Chapter 6

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I was up at four-thirty the next morning, getting ready for my busy day. I showered and got ready before heading into the kitchen to make myself some coffee and eat a quick breakfast.

"Sweetheart? You're leaving for work already?" My mom's groggy voice asked.

"Yeah. I've gotta get in by six. I'll be back later though. Maybe eleven-ish if they don't decided to go out," I said.

"Alright. Have fun sweetheart. I love you."

"Love you too mom."

I headed out, walking to the nearest bus stop. I had forgotten what the Seoul air felt like. There was something different about it compared to the one in Los Angeles. In LA, everything felt so fast paced and eccentric, but in Seoul it felt like that but more calm and peaceful. It made me nostalgic.

After the bus ride and another short walk, I finally arrived at the venue with ten minutes to spare.

"Kang Soorim!" A voice called as I entered the large venue.

"Here!" I answered.

The former stage manager gave me a rundown of everything that was happening and what I needed to do.

"Alright I've got it thanks!"

I immediately started on my work, communicating what I needed done to each team.

Time Skip

It had been a few hours since I got at the venue when Taehyung and company arrived.

But I was way too caught up in work to greet them. I was running tests for all the audio equipment but I was simultaneously making sure that the VCR's were working as well as talking with the dancers to see how the props and entrances were going to work.

"Woah, hey there busy lady," Taehyung greeted.

"Hey," I said distantly, still focused on my work.

"Wow look at you go! You're multi-tasking at a crazy speed," he stared in awe.

"I told you my job was important to me," I answered, still not fully focused on him.

"Taehyungie~ stop fooling around and come on stage. We've got work to do," Sora's irritated voice cut in.

"Don't worry Tae, I'm gonna make sure you're tour starts off with a bang," I said.

"Tae?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's a nickname," I shrugged.

"I am older than you by two years," he said.

"Okay. I'm still gonna call you Tae. Now Tae, go get on stage before your girlfriend comes over here," I said.

Sound check lasted I don't even know how long, but I was so swamped with working with the audio team that I couldn't even bother to check.

Sora of course had all of her strange requests that the team needed to fix and Tae had some more reasonable ones as well.

"I'm so hungry," I groaned.

"I figured, so I brought you a sandwich," Taehyung's voice filled my ears.

"Oh my god you're a lifesaver!" I exclaimed, biting into the sandwich.

Taehyung frowned, "You look tired."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm jet-lagged and have been up since four-thirty, I'm extremely tired."

"So take a break."

"It's not that easy. I was hired to make sure your show went perfectly and that's what I intend to do. Now go on stage, I've gotta work out some blocking issues," I said.

I joined him on stage, telling the dancers and the two of them about certain blocking adjustments we needed.

"Woah she's so cool."

"She really knows what she's doing."

"She's pretty too."

I smirked giving myself a mental high five.

"Okay can we run through the encore through the end and then we'll have it," I said.

Once we ran through what I needed everyone dispersed to get their styling done. I stayed on stage to mentally go over everything I needed.

"Everyone, I'll be below the stage with my walkie-talkie and my ear-in. If there's a problem just let me know and I'll try to fix it," I told all the teams.

I was below stage, just as the show was about to start when a voice called my name.

"No way. Kang Soorim is that you?"

My eyes widened in shock, "Jeon Jungkook?! What are you doing here?!"

"I'm Tae's back up dancer. I wasn't sure if it was you but seeing you up close, wow," he mused.

I wrapped him in a big hug, "How've you been?"

"Well I'm here so I'm doing great."

I was thankful that he didn't ask me since he already knew the details about my drama. He was my boyfriend in high school. From Freshman year to just before I debuted. But we ended on good terms.

"I've gotta go, but we've gotta catch up after this," he said.


After Jungkook left, Taehyung came up to me.

"I'm nervous," he sighed.

"Don't be. You've got like fifty thousand people who are going to be screaming about how much they love you whether or not you mess up. You made that impact Kim Taehyung. So enjoy it. Enjoy performing," I said. I felt like my words may have been more personal then I intended.

"Thanks Soorim. Okay, looks like it's showtime. See you."

It was quiet once he left.

He, Sora, and the dancers would continue to go down and up as they transitioned through each of their performances. Taehyung and the dancers seemed tired but Sora looked fine. But I was monitoring the stages so I knew why, she was faking the choreography.

The fans' screams were ear-shattering as they cheered for their idols.

Taehyung looked mesmerizing as he went on stage. He had a knack for performing. He was enticing, mysterious, playful, down-to-Earth, etc. It was like he was able to relate to everyone and attract everyone in a different way.

Watching him was like being put in a trance.

There were few messages coming in for me.

"Looks like things went off without a hitch," I grinned smugly.

As the concert approached its end, the dancers went out for their group songs that were meant as a leeway into the encore while Taehyung and Sora rested and changed.

The dancers' performance was stunning too. The interaction between the groups of dancers was alluring. Each song was picked perfectly and each and every dancer delivered the message perfectly.

Finally, Taehyung and Sora went back on stage to perform a bit more, speak, and then perform one last song.

Honestly, I was so tired that it was all a blur. But eventually the two came down, buzzing from the excitement of their first concert of the tour.

I grabbed my stuff and packed up. I needed to go home and sleep.

"Soorim, we're going out for drinks. As the person who literally made all of this possible, you wanna come and celebrate with us?" Taehyung asked.

Sora's were full of jealousy.

I smiled tiredly, "Sorry, if I stay up any longer my face might fall off."

I started walking off when I heard Taehyung say, "You go ahead, I just need to grab something."

Taehyung grabbed my good arm.

"Thanks for what you said earlier Soorim. And thanks for making all of this possible. I don't think I've ever had a concert go so well. I'm pumped with adrenaline from how good it was. So thank you. Sleep well. And tomorrow, sleep in. I'll bring you breakfast."

And with that he ran off.

I was blushing immensely.

Even in exhaustion you shake up my heart. It was nice and warm.

I lazily made my way back home, passing out as soon as my body made it to the couch.

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