chapter 14

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Its been three days since my first day of school and since i became Friends with Misty Ozwald and Cassandra Baxter. At first i was truthfully a little hesitant to be there friend what with thr chasing me and the interrogation but in all honesty i couldn't ask for better friends.

Cassandra while being girly and hyper was also extremely creative and artistic i mean when id gone over to her house for the first time there were paints and color pencils covering her desk as well as several very well done drawings for someone our age. some of the drawings were of objects others of people i even saw one of the statue of dad that was standing out side city hall. I also learnd that Cassy was the little sister of Dash Baxter. The same Dash Baxter that bullyed my father for most of his school life.

Now Misty was the daughter of our teacher ms. Ozwald. She wasnt girly which i liked. She was smart and had great detective skills. Which made me a little nervous that she could find out who i realy am.

At the moment we were on our way to the gym for PE.

"Oh come on Dani why cant we hang out at your place today?" says cassy.

"Because my aunt and uncle are working on something and they'd rather not have more kids my age running around the house." I say then smirk "besides you two just wanna fan girl over my Da-cousin" i say hopeing they didn't catch my slip up.

Misty gives me a weard look but doesnt say anything. "No we dont!" Says Cassy blushing slightly.

I laugh and walk in front of them and turn to walk backwards.

"Im just messing with you." i laugh.
Then i feel something hit my back and i find myself on the ground.

"Hey watch it loser." Says a girl. I look around and see a girl with expensive looking clothes and way to much makeup on.

She grts up and groans "Cassy, Misty." She says.

"Sabrina." Cassy and Misty say together annoyed.

The girl Sabrina looks at me "well well well this must be the new girl." She says looking at me like im some kind of freak.

"Oh yea names Dani Fenton." I smile and hold my hand out for a hand shake.

She ignores it and smiles the fakest smile id ever seen. "Oh realy well names Sabrina Sanchez, why dont you come and hang out with us, instead of those two losers ."
She says in a falsely sweet voice. Pointing behind her at her friends.

"Thanks but no thanks i dont like shallow." I say with a look id later be told was an exact copy of mom.

Sabrina drops the fake smile and snears at me "well then you gothic ghost freak" she says looking at what i was wearing.

While it was true that like my mom i dressed a bit gothic my current out fit being a pair of black skinny jeans, a dark purple shirt, with a black and white Dani Phantom DP hoody. I wasn't a goth like my mother. I glar at her. "Who the hell are you calling a gothic ghost freak." I say my eyes flashing green in anger. Not seeing Misty giving me a shocked look.

"Well im not talking to little miss teachers pet." says Sabrina.

"Hey!" Says Misty. Geting angry.

I ball my fist and glare at Sabrina. "Hey dont insult my friends!" I say my eyes flashing green again in anger.

"What ever." She says and starts to walk away towards the gym. I start to go after her when Cassy grabs my shoulder.

"Shes not worth it." She says. I groan and unball my fist.

"God she's so shallow." I say as misty nods looking at me with a curious smile on her face as we walk in to the gym.

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