Kylie's POV
"Kylie are you sure you don't want to come," Michael asked.
"Yeah I'm sure. You guys go feed and I'll catch up with you later at the boardwalk maybe," I said.
I was nervously walking back-and-forth in the cave. Everyone else was at the cave entrance getting ready to go feed and head to the boardwalk.
"You know what we will stay here also so she isn't alone," Sam said as he referred to himself and the Frog brothers.
"We can stay too if y'all don't want to go to the boardwalk," David said.
"No you all need to feed just bring us back some blood," Edgar said.
David gave me one last look before nodding, "Alright let's go everyone." He then walked out of the cave and everyone else followed behind him after giving us one last glances.
We soon heard their motorcycles start up and then take off. Once we can no longer hear the roaring of the engines Edgar turned and looked at me, "Kylie what is going on?"
I chewed on my bottom lip and looked at Sam. He nodded at me reassure me that everything was gonna be okay. I took a deep breath before facing the Frog brothers.
"I don't think David is the head vampire. I think it is Max," I said.
They both stood there for a minute taking in what I had said. "I KNEW IT! I can tell if someone is a bloodsucker. I am after all a vampire hunter," Edgar said proudly.
"You do realize you are a vampire now right?" I asked.
"Yes but I am half vampire," he explained.
"So this is why you've been acting weird Kylie," Alan said.
"Yes. We can become human again. All we have to do is kill Max.." I said.
"But?" Alan said.
I nervously chewed on my bottom lip, "What if I don't want to be human again? I mean what happens when we kill Max if that is what we plan to do. We will become human again while everybody else stays a vampire. I mean I already think of all of us as family, and I don't want to lose my family again."
"But Kylie it was forced on us to become vampires. We really didn't have a choice in the matter," Edgar explained.
"So what?! Can you possibly say becoming a vampire is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?!" I yelled. "I mean look at everything they have done for us. They have treated us nothing but like family. They have loved us and took time to show us how to do things. They even protected us as we have protected them," I said.
They all stood there and thought a minute about what I had said. "She is right," Alan said. "Edgar for the first time in our life we have someone who looks out for us. We weren't having to do it by ourselves."
Edgar jut nodded his head too lost in thoughts to even talk. "And Sam even though you have Michael they have also protected you. They also taught you how to dress," Alan said while chuckling a little.
"That is true and the night Kylie was kidnapped they wanted us to be safe. They didn't want us to get hurt either," Sam said.
"But why?" Edgar said as we all looked at him. "Why protect us? Why lie to us that Max is the actual head vampire? Why do all this? What is the point?"
"The point is that you all are family now and we want to protect you, and if killing Max is what you want to do then we will do it." We turned around to the face of the entrance of the cave to see David and the others all standing behind him. "And Kylie if you don't want Lucy to become a vampire then so be it," David explained. "But we do this together as a family. Is that understood?"
I smiled and we all looked at each other nodding our heads. I then looked back at David and the others, "Together," I said.
Third Person's POV
"There it is," Thomas said as he looked at the big sign welcoming everyone to Santa Carla.
"Finally," Jack said as he stretched in passenger seat the best he could. He rolled down the window and stuck his head out the window and looked at the back of the welcoming sign as Thomas drove the RV by. "Welcome to the murder capital of the world," he read out loud. "They need to add home of the bloodsuckers on there," Jack said as he stuck his head back in.
"So what is the plan boss man," Jack asked Thomas.
Thomas gave Jack a sideways glare. "Well since it's daytime none of the vampires will be out right now. So I think finding a place to stay and get some rest then we head to the boardwalk tonight. We will check out the video store and the comic bookstore. Maybe we will run into at least one of the bloodsuckers."
"And which vampire do you think is the head vampire?" Violet asked as she walked up to the front with Jack and Thomas. She leaned against the doorway, "I mean knowing you I think you have gave some thought on who is the head vampire."
Thomas smiled at Violet, "It is hard to hide anything from you, but yes I have thought about it. I believe it is the one we would least expect."
"And who is that?" Jack asked as he looked at all the photos that Dominic has sent.
Thomas grabbed one of the photos and the photo was of a man and a woman working in a video store. "How many vampires do you know that own a shop?" Thomas asked.
Jack looked at him confused, "none."
"Exactly," Thomas said. "That is exactly why I think Max is the head vampire. He has the perfect cover that no one would expect him to be the head vampire. Dominic had a bad feeling about him so I think we should investigate. Dominic had no reason to think he is a vampire but he did. So I say tonight we look into this Max guy."
So what do y'all think is going to happen next? It looks like everyone is going after Max. I wonder who will get the first and what will happen....
If you haven't read The Lost Family first go check it out!!
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Don't forget to follow me and check out my other stories, Never Die and Hunted :)
Until next time keep reading and bleeding
- QOB🩸
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