Kylie's POV
"Lucy this is something you need to really think about. I mean this is life changing," David explained.
"Thank you, David for your concern but I've already decided. Being with my family is the most important thing, and if that means becoming a vampire in order to stay with them then that's okay," she explained.
As I looked around the room I could tell everyone was conflicted on how I feel. It was like we were relieved that she accepted us and still loved us but on the other hand Lucy is too kind to become a killer.
"Mom you do understand that in order to survive you will have to kill. Take someone's life...." Michael explained.
"I know..," she said sadly "But I will only kill someone if they are bad. Like murderers and stuff like that," she said somewhat cheerfully.
"So what do I need to do now," she asked.
"Lucy you are serious? There is no turning back from it once you become a halfling," I said as I took her hand and looked her in the eye.
Before she could answer Edgar interrupted, "That's not necessarily true once she becomes a halfling all she will have to do is kill the head vampire in order for her to become human again."
Everyone in the room just looked at Edgar, "but that is not something we will allow you do. So you have to be 100% sure because we're not gonna let you kill David."
"So you're the head vampire," Lucy asked David. David broke eye contact with Lucy to look over at Max before nodding his head and looking back at Lucy and answering her, "Yes, I am the head vampire."
"Okay what do I need to do now?"
David then once again looked at Max who nodded his head slightly. "Tomorrow night I will bring a bottle for you to drink from. It contains vampire blood and once you drink it, you will become a halfling."
"Okay then sounds simple enough," she then looked around the room once more and if it was as if it first time she has seen Max since we arrived.
"Oh my gosh Max," she gasped. "I forgot you were still here."
She then looked over at David with panicked eyes, "what do we do? He knows about vampires now. Isn't this supposed to be a secret thing? I mean that is why you three didn't tell me right?" She asked as she looked at Michael, Sam and I.
"Yes, they were told to keep quiet about becoming vampires themselves. It is for not only their safety but also the safety of the pack. Now for Max...."
Before David could finish Max raised his hand, " I'm sorry to interrupt, but I think I have already made my decision." He then took Lucy's hand into his and said, "Lucy the moment I met you I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, but it seems now that it will be all of eternity."
"Oh Max," Lucy said before hugging him. I honestly didn't know whether to throw up or not and it seems Sam and the Frog brothers were leaning towards throwing up. Everyone else just turned their heads to look at something random in the room. After a minute they finally broke apart and the awkwardness died down a little bit but not much.
Max then cleared his throat, "umm sorry about that but is that okay with you David?" He asked as he looked up at him. "I mean I didn't really ask and you didn't have any intention of turning me. Did you?"
"No I didn't but it is either you returned or be killed since you have heard everything," David explained. "So you already choosing to become one just makes it easier to decide."
David and then nodded his head, "Okay tomorrow night will be back." David and then turned his head and looked outside, "It is getting late we need to head back to the cave. We will be back here tomorrow after sun down."
Everyone then stood up as it was time to go home. We didn't want to get caught out in the sunlight. Michael, Sam, and I walked over to Lucy to say goodbye for the night.
"We will meet you three outside," David said. As everyone followed him outside.
"David," I yelled. He stopped and turned to look at me. "Wait for me on the porch," I said.
He nodded his head before continuing outside. I then turned back to Lucy and hugged her. "Thank you," I whispered.
"For what," she asked.
"For not leaving me," I said. I then pulled away from the hug. "I will see you tomorrow night."
I turned to walk out the front door hearing Lucy say she will see me tomorrow night. I walked out the door and seen David waiting on the porch for me.
David turned out when he heard me walk out the door, " you needed me?"
"Max is the head vampire ain't he?" I asked and at first David was shocked. Then he pulled a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and lit it, "I never doubted how smart you are. To answer your question yes he is, but you can't tell the others."
Before I could respond Michael, Sam, and Max all walked out the door. "We will talk about this later," I told him.
"Everything okay?" Max asked.
"Yes sir. Are you leaving also?" I asked.
"Yes it is getting quite late," he said.
I did not like Max. He was lying to everyone. "Well we best be going," I said.
We then headed over to the bikes, and Max headed toward his car. Just as quickly as we took off we were back at the cave. Everyone hopped off the bikes and was heading toward the cave.
"Michael! Sam!" I yelled stopping both of them. Everyone stopped and looked at us, "It is okay. We will be down in a second. I need to talk to them for a second."
They all nodded their heads and continued down the stairs to the cave. Once I seen everyone was gone I looked at both of them before speaking, "Lucy can't become a vampire."
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Until next time keep reading and bleeding
- QOB🩸
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