Second Chance, Last Chance

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The halls became wider in this new cell-block. It also became more alive with activity. Every other minute G and I would have to duck into a cell and hide from another living being. Any time someone passed by, I could see their weapons hanging from belts and hands, glittering sharply in the dark.

At first I was worried about the lack of light but as more and more activity stirred around us, I was happy for the cover from other bloodshot eyes.

Everyone who passed was headed in the same direction. I was adamant we should go the opposite way but G insisted on seeing what was happening. He kept the lead with one hand shoved casually in his pocket. I would have thought he wasn't worried if he didn't keep reaching back to check that I was still there.

I tried not to jump constantly at each new sound. There were so many compared to the last two days. I felt surrounded and trapped, like bear cub caught in a trap, my paw lodged firmly between metal, bloodthirsty teeth.

A murmuring sound filled the air, sort of like the muffled sound that comes out of the school cafeteria when the doors are closed.

And true enough, two closed doors appeared at the end of the hallway. We approached them slowly. I felt G's hand wrap protectively around my wrist.

He pointed, his long, white finger too bright in the darkness, too visible. He was pointing to a small guard's platform, where a sniper would stand.

I was almost stupid enough to ask G how we were going to get up there when a clattering behind us shut me up. G looked down at my pale face and winked, his famous smirk spread over his skull.

Quick as one could blink, he teleported us. Wrapping his arms around me, he waited until my nausea wore off before letting go.

I gave him a quick smile when he tugged my hand into his. I was grateful for the contact, which kept me steady and grounded when I was about ready to have a panic attack.

Below us, it seemed like every single prisoner was crammed into this one room. It wasn't wide enough for all of them and people were bumping shoulders and arguing loudly. At the far end of the room, were supplies. Boxes were guarded by large monsters who roughly shoved back anyone who got to close.

At the center of the room, surrounded by thousands of inmates, was a haphazard platform built with pallets and other wooden items. A chair was mounted to the top and in it sat Don Stefano himself.

His silver hair was combed back neatly, every strand in stuck in place as if they were glued. With sharp eyes, he watched his fellow inmates argue. No longer wearing a prisoner's jumper, he had donned a suit, an ill-fitting suit albeit but it was a status symbol over the other prisoners.

He stood up and just like that, everyone stood still as if in shock. Every noise died and an uncomfortable silence filled its place.

We hunkered behind the shelf, peering over the edge at Stefano.

"Congratulations men," a cold smile pasted on Stefano's face as he spread his arms out. "You criminals have officially been promoted to girlhood." His smile turned into a snarl. "You cowards!" he bellowed. "I told you we'd defeat the prison guards and the warden himself, did I not? And under my leadership we did. I've brought you idiots this far. I will not let S.W.A.T. win. Not without a fight. But I need men! Not girls! So any pigtail wearers had better leave now." He paused, eying the inmates with a fresh ferocity.

"Good. I have the S.W.A.T. situation under control. We've re-enforced the steel locks and welded the door shut. Nobody is getting in until I say so." The frown lines in his forehead deepened, casting a dark shadow over his face. He rubbed his stubble thoughtfully.

"With that taken care of, can anyone tell me why nobody has been able to capture G and his stupid toy." I stopped breathing. "I can live without her," he said more to himself than the crowd, "he's probably killed her by now." G's hand tightened around mine. I flinched in pain but squeezed back anyways. "But G!" Stefano yelled, "He's alone. You've had him within your clumsy grasps several times! How is it that no one...NO ONE!...has been able to capture him."

"He's powerful," someone pitifully yelled.

"Yes, Sans is, but so are the sorry lot of you. Or at least I thought you were. Your incompetence has me utterly speechless." He pinched the bridge of his nose like he had a headache and sighed. "So," he said, his voice echoing around the building. G tensed. I tore my eyes away to look at G. His jaw set angrily, he glared at Stefano. If looks could kill Stefano's body would be incinerated by now.

I looked away.

"I am doubling the reward. Who ever captures G and his toy, if she's still alive of course, will be promoted, paid twenty thousand, and have the girl all to himself." Rowdy jeers spurred up from the crowd.

G's hand became unbearably tight around mine. I grabbed his arm, tugging roughly. "G let's go," I whispered. He didn't move and I was worried that if I didn't get him out of there, he would go down there and attack Stefano. With that many people, no matter how powerful he was, G would get killed.

"Please G," I begged, the idea of him dying moving me to tears. "Please."

He snapped out of it and looked at me. His face moving from pure hatred, to shock, to worry. He teleported us out of there.

"You okay Dove," he asked, stroking my cheek. I nodded.

"I'm fine," I whispered. But I wasn't. Stepping closer, I caught G by surprise when I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. I couldn't get the image of G's dust covering Stefano's body. I moved closer, trying not to cry. He hugged me back tightly until we were both holding each other like vices.

I calmed down slowly, breathing in G's sent of smoke and sweet.

Slowly we unpeeled ourselves. He pressed a slow kiss against my forehead and wrapped his arm tightly around my waist.

For a while we walked in silence. G rubbed his thumb in circles around my hipbone continuously. We put distance between that crowd and ourselves.

Only when we were a safe enough distance away did I dare ask what I had been thinking about. "G?"

"Hmm?" he purred, pulling out a cigarette. He looked calm but I could see the rolling hatred underneath. I lit the cigarette for him. "Thanks sweetheart."

I met his eyes. "How do you know Don?"

He sighed and his thumb stopped moving. I watching him take a deep drag on his noxious stick.

We continued walking and I though he wasn't going to tell me until he said, "I told you about how Gaster was never around right?"

"Uh huh," I said softly, afraid if I spoke to loud he'd realize what he was telling me and stop talking.

"Well I had to find a way to provide for Papyrus. There were a lot of gangs around and I learned to fight fast. Back then Don was nothing but a loser trying to kick his gang off the ground...and failing miserably." He chuckled, a dark smile plastered over his face. It faded when he glanced at me. "Someone told him about me and he made me an offer I couldn't refuse." His smirk dropped. "I needed that money to take care of Papyrus." Remorse sunk through his throaty voice, making me feel bad too. I intertwined my fingers with the hand he had wrapped around my waist. "He gave me a partnership as leader if I helped him take his game up to the next level. Don and I had a similar sense of humor and similar plans for the gang. We got along well as partners and eventually became friends. We stared doing....bad things...and people started joining the gang." He shrugged as if it were that simple.

"Okay," I said slowly, squeezing his hand. "So how did you fall out?"

He chuckled throatily. "Full of questions aren't cha?" His voice was tight.

I met his eyes patiently, waiting for an answer. He sighed deeply. Letting go of me, he leaned up against a cell door. His eyes were dark.

"We had a disagreement."


He rolled his eyes. "And he threatened my brother. I almost killed him to...if he hadn't fallen over the rail." He muttered the last part to himself.

"I'm sorry G," I said, even though I didn't know what I was sorry for.

He smirked at me. "I'm glad ya care doll but I'm not sorry." His smirk grew as he observed my confused expression. "Because..." he suddenly crouched down and slung his arm around my thighs. I squealed as he pulled me up into the air. I had to put my hands on his chest to keep from falling over. "I'd have never met you." He smiled up at me, "And that was worth it."

I beamed down at him, warmth pulsed uncontrollably in my chest. Taking his face in my hands, I closed my eyes and leaned down, kissing him fervently. For that short moment, I felt completely aloof, like I was floating in air.

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