Chapter 3

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Lloyd groaned and opened his eyes. He tried to remember what had happened, all he could recall was hissing, a burning sensation in his lungs then...nothing. He tried to reach down and rub his throat. It was very sore for some strange reason, but all that happened was a quiet clinking sound emanating from above him. Then he noticed his position.

First of all, he was standing. How could he have been sleeping and standing? His arms were above him as well. That shouldn't be possible, unless...he tried to move his arm again. It didn't budge. The same clinking sound was all that happened. Chains...

He tried to move his feet next. He couldn't lift them off the ground. Why would I be chained... Then the memories hit him like a speeding train.

No, no no no no no no no!

He remembered the Serpentine on deck, being wrapped in Skalidor's death grip, Scales saying it was time to go then...darkness.

I have to get out of here! Who knows what those snakes'll do to me!

Lloyd started to struggle in his chains. He tried to call upon his power, but nothing happened. That's strange, usually I can at least use my power. I guess I'll try again. No matter what he did, though, nothing worked. He worked himself up into a sweat trying to get his power to work.

"It won't work."

The Green Ninja jumped at the sound of Scales voice. He was so busy trying to use is power he hadn't notice the Hypnobrai General.

"Those chains are made out of Venge Ssssssssstone, as well as the entire ssssscell. Your powers are usssselesssssss."

"Wh-what do you want with m-me, Scales?"

The snake slithered closer. "The sssame thing I wanted last time I tried to get you. The only difference: I succeeded this time." His voice deepened, sending shivers up the Ninja's spine. "I want control over the Serpentine. I am their rightful ruler, not that pitiful human Garmadon."

Scales came even closer, whispering into his ear. "I'm going to use you againssst your father, use you to take back what is rightfully mine."

The Serpentine General swiftly left the cell after that, leaving the two Constrictai guarding it to close the door behind him. Lloyd was left alone and in the dark once more.


Garmadon was pacing back and forth in his hut in Ouroborus, wiping sweat from his brow. How can these snakes stand this heat? He looked up from his incessant pacing at the sound of his door being slammed open.

"Oh, it's just, you, Scales. What is it?" Garmadon raised an eyebrow when the other three generals slithered in after him.

"Scales? What is the meaning of this!"

"I want what's rightfully mine!" Scales pointed his staff at him and the other three generals grabbed his four arms and held him still.

"Let me go this instant, you insolent fools!" Garmadon struggled in their grip, but it was three against one; even if he did have four arms.

"I want control of the Serpentine army," Scales continued, staring the Dark Lord dead in the eye. "And I know jussst how to get it."

"And how would you," Garmadon said, making his words sound as threatening as possible. "You know I won't give up control easily."

"Which is why I have thissss." Scales banged his staff on the ground and a Hypnobrai soldier hurried in holding what looked like a photo. He handed the photo to the blue general and ran back out. Scales slithered closer, holding up the photo so Garmadon could see it clearly.

It was of Lloyd. He was older, but there was no doubt in his mind it was his son. He was in chains, made from Venge Stone by the look of it, and unconscious. His arms were suspended above him and his feet anchored to the floor. There was an angry, swollen bruise around his throat.

"Lloyd..." Anger, hatred, and fear for his son flooded his senses. He would've obliterated the smug snake before him if he was not being held back. "What have you done to my son?"

"Nothing, yet. Skalidor just put him into a sssqueeze so he would keep quiet. Wouldn't be surprissssed if he had a few bruised ribsss, or even broken onesss."

"You...You..." Garmadon swore colorfully, shouting every profanity he knew at the Hypnobrai. When he was done, he felt drained. All his anger faded away, replaced by the ever-growing presence of fear for his son. The Dark Lord bowed his head. "What do you want?"

His anger surged back up at the look on Scales face, but quickly died back down. He couldn't afford to be rash. Lloyd was at stake.

"I already said this once, I won't say it again." Scales rattled his tail. He wouldn't dare. The snake's eyes started to swirl before him. Don't look him in the eye, don't look him in the eye. Garmadon focused on the snake's forehead, hoping Scales wouldn't notice there wasn't direct eye contact.

"You will give me control of the army, Garmadon." The Dark Lord shook his head.


Scales looked so taken aback that Garmadon smiled. "Fine," the general said, "If you don't..." Scales ripped the picture in half. Garmadon watched the two halves float to the floor. "I'll give you one week to decide."

The other generals dropped him and he fell to his knees. The snakes left his hut, leaving the terrified father behind.


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