Chapter 13

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Lloyd struggled weakly in the strong grip of Scales. His hands were cuffed in front of him with Venge Stone. It's not like he had enough energy to even use his power. He was being forced to walk down a long corridor in what he now recognized as the Anacondrai tomb.

It would've taken weeks to carve all this out. I spent a lot of time here with Pythor before I moved in with the Ninja. This was definitely not here before. Scales must have been preparing this for a long time.

His lungs were burning with the effort of just staying upright, let alone walking. His breaths were crackling, causing Scales to lookback every few seconds.

Huh. Guess he really doesn't want me dying on him. He'll lose all leverage against my father and the Ninja.

Lloyd stumbled to a stop as Scales halted as well. They were standing in front of a large sarcophagus, made out of Venge Stone, and just big enough to fit him. Little holes, not quite big enough to fit his hand through, were placed at even intervals along the sides. It was being guarded by four Serpentine, one from each tribe.



Just big enough to fit me...

His suspicions were proven correct as Scales picked him up and placed him in the open sarcophagus. He just didn't have the energy to fight back. The lid was placed back on, and Lloyd was sealed into darkness. The only light came from the breathing holes.

The sarcophagus shook violently, jarring his ribs and sending fresh waves of pain up his body, as it was picked up. They started to march out of the tomb, and to who-knows-where.

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