Not His Pet

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I couldn't see the man in the dark but I remember his face. He had bright red hair, freckles, and bright green eyes. About my age, he would look to young and innocent to be in prison if not for his smirk. Everything about his smile said bad news. Lies.

I stayed back against the wall away from everyone else. They were still cooling down from their previous fight. All tiered and grumpy, they passed out in their own separate corners.

Listening alertly, I waited for anyone to come back to the overhang but all was silent. For hours, nothing moved. The silence just seemed to suffocate everything, drowning out sound and peace of mind. I sat alone for most of that time.

While I was thinking that I was going to die in the quiet, G woke up. Shifting sleepily, he shuffled over to me. Wrapping his arm around my back, he pulled me against him.

"Sleep well?" I asked, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Yeah," he murmured, looking distractedly at the prisoners unconscious form. "Did he move?" Something in G's voice was tight.

"No." I yawned.

G's hand moved from my shoulders to my neck then my head, gently stroking my hair. Blushing a little, I reached up and shyly took hold of it. He wrapped his fingers around mine, his thumb rubbing across my sore knuckles.

I felt safer with G next to me. Even with that guy tied up, I felt cold and scared while I was alone. Now I could relax a little.

"Hey pet?" G purred. I though we had gotten over that nickname.

"Yes G?"

"Sorry I yelled at ya," he whispered softly, a hint of remorse in his voice. Gently, he pressed a soft kiss against my head.

"It's mkay," I slurred tiredly.

"Remember?" he asked, a hint of tease in his voice, "if you tell anyone..."

"You'll kick my butt," I finished with a smile. He laughed and wrapped his arm around me again, letting me fall asleep on him.

When I awoke, G was out like a light, his head lulled against mine. I didn't move as not to wake him, except to take his hand again.

It was still dark so I must not have slept that long, or much at all. I didn't feel better either. My eyes felt heavy but were unable to close. My body was cramped, tight, and cold. Short shivers racked my body. G woke up momentarily. Just long enough to use his magic to call a blanket over to me.

"Thanks G," I whispered into his neck.

"M' pet," was all he was able to make out before falling back asleep. I stayed awake.

I listened in the dark for any noise. For anything at all but again, all was silent.

At least for a little while. It seemed to have been waiting before a deep voice asked, "Pet?"

I stiffened, my muscles tighter than bone. "Who's that?"

"Uhhh. Me?" it said sarcastically. The prisoner.

I didn't say anything.

"He calls ya pet?" he snickered.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just, I saw ya earlier love. You're no pet. A princess maybe but not a pet."

I winced feeling G next to me but I still blushed furiously. With no idea how to respond, I stayed silent, hoping he wouldn't talk anymore.

My hope was in vain. "So, princess," he said with relish, sensing my awkwardness. "How'd ya end up with that freak?"

"He's not a freak," I hissed, suddenly angry.

"He's not hurting ya is he?" He sounded really concerned. "A sweet girl like you should never be left alone with monsters like 'em."

"Shut up, please." I squirmed uncomfortably.

"It's alright princess. I'm not gonna get ya in trouble. They're all sleepin'." I heard him shifting in the dark and stiffened, ready to wake G if needed. "Do you need help? I have friends. We can get you out in a jiffy."

I was about to tell him to shut up but I had an idea. Covering a hand over G's mouth, I shook him softly until he woke up.

"What do you mean?" I asked the man. I felt G stiffen next to me. I squeezed his hand, hoping he'd stay silent.He seemed to get the hint.

"I got a lotta friends. They're watin' for meh."

"Where?" I whispered softly.

"Right close to here. All I have to do is call 'em princess..." G hissed at the nickname. "All you have to do is let meh go."
I shook my head but realized he couldn't see it.

"Where are they exactly?"

"What's it matter? Ya wanna escape that loser or what?" I squeezed G's hand comfortingly, trying not to get angry myself. He squeezed back but I could feel the hate rolling off of him.

"Un uh. I want to know what I'm risking," I said, trying to sound convincing.

He sighed. "Alright, alright. But only for you princess," he purred. "There's a search party getting ready to come up here in cell block D. They are waiting for my report and then they'll come an' grab these losers. You and I can skedaddle easy."

G stood up.

"Will they come up here without you?" I asked hurriedly.

"Yah, but they won't leave ya alone. Wouldn't want somethin' as sweet as you getting' caught by the likes of 'em, do ya?"

"Get stuffed," G growled. I heard the man gasp and then a thud. I guessed G had kicked him.

G walked back over to me. "Did that pig say anything else to ya?" he asked, stroking my cheek.

I stood up to meet him. "No, not really."

"Dove..." he growled. It wasn't a threat but it still made me nervous.

"He just said I wasn't a pet. That's all." I felt G tense angrily. I sighed and stepped closer. "G," I whispered. I felt his hand cup my cheek. I leaned into it, taking his other hand in mine.

Reaching up on my tiptoes, I gently placed a small kiss on G's bony cheek. I felt his head turn and realized he wasn't looking at me before.

I felt a little hurt but didn't get the chance to give it much thought because his mouth pressed down softly on mine. For a moment it was just G and I again.

Then he broke away and said, "We have to wake everyone."

I sighed and G squeezed my hand. "Okay, I wake Alphys and Undyne."

G chuckled throatily. "Okay sweetheart. Don't get killed."

I laughed and let go of him. Giving the man on the floor a wide berth, I walked over to Undyne and Alphys, waking Alphys first.She in turn woke Undyne without making her mad.

Everyone met in the far wall behind the boxes. G told them what happened and Undyne slapped me a high five for being " a sneaky little punk". Gaster just scoffed in the dark.

"So wh...what do w...we do?" Alphys asked unsteadily.

I could practically hear G's smug smirk in the dark. "I have a plan," he said, refusing to elaborate.

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