End This

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I woke up and G was gone. "Not again," I moaned. Shivering, alone, and cold, I pulled up the thin blanket and looked around.

I wasn't truly alone. Gaster was there, tied to his chair, glaring at me with eyes that screamed for blood.

I shivered fearfully and pulled the blanket tighter around me like I was a child and it could protect me from the hideous monster under my bed.

But what I actually needed was another monster. "Stop staring at her," G commanded as he strutted into the cell. He shocked me by teleporting right besides me and passed me a hot Styrofoam cup of coffee. "I mean it," he leaned over, meeting Gaster's look with one equally bloody.

My mouth twitched, expressing my distaste, but I let it go. This was just how he was.

"Thank you," I said softly before blowing on the coffee, evaporating the hot steam.

"Are we good?" he murmured in my ear.

I paused realizing no one had apologized. But the emotions I felt yesterday were gone so I leaned over and kissed his cheek before saying, "We're good."

There was something tight in the way G sat next to me. His set jaw was clamped down harshly and his shoulders were working their way into his neck bones.

"G," I asked, brushing my fingers against his wrist. He turned and looked at me, his face softening.


"What's wrong?"

He sighed. "Let's take a walk," he said, hopping off the bunk. He picked me up by the waist and set me down on the ground. I wrapped my arm around his as we walked out of the cell and down the hall.

Once we were a fair distance away from Gaster, he solemnly said, "We're getting out today."


"It'll be bloody this time. Very bloody."

"You never told me what happened..."

"There's something we didn't know," he said vaguely. I listened keenly. "There's two doors. The welded one I can blast open but the other...it's resistant to magic."

I nodded. "Okay, so how do we get it open?" I asked quietly.

He tensed up, his fingers gripping my hand so tight I felt like I had stuck my hand in cement and it had dried. "There's a guard tower. Inside are the controls. We passed it once..." I bit my lip thoughtfully, wondering who would have to go there. "I have the schematics," he murmured.

"How did you...is that what we got out of the safe?"

He nodded, still so tense I thought his bones would break.

"So who's...." I started to ask but stopped when I looked up at G's face. I've seen hatred, disgust, anger, sadness, and love in him before but never, ever have I seen such fear, not in anyone.

"Me." He nodded miserably. I squeezed his stiff, cold hand. "Show me the schematics," I said, trying to project as much confidence as possible.

"You don't have..."

I put a hand up, moving him to silence. "I do. Show me."

He sighed and let go my hand. I breathed a silent sigh of relief as blood flowed back into the strangled limb. I sat down beside him and he pulled out a blue print of the prison and a sketch of the control room.

"So this is how you know your way around," I said with a mischievous smile. He shrugged, panic and fear still wild in his eyes.

"I don't like this he whispered," looking down at the papers.

I reached over and took his cheek in my hand and kissed his other one comfortingly. "We're going home," I told him sternly, "Show me what I need to do."


Two hours later Undyne, Alphys, G, and I met together in the warden's office. Undyne and Alphys had picked up as many weaponize-able items as they could. Alphys and her genius mind had used some of the material to make some wicked weapons.

To my surprise, Alphys herself was going to fight. I started to feel jittery and light-headed when I realized I was going in to the control room by myself.

G kept giving me side glances as he geared up. I smiled at him when I caught him staring for the seventh time but it didn't cheer him up. His eyes seemed dead with worry and I wished I could take it away from him. It also hurt that he didn't trust me to get through this by myself. I was determined to prove him wrong.

Alphys gave me a pair of crude brass knuckles and a long, steel pipe that she had flattened some to make it easier to swing. "Thanks," told her as she nervously placed it in my hands. I hoisted over my shoulder.

"Our little soldier," Undyne said, smirking.

I smirked back. "Punk."

She grinned.

"Are we all ready?" G asked soberly. We all nodded. He walked out and we followed the leader.

I came up besides him and took his hand. Undyne made a bunch of gagging noises behind us. I rolled my eyes humorously but anything funny was lost as I looked up at G's serious face. He was grinding on his teeth angrily. His face and eyes like stone.

"Hey," I said, squeezing his hand, "We're going home," I said. The idea helped calm the nerves in my stomach. One last step and I could go home with G and this would all be over. Hopefully.

I tried not to think about what Dec. Mullins was doing but my mind couldn't help but ask myself if he found the knife. If I had been cleared yet.

G glanced down at me, his eyes glowed softly. "Little soldier," he said smugly. I felt him loosen up just a tiny bit.

"We'll get through it," I said confidently. He brought my hand up and kissed the tips of my fingers.

I blushed warmly but paled when we came up at the junction where I would split from them. At that corner, I was on my own.

When we reached it, we all stood tersely, their eyes on me.

I looked down the long, dim stretch I had to run through to get to the guards' station. I looked back at them. "We've got this. Don't get too hurt," I ordered.

"See ya outside soldier," Undyne said gravely.

Alphys looked at me sadly, "A..and be careful. P...please Frisky."

G leaned over me and brought his mouth down on mine, his lips pressed against mine saying more than words could even try to.

I bit my lip when he pulled back. Looking them over one last time, I turned around before I could get anymore nervous. I felt their eyes on my back as I sprinted away.

The dark hallway jutted off to the left and the right. I took the right passage, bolting past cells wildly. G will have teleported Undyne and Alphys right outside the main doors by now. I had to be in the guard tower and open the first doors as quickly as I could.

Blood pumped through my ears violently as I ran. My heart slammed against my rib-cage so hard it must have stamped its shape into my bones. My legs burnt like my jumper had been lit on fire. Despite this I didn't stop until I reached the door.

The concrete door sat in a crumbled heap outside the doorway. It had been completely pulverized and reminded me eerily of dust. I shivered but didn't let this distract me. I lined up against the wall.

I wondered anxiously if they were okay.

"Oh man, do you see this. There they are!" A voice suddenly shouted from inside the tower.

I held my breath.

"They're attacking! Somebody's gotta warn Stefano." I heard shuffled footsteps.

With out thinking, I braced myself. When a large monster came running out of the room, he didn't have time to notice me before I swung, hitting him right in the eyes. It was unavoidable since he was covered in them.

I watched them all close in pain and shock. He was out cold.

"Johnny! Who's out there?"

"Man, there's another one over here."

"Come out now!"

I took a deep breath and threw my shoulders back. Walking into the doorway I asked, "Don't you mean come in?"

Two large men launched themselves out of their chairs at me. I didn't have time to think as I ducked. Grabbing a steel chair, I chucked it at the head of the largest man but he ducked. The man behind him grabbed it.

I swung. He wasn't expecting it and the pipe connected. He didn't go down. The other man dived and pushed me over. I cried out in pain when my hip hit the counter.

Panicked, I drove my knee in between his legs and shoved him off. Running at the standing man, I drove him into counter like the other man hand done to me.

I was running off pure, unadulterated adrenaline as I curled my fist and hit him, repeatedly, until his eyes closed.

I spun around as the other man was dragging himself up. I grabbed my pipe off the ground and swung. He fell back to the ground.

I was breathing heavily as I turned around to look for the controls. Instead, I saw a small, thin man sitting, frightened, in his chair. He stared at me with wide, fearful eyes.

I took a step forward, tired and drained but prepared to do anything I had to. "P..please...don't," he moaned. I took pity on him.

"Move," I said, trying to force some anger into my voice even when I had none.

Startled, he fell out of the chair and scurried backwards into a corner. I felt bad for him.

I immediately ran over to the control panel, searching for the lever I needed. Instead, my eyes got drawn to the scene outside the big windows overlooking the doors.

Blood was spattered everywhere, monsters and humans slipping through it as the ran towards their opponents. G, Alphys, and Undyne had formed a circle in front of the door. Fighting fiercely, they drew blood from each and every creature that closed in on them. Bolts of magic and light burst away from them, striking their targets. Mouths hung open with screams but I heard none. I watched as more blood covered other and dust dried it up.

I tore my eyes away from the bloody mess and looked at the keypad besides the lever. I punched in the first number, 1.

Before I could input the rest of the code, a chain wrapped around my neck and I was yanked away.

"No," I chocked out, grasping for anything but only grabbing air.

I tried elbowing him but again, nothing but air. I struggled, pulling every which way violently but he yanked me back. My heart sped up to the point where I could no longer feel it beating and I was starting to black out.

I need oxygen, fast. A light bulb lit up in my mind. With force, I pushed back hard. He didn't expect that and I was able to drive him into the wall. This more than loosened his grip, I was free!

I jumped out of reached immediately, gasping for air. The small man stood back up. I glanced at the pipe but it was too far away. We were going with fists then.

With one last deep breath, I flew at him. My fist crash into his cheek. He stumbled back but then launched at me. I ducked but his body clipped mine I fell against the counter.

I looked desperately at the lever. I had to finish this now.

Getting resourceful, I grabbed a chair and swung. It collided with his chest but he kept coming. For a small man, he was strong. I spun away and he hit the counter. I hit him and when he stayed up, I hit him again, and again. He swung at me once and clipped my side. Pain seared that area but I couldn't stop. I was so close.

I swung again and felt his nose crunch under my fist. He fell down and I kneed him in the chest. That took the air out of him but I had to be sure. With one swift punch, I hit him in the throat.

Desperately running to the lever, I punched in the rest of the code in a flurry and pulled the lever.

Red lights went off and an alarm sounded off in the building. Slowly, the big, heavy doors began to crank open. I scanned the crowd worriedly, searching for my friends. I found Undyne first; she was attacking anyone in reach. Alphys was behind her, watching Undyne's back. G wasn't anywhere around them.

I ran over the mob again wildly. Then I found him. He was standing in front of the doors, staring up at me, a smirk evident on his face, even from here. I breathed out in relief.

I watched in awe as he raised a fiery hand. "Finish this," I whispered. High above me, a large skull began to form. It looked like it belonged to the head of an ancient dragon. It's eyes glowed the same color as G's and they seemed to share the same, fierce expression too.

I was stunned as its jaws opened in three different directions. It spit out a wide, bright beam that blinded me. But that was nothing compared to what it did to the crowd. I watched guiltily as dust and bodies fell to the floor. It focused on the door. It opened its mouth again and did the same thing to the door.

The skull disappeared and then it was just G, staring up at me from the gaping hole that used to be a door. I raised my hand. He saw it and returned the gesture.

Now it was eerily silent. I didn't notice all the clatter until it had disappeared. The remaining, living prisoners had stopped moving, staring in shock at G. No one moved and no one spoke. I held my breath, waiting for something to happen.

G turned around like he heard something. I watched, confused, as he dropped down to his knees and put his hands behind his head.

Then S.W.A.T. and other teams swarmed in like furious hornets. Guns raised, they yelled at prisoners to get down. I watched Undyne and Alphys copy G's movements. S.W.A.T. cleared the room and pushed further into the prison. It seemed like an endless supply of men and guns was streaming into the prison, like a black river. I wondered how long it would take them to get to me.

I glanced at the men I had taken out. I didn't feel pride but instead, sorrow. I felt ashamed that I had been driven to the resort of hurting people. "I'm sorry," I murmured truthfully, wiping a tear off my cheek. None of them stirred.

There was no door to kick in as four officers came in the room shouting, "Get down, get down now! On your knees! Hands behind your head!" I did as I was told, dropping the brass knuckles as a gesture of peace.

The officers looked at each other, me, the men I attacked, and back. "How?" one of them asked but shut up when one of the others glared at him.

They yanked me up and cuffed my hands behind my back.

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