Chapter 10

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Kai and the rest of the Ninja, including Nya, listened, horrified, as Sensei Wu read the letter aloud. Garmadon had left the second it was mentioned, and Kai had a sneaking suspicion he was crying. He didn't judge. The Fire Ninja just couldn't muster up any hostility toward the old man, either. Before, it was different. The guy had kidnapped his sister and used her as leverage to get what he wanted.

Then, when Wu brought him back, he couldn't understand how he could have feelings for his son. Wasn't he supposed to be evil? Kai thought that, by defeating the Dark Lord, he'd become the Green Ninja and everything would be alright. But when Lloyd was revealed to be the Chosen One, Kai saw the enormous pain flash in Garmadon's eyes. He'd lost his brother by turning evil. Now he was going to have to battle his own son to the death.

The Red Ninja just felt bad for him now. His family was in shatters. His father was dead. His wife left him. His brother was on the opposite side, and his son was dying. Kai was going to try and make sure that that piece didn't turn to dust.

Every single one of them turned away when they were showed the pictures. Jay even threw up.

Kai felt his infamous temper rise up, shoving down the fear for Lloyd. If Garmadon didn't kill Scales first, he would.

The hotheaded Fire Ninja stormed out of the Bridge. He heard Nya call after him, but he ignored it. He had revenge on his mind.

He stomped into the room the five Ninja shared and slammed the door. He half cringed when he heard something crack. He climbed the ladder of his bunk and flopped onto the mattress. He was fuming. Scales actually had the nerve to send a letter and gloat. The overgrown worm was proud of what he's done.

Kai felt an overwhelming urge to break something. He didn't want to damage the Bounty; it was their home, and besides, when they didn't have it, things didn't go so well, so he grabbed one of Jay's gliders he'd made all of them a while back, put it on, and climbed back onto the deck.

He positioned himself at the gap in the rail and got ready to jump when he heard the pounding of footsteps and a couple gasps. He turned around.

"Kai," Cole cried out. The Fire Ninja could hear the fear in his voice, but ignored it. His mind was to consumed with anger.

"What do you think you're doing," Jay finished. None of them saw the glider on his back.

"Sorry, guys. I don't want to hurt you. I'll see you all later."

He heard his sister call out to him, but it was too late. Kai leaned backwards and fell into open sky.

When he was no longer surrounded by clouds, and he could see the trees hurtling towards him did he open the glider. His free fall slowed significantly and he could control his descent more. After a slow flight down that almost made Kai drop the glider and free fall down (he was that impatient), he touched down.

There was a ten-minute-long struggle to get the glider off that made him really wish he still had the power to burn things at will. When the thing was finally gone. Kai started stomping through the forest. His temper was really worked up now, and would take a lot to calm him down again.

He punched a tree, and watched it crack around his fist. A couple of pieces of bark fall off. He pulled back and punched it again, and just started to pound into the tree until it broke under the force. Kai watched it fall, breathing heavily. He heard a crack echoing behind him and he spun around, and what he saw made his rage burn brighter than the sun.

A lone Serpentine was standing there, frozen at the sight of the Fire Ninja. It was from the Venomari Tribe; the poison-green scales and four eyes were tell-tale signs. Kai's hands clenched into fists. They both just stared at each other for a long time, until the snake did the smart thing: it turned tail and ran.

Kai immediately sprinted after it, and it didn't even make it two yards before He tackled it to the ground. Kai flipped it over so they were facing each other. The Serpentine's yellow eyes were filled with fear. The Ninja punched it in the face, for good measure and to release some of his pent up anger. Trees don't fight back.

"Where's Lloyd?" Kai's voice was low, almost a growl.

"I-I-I d-d-don-n't kn-kn-kno-ow," the snake stuttered, it's eyes focusing on anything but the Ninja on top of it.

"I'm not gonna ask again" Kai pressed closer, speaking through clenched teeth. "Where is Scales keeping him?"

"I-I-I real-really d-don't kn-know!" The Serpentine focused on him, now. "On-only the-the Gen-generals an-and those-ose in hi-his inner cir-circle kn-know. All he t-t-told the re-est of us is tha-that he's in o-one of the o-old Serp-serpentine-ine t-tombs."

Of course. Why didn't we think of that?

The now relatively calm Fire Ninja punched the Venomari snake again, knocking him out cold. He stood up and jogged back to his original position by the tree he knocked down.

I've learned where Lloyd relatively is. I've got to tell the others! One problem: I don't know where they are.

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