The fight was easy. But waiting for it was not.
Time stalled, drawing out each precious breath. Every sound took its time traveling through the air, echoing hopelessly. The empty hall darkened as the flickering lights slowly died away. Any sense of reality faded. It was like floating in an empty void.
The stillness moved when I heard it. A screech of metal on metal reverberated in the air followed by Undyne's cry. A chorus of voices rose after her, screaming and cursing. I heard the metal against bone, smelt the blood on concrete, and felt the magic.
Time was vicious. Where before it was slow, now it flew, taking the breath away from me. It seemed only a heartbeat passed before I could no longer hear Undyne's screaming. The thudding ended and running footsteps began.
I felt him before I saw him.
"G! What happened? Where are Undyne and Alphys?" I asked, desperately trying to contain my panic.
He limped towards me solemnly. Grabbing me, magic drew around us, pulling us away, abandoning G and I in the hospital wing.
G looked ahead at the wall, his sockets empty. His hands had an iron grip on me. I tried to pull away but he didn't move.
"G!" I yelled as loud as I dared. I didn't think it was louder than the beating of my heart. "G!" I tried to squirm out of his grasp. It was useless.
Feeling even more frightened, I stood still with him, hoping he'd eventually snap out of it.
He didn't. I watched helplessly as his eyes closed and he fell back, finally releasing me.
Making a desperate grasp, I caught him before his skull met the concrete. I struggled to drag his heavy body to a hospital bed. It was even worse trying to pull him on but I did it.
With trembling hands, I checked for broken bones or bleeding or anything but he was clean. He didn't move and I was terrified that he was truly dead.
I couldn't sit besides him and wait for that so I after I double-checked for any injuries, I began to ruffle through the hospital room, looking for anything to help him.
I threw pills and papers across the floor carelessly. I wasn't searching for anything specific, just something.
But all I got was nothing.
When I had tossed through everything and left nothing untouched, I returned to G. He still hadn't moved.
Shaking, I pulled my knees up, burying my head in them. I rocked slightly, unable to contain my fear.
I reached for any explanation to help me understand this but the more I thought on it, the more my head ached.
I sat besides him for hours. Time played its cruel game, slowing until I could feel every second of pain like it was an hour. G was so still I was beginning to dawn on the terrifying idea that he was undeniably dead.
Unable to cope with the thought, I clenched my nails into my palms until I could only think about the pain.
Silence entertained each breath, drowning out all noise until it was like noise itself never existed.
That's why I almost screamed when I heard it.
There were voices, male voices, coming closer. I sat, frozen, staring at G.
But there was nothing he could do. It was on me.
Jumping up in suddenly a flurry of action, as quickly as I could, I dimmed the lights, careful not to leave the room too dark. Quietly padding on my toes, I lifted chairs and other objects in front of him. I wanted to move him but the voices were getting too close.
I rolled a shelf with wheels over, hoping I could move it and it would slide quietly. I was able to maneuver it so that it hid most of G's bed.
"Well I'm not gonna!" a voice screamed angrily. I jumped, frightened by how close it was. My shoulder clipped the large object and something fell off. It dropped on the floor with a heavy thud.
"Did you hear that?" one of them hissed. I realized they were right around the corner.
I sprung for the bookshelf on the wall. There was a space behind it barely wide enough for me to squeeze through. I fell back against the cold wall, leaning my pounding head against it. My muscles tightened involuntarily, squeezing the breath out of me.
Please don't wake up G, I thought.
They turned the corner. "I don' see nobody," one said.
A flashlight clicked on and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from screaming.
"You hearded that too, right Jer?"
"Yeah man, I heard it." There was a pause as the light wandered around the room. I shook as it inched closer to me. I didn't dare move.
It stopped right by my shoe, less than an inch from exposing me.
"Who ever it was ran."
"Er...should we...go after 'im?"
"No, we've gotta go help out with that Undyne chick. She's causing quite a problem up in the main."
I couldn't move. Panic and fear kept me rooted to the ground. What were they doing to Undyne? How did this happen?
They shuffled away. I listened to them turn down several hallways and fade into the cells without moving. If fact, I didn't so much as breathe for at least an hour after I could no longer hear them.
Finally, I let some oxygen in. My head ache had built into an all out migraine and I felt compressed between the shelf and wall. The pain overwhelmed me and I fell out of there, hitting my head on the concrete.
I bit my lip, refusing to cry. G needed my help. I could feel him slipping away. Undyne and Alphys would have to wait.
Limping over to the switch, I raised the lights and walked over to G. I tripped over something laying on the concrete. Looking down, I found a book I'd never seen before.
I picked it up but didn't bother reading it. Setting it aside, I pulled down the sheet I had used to cover him. He was so still.
"Come on G." I finally cried.
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