Hey Dove

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"Well, well." G smirked. "What'd ya do Dove?"

I pursed my lip and didn't answer.

"What's the matter?" He asked in a mocking tone.

For a second I stood there, unsure what to do. I felt sick looking at G. Worried my legs would give out, I walked over to the two cots. He was on the top one so I slid into the bottom cot and put my hand in my pocket. They keys were there, the metal cold and smooth. I was glad that I got them even if it was just luck. Now I'd have to find a way to get them to Undyne and Alphys.

A small pang poked  my chest when I imagined them. They were cool and now I was stuck with the vicious skeleton who was smoking above me. I could taste the sickening smoke weighing on my tongue.

"So you gonna answer my question?" G's smooth voice rolled down my spine, causing me to shiver in fear.

"Which one?" my voice came out small and weak. I knew which one. He wanted to know what Undyne was using me for.

"You know," he growled. I heard him sit up.

Shaking slightly, I debated whether or not to tell him about the keys. I decided not, "She didn't tell me."

"Whadda mean she didn't tell you?" He dropped down in front of me, glaring angrily.

I sighed and sat up, "She said I was going to help her with something but that I didn't need to know until it was time." I shrugged innocently.

G leaned in closer, his yellow iris glowing faintly. "Don't lie to me kid. Remember last time?" He tapped a cut on my cheek, one of the many I got during his beating. I winced with pain but I didn't say anything. "Hmph." He crawled back on his cot. "Worthless," I heard him mutter.

G's cell was lonely and isolated. The bars were made of thicker, stronger metals and the door was closed with several impenetrable locks. We were close to the warden's office but we were so far away from everyone that I couldn't even hear the noise of all the other criminals in the prison. At least there was one thing to be grateful for.

He spent most of his time sleeping and when he was awake, he stared angrily at the wall, smoking his cigarettes.

I followed a similar routine, sleeping when I could and staring off into space when I couldn't.

It had only been a few hours after I got put in his cell and we were just sitting in awkward silence. The tense air hung heavy in my lungs, forcing me to quite my breathing as if the smallest noise could set something off.

I had given up on conversation a long while ago so I was surprised when G started talking to me. "Hey Dove, how'd ya get in here?" I could hear his nasty smirk in his voice.

"In this cell specifically or prison?" I asked quietly.


"I killed someone," my voice came out as a whisper.

"This cell?"

"How I killed him."

"Him?" G laughed cruelly. "Your boyfriend pissed ya off."

"My sister's," I snapped.

"Watch your tone!" He snapped back. After a moment of silence he asked, "What'd the chump do?"

I sighed. "It was just a disagreement."

"So ya got a temper. Keep it under control with me or ya gonna get hurt. Whether ya killed someone or not, you're just a kid in here." He was making me understand that he was in control. "Keep your mouth shut and do as I say and we'll be good. Got it?"

"Got it," I said, realizing I was in even more trouble than before.

G grunted in response and I heard him drift off to sleep.

I started to think about his questions and the answers kept bothering me until I was unable to clear them from my mind.

Chara planned the whole thing from the start. She was curious about murders. She loved to hear stories of the terrible things people had done. She kept a scrapbook of newspaper clippings telling about atrocious crimes. I guess she decided she was ready to become one.

She had had a fight with her boyfriend, Ryan, a week ago. She brought me to his house to negotiate their 'peace talks', as she called it. She made dinner while Ryan and I talked in the living room. He was polite and kind; Chara loved to pick on that type of person. I could tell she had hurt him, I saw in his when he looked at her. He loved her, enough to overlook her cruelty.

I remembered what Chara made, lasagna and garlic bread. She was an excellent cook thanks to the private classes Mom bought her. I cut the lasagna using a large knife. Dinner was peaceful and they talked out their issues and it seemed like everything was resolved so I said I was going to go home. Ryan said he'd drive Chara back later.

I recalled them kissing in the kitchen door way as I walked through the living room. I could tell it was the real thing for Ryan. He really loved her.

I was trying to open the door to Chara's car but it was locked. I realized I had forgotten to ask for the keys. Just as I turned around I heard a scream from inside the house.

I ran back inside to find Chara holding a bloody knife in her gloved hands. Ryan was holding a gaping wound on his arm. Blood was gushing everywhere. I was thinking that I needed to get to a hospital when Chara lunged. "No!" I screamed but it was too late. I'll never forget the smile on her face before the knife plunged into Ryan's heart. It was gaping and black. Her lips seemed too red and her face was distorted.

Blood spurted everywhere but Chara just stood up and smiled at me normally. "Let's go home." I was so shocked, so scared, I didn't think. I just waited in the passenger side for Chara to drive me home, wondering who was next.

The next day, Detective Mullins and his partner showed up on our front steps asking about Ryan's dismembered body. While I was waiting in the car before, Chara had found the time to do that.

It all turned on me when they found the murder weapon. Chara had hid the knife to make it seem as if someone had ditched. But she left it out just enough so that they could find it.

It was the knife I used to cut the lasagna, the knife Chara used to kill Ryan.

A/N: Okay, so, I hate authors' notes but I just wanted to ask your opinion. Was the murder to much or not enough? If you say not enough then there might be something wrong with you but no worries, there's obviously something wrong with me for writing this. I am so not comfortable with it. It's soooooo gross. Let me know what you think. Thanks –Howling Wolf

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