care of AR*

*I know Jeejaji... I'm going to Lucknow*

*OK... update me every so often*


Disconnecting the call, Aman tapped his forehead with the mobile.

*Where are you ASR?* Aman sighed.


Arnav saw the board LUCKNOW 1 kilometer. His lips spilled a slight smile... he is just a kilometer away from HER. He stopped the car in front of a FIVE STAR HOTEL which he found through the internet before coming to Lucknow. He fell on the bed not to get sleep but to take rest. He had two works to be done the next day. He has to go to the same lane, the next day morning. If he would not find her there, then he will go to the Darga in the evening. However, she will be found in those places if he goes there at the same time she came the other days... he believed.

The next morning

Arnav woke up, hearing the alarm sound. He jumped off the bed and got ready quickly. He went to a particular lane, at a particular time, and waited, sitting in the car.

Time passed... but the girl didn't come to the place. Arnav leaned on the seat disappointedly. What if she doesn't come to the Darga in the evening? What will he do if she doesn't come? Where will he find her? He drove the car off the place. He came to the hotel room and was looking at the clock again and again.

Arnav was ready to go to the Darga because he wanted to go there much earlier than the time she came the other day. He reached the Darga and waited for her.

The time came... but she didn't come. Arnav's frustration was rising a little by little. He wants her but how could he get her if he could not find her...? He was scared for the first time...

That's when an auto came there and the same girl got down from the auto with a bag in her hand. Arnav felt something erotic in his heart that was very new to him.

She went to the nearby sweet shop. Arnav got off the car and went towards the same shop. She handed the bag to the man in the shop. Staying a little aloof from the shop, he observed her.

*Thank you, KHUSHI Beti...* the man took the bag from her hand.

Arnav got to know that her name is KHUSHI...who is going to be the KHUSHI (Happiness) of his life.

*What sweets do you want tomorrow?* Khushi asked.

Arnav gulped down hearing her voice. He was sure that she is the one who he has been waiting for because he never felt these kinds of feelings.

*Tomorrow is also the same...* The man said.

*Ok, Amir Bhai...* she went to the next shop to deliver the sweets. It seems, she had massive customers for her sweets in the Darga vicinity.

Amir removed the boxes from the bag given by Khushi and arranged them on the shelf. Arnav understood that she supplies sweets to the shops in the Durga.

*Give me half a kilo sweet...* Arnav asked, pointing at the sweet Khushi provided.

Amir measured the sweet and gave it to Arnav. Arnav tasted the sweet, taking a little bit from the box.

*Can I get this sweet for ten kilos?* he intentionally asked knowing that there were not that many sweets in the shop.

*I have only three kilos, Sir, but you can get it from Khushi who supplies them for me*

They saw Khushi leaving the place by auto. Amir saw that

*Arrey... she left...*

*Could you give me the address?* Arnav asked.


*Who makes the sweets?* Arnav asked.

*She makes...* Amir said while removing a paper.

*Oh... won't her parents and family members help her?*

*She has no one, Sir. Her father, Shashi Gupta started the business. He had a very good name in the market. Her father and mother died in an accident one year ago. She was shattered at that time. We met with a huge loss then as we didn't get many sweets. As we requested her to start it again, she started doing her father's job... for us... A very good girl she is... Don't know why God always tests good people.

Arnav nodded his head affirmatively.

*So, she has no one... no problem. I'm here for her...* Arnav thought inwardly.

Amir wrote the address while instructing Arnav about the way to Khushi's house. Arnav caught the important landmarks on the way to Khushi's house. Amir gave the address with her phone number.

*Thank you...* Arnav said to Amir.

Amir nodded ok. Arnav came to the car and sat in it. Arnav smirked seeing the address in the chit.

*KHUSHIIIIII* he uttered her name, closing his eyes.

*I'm coming...* He started the car.

To be continued...

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