Old Friends and Bad Dads

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I woke up in a sharp, white room. The smell of disinfectant left a tang in the air and a sour taste on my dry tongue. I felt a thin cushion underneath me and metal under that. My body was sore and every cell in my head ached with a passion. My breathing spiked as I remembered what happened.

I tried to get up but pain flashed through my body, disabling me. I felt myself being pushed back down. "Hey, hey," G whispered softly. "It's just me."

He sounded like himself again but I couldn't open my eyes again to look at him. "G?" I asked, a small whimper in my voice.

"Shhh," I felt his hand in mine. It was gentle but I remembered watching his hands pummel Jacky. "You're okay."

My mouth was dry and my neck hurt so bad I couldn't swallow. I was defiantly not okay. Not to mention I was terrified...of him.

"Go back to sleep," G murmured in my ear. I didn't want to but my body didn't give me a choice. Or maybe it was G's magic, if he could do that.

I woke up again in the same room. G's hand was on my forehead, stroking my hair. "G?" I whispered. I felt calmer now, less fearful. He stopped touching me.

"How do you feel?"

"Terrible," I mumbled. His concerned face was slightly blurry above me. I couldn't focus completely and I felt out of control. I wasn't able to hold on to any thought that floated into my mind. It would drift away as soon as I tried to reach out to it. "Did you drug me?" I could hear a slur in my words.

"Just painkillers."

"No..." I mumbled in weak protest.

"We're going to have to move. I think your well enough to teleport but I'll have to put you back to sleep."

"Mmm," was all I was able to respond with.

"Can I take your hand?" he asked while doing it.

"Uh huh." I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

The next time I woke up, I was back in the overhang. There was feeble blanket spread over me. I was in so much pain I couldn't move.

"Are you awake?" G asked, his hand stroked my hair again. I found it comforting. G's bony leg  was under my head but somehow it was comfortable.

"Uh huh." I hurt so much I didn't want to talk. G seemed to understand. He didn't ask me anything else, just stroked my hair until I fell back asleep.

I don't know how long it was like that, hours, days, or weeks, I didn't know. But I did know that every time I woke up, G was there with me. He comforted me and talked with me. I got to know him a little more and I was no longer afraid of him. I was even ashamed of myself for being afraid of him before. He was protecting me, even if he took it to a lethal level.

"Hey G?" I asked.

"Yes sweetheart?" he purred in a sleepy voice.

"Thank you."

"For what?" he asked, sounding confused.

"For saving my life."

"Are you okay..." he didn't finish.

"I don't feel as much pain," I told him. It was true, I was feeling much better and I was off painkillers so that was a plus.

"Not what I meant," he said seriously. I opened up my eyes, looking into his sad, worried eyes.

I found his hand under the blanket and squeezed it. This time I didn't let go. His thumb rubbed the back of my hand distractedly. "Are you okay?" I murmured.

"As long as you are," I thought I heard him whisper. I hoped I wasn't blushing.

"I think I know where Gaster is," G said.

"You do?" I exclaimed excitedly.

"I do," he chuckled deeply. Leaning down, he stopped right above me so that I could still see his eyes clearly. "But you have to stay here while I go get him."

"Aww, come on G!"

"Nope, you're not leaving this place until this is all over. I'm not risking your life again."

"G I'm fine," I argued but he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"No," he said firmly and I let it drop.

Huffing, I though of something else to say, absent-mindedly touching the stitches in my neck. They itched but I tried hard not to scratch at them. G noticed and took my other hand.

"G? How do you know Don Stefano?" I asked.

G tensed for a moment and I hoped he wouldn't let go of my hands. He didn't. Instead he said, "We used to be partners."

"So you're a big bad mobster?" I joked.

He laughed and blew a wave of hot air against my cheek. "The absolute worst."

"I believe it."

Don Stefano was bad news. I remember the first time I read the headline: Mob Boss Shoots Up Mall: 12 DEAD. It happened in one of the bigger cities but it still affected the whole country. People mourned everywhere, memorials were built, and the government promised a crack down on all gangs. They weren't doing a very good job on keeping that promise.

His mob was composed of drug and gun runners as well as assassins. I could guess which part G had but I had never heard of him before I was sentenced to this prison.

As if G had read my mind, he told me, "Don snapped. He had partied too hard and overdosed a few times. Barely made it through. He lost it and shot all those people in that mall." There was something else G wasn't saying.

I squeezed G's hands, hearing the guilt in his voice. He squeezed my hands back. I didn't care about G's past. I knew he could be...I knew he was better than that.

We sat in contented silence for a while. G leaned his head against mine, his voice deeper than usual, "I have to go now. Please just stay put," he murmured to me.

I touched his cheek and promised. Again, I thought he was going to kiss me but then he teleported away. I felt disappointed and lonely without him there but I also felt anxious at the thought of seeing Gaster again.

I tried to sleep the feeling away but ended up just spending hours staring at the concrete roof. Not even extreme boredom could lull me to sleep so I just sat there and pondered. My mind traveled over to Chara. I hoped she was taking care of Flowey like she said she would but it wasn't likely. I sighed again, still debating. G had insisted I take up Detective Mullins offer but I still didn't like the idea of betraying Chara. She didn't deserve my loyalty but I though that if we all got what we deserved, the world would be a cold and empty place.

I laid alone on the overhang for hours. I felt the silence tick by like the seconds on a clock, dull and steady. For a while the silence was consoling, I hadn't had a break away from another person (or monster) in a long while, but soon I was beginning to feel the side effects of being alone with myself. Crushing doubt and worry pressed on my mind and pestered me.

To ward it off, I did what I had been doing the last few days. I slept. My dreams weren't peaceful. Flashes of blood and screams hunted after me. Images of a knife in Chara's hands crept up on me. The knife changed from clean, to bloody, to holding my reflection. A never resting knife, violent and hungry. I was its victim.

I woke up in a start, hoping I hadn't screamed. Sweating an trembling, I took deep breaths to calm down. Listening tensely for anyone around, I didn't hear anything but the screams from my dream.

I sobbed silently into my hands, curling my knees to my chest. I couldn't do this. I should have known what Chara was going to do. I should have acknowledged that murderous glint in her red eyes. I should have known better. I deserved to be here. I deserved to die in this prison.

I cried, trying to control this newfound anxiety, but it had a mind of its own. It wanted punishment and I needed to give it. Anything to make this drowning feeling stop.

My crying stopped and I wiped my eyes. I didn't want G to see, he's already been so good to me, if no one else.

Digging under G's exterior, he's not a bad person. He's just a man with a bad past. Constantly choosing violence doesn't help him either.

"Hey Dove," G's deep voice sounded from above me. I jumped.

I didn't look up so he couldn't see my red eyes. "Hi G," I murmured from behind my knees. "Did you find him?" I asked when he didn't say anything.

I felt his hands on my shoulders and I knew he was kneeling in front of me. "What happened Dove?" he asked, his voice filled with so much concern it hurt me.

"Nothing," I murmured, hoping he wouldn't press even though I knew he would.

"Nothing," he growled, he leaned his head against mine. "Dove?"

He wasn't giving me a choice on whether I wanted to answer or not. "It was just a nightmare," I whimpered. I wanted him to let go. I didn't deserve his kindness.

Suddenly he picked me up and pulled me into his lap. "Tell me about it," he whispered.

I shook my head, feeling tears fill up my eyes again. He held me closer. "Don't act like this Frisk. I'm here for you," he murmured, stroking my hair.

That was the first time anyone had said that to me. Breaking down, I told him. I told him what Chara did. What I did. About the dream. I told him everything and he listened patiently. He didn't ask me questions or interrupt, he let me tell my story and at the end, he understood.

When I finally finished, he stopped stroking my hair and whispered, "It's not your fault." He said it with such conviction that I wanted to believe him.

Then G let go of me, his voice changing from comforting to seething, and said, "I found them."

"Them?" I questioned, confused.

"Gaster and..." He sighed grumpily.  

I cocked my head, trying to read his face but he was impassive. "And who?"

"Undyne and Alphys," he scowled. "They won't let Gaster come with me unless they come too." G pulled out a cigarette. I crawled off of his lap and sat besides him.

"So what now?" I asked hopefully. I felt my normal determination restore me as the idea of seeing Undyne and Alphys again.

G noticed and sighed unhappily. "We're going to bring all of them up here." G smirked to himself, "but hey, they have food, and it's not the poison served in the cafeteria." His shoulders sagged. "We'll have to move it all up here though." I smiled at the idea of food, I don't how long it's been since I've eaten but the mention of real food brought a pang to my stomach that could only be cured by eating something. Something good.

"So when?" I asked.

G suddenly grabbed my waist. "How 'bout now?" Then he teleported us.

I could ignore the sick feeling in my stomach because Alphys had run right for me and grabbed me around the stomach in a big hug. "H...hi Frisk."

I hugged her back excitedly. "Hey Alphys. How do you feel?"

She let go. "Good," she mumbled shyly stepping back.

I smiled and looked up at Undyne. She swung her fist. I winced but all she did was give me a soft tap across the shoulder. "Hey punk! You're still alive..." she narrowed her eyes. "G! What the he** is on her neck!" she yelled.

"I didn't do it," G growled, his one iris smoking.

Undyne pushed past me. "I thought hurting kids was below you." She poked a finger into his chest.

"Hey!" I complained but they weren't paying any attention to me. I looked to Alphys for help but she just shrugged.

"Do you want to lose that finger fish face?" G growled, the glow got even brighter.

Undyne smirked, ready for a fight. But I got between them. "Relax, both of you!" I commanded. They both took a step back but still glared at each other. "Undyne, G didn't do this to me. It was an accident. G, please don't cut her finger off."

He smirked, "Who said I was going to cut it off?" I glared at him and he raised his hands in mock surrender. "A'right."

Undyne seemed surprised at G's surrender. She looked down at me, a bright gleam in her eyes. "It's good to see ya punk." She threw a dirty glance at G before ignoring him completely.

I rolled my eyes but smiled at the blue giant. "It's good to see you to Undyne."

While I talked with Undyne and Alphys, G stood protectively behind me, and Gaster stood in the shadows.I tried to avoid looking at him.

"Do we have to have her around?" he growled when we had finished catching up.
Undyne whirled around and G stepped forward, both angry. "You're lucky we need you princess or I'd have given you to G," Undyne snapped.

G cracked his knuckles threateningly but Gaster just smirked. "Can we at least move the food now or," he flicked a disgusted glance at me, "do you guys still need another heart to heart?"

We moved into action, there would be time to talk later. Undyne and I drug boxes of food out of their small hiding place, a closet, and carried them out to Gaster and G, who then teleported it up to the overhang. I was careful to only hand boxes to G. Gaster kept his distance from me, glaring but never speaking to me.

"Alright, that's it," Undyne said as she handed the last box to Gaster. There was friction between her and G but their common enemy seemed to loosen them up a little. I even caught them laughing at a joke once while working.

Alphys didn't seem to like Gaster either. She wouldn't even look at him.

"Do you have any medical supplies up there?" Gaster asked G.

"Not much," G grumbled.

"Tsk," Gaster looked at G disapprovingly, "we'll have to grab some from..."

"The hospital area itself has already been raided," Undyne interrupted.

"Then we'll have to go through the storage areas," Gaster said, clearly annoyed at the disruption of his authority.

"How many are there?" she asked.

"Two," G answered before Gaster could.Gaster looked at G surprised, quickly his face became suspicious.

"How do you know?" Gaster snapped at him.

G didn't say anything; he just smirked.

"I'll check out one, Undyne and Alphys can go to the other one. We'll meet back at the overhang," Gaster instructed.

G frowned, looking at Gaster suspiciously. "How about I go with you Gaster," he said.

Gaster laughed, knowing exactly what G was on about. "I'm not going to run. Every inmate in this prison wants to kill me Sans. Do you think I want to be caught alone with your old friend?"

G's eyes narrowed  angrily but he nodded. "Fine, hurry up."

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