EP 3: Falling Into Your Smile

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Lu y/n walked outside the guestroom to the kitchen to dink some water and looked at everyone who was training for a match between FNC and ZGDX she went over there and looked over at tong yao who was impressively playing it

"Great,nice"tong yao said "awesome"cat cheered "tong yao,what you did was monstrous"chubby said "i feel like i was tricked"he added "are you sure we're playing a duo?i feel like I'm being left alone"

"Chubby,you are the support,and you gotta carry the damage"tong yao said "or else how am i going to carry the game?"tong yao added "tong yao,i did not know that you would become a totally different person during the game"chubby said "no wonder other people call you the "mulan in e-sports"."he added

Cat said "tong yao got MVP, awesome!"

"Easy,let me carry you for the next round"she said and looked at cat

Lu y/n was with rui and ming watching while drinking her favourite peach flavoured rio

"Great!"cat said "k,the new midsolo girl is so awesome"

"One girl took the whole stats and kills for the team,great,great solo,why bother carrying the others"k coldly said as lu y/n frowned "she's new k,its normal for her to play like that, she's never been in a team before,so be nice to her"she said as ming and k looked at her "what she said"cat added

Cheng stood up and and walked away as ming followed

"You ok?"both girls entered the guest room "hmm"she responded

"He just acts like that since he's just way too close to ming"lu y/n said and comforted her

Both men talked outside

"I know you are going to bring up the old times"ming said as they leaned against the balcony "k might be wrong in dealing with her.but he's got a point"cheng spoke "i understand" ming nodded "she's been too aggressive in terms of her playing"cheng said "lack of teamwork"ming added "no professionalism, I know you told me during the tryout match"

"What do you think?"he spoke"too aggressive lack of team spirit,no professionalism"cheng said

"Professionalism can be cultivated"ming spoke"she's the best"he added "among all of the candidate's

"Why are we hiring a newbie?"k spoke "we've been through that conversation"cheng coldly said"you are our midsolo"and added "you have the say about it who's going to be in your place"ming nodded

"You never asked me why I chose tong yao"ming said "half of our team was chosen by you"cheng said "not to mention, she's taking your place as a midsolo"he added"i have faith in your judgement..."

"She's the one i hand-picked from hundreds of candidates"ming said "she has a strong desire to win" "and doesn't give up easily"cheng added "she's fearless"ming spoke"kind of like you"he added "I can't play the game with my hand the way it is now"he looked at cheng"but the reason i chose to retire at this moment not entirely because of my injured hand"he said "there have been many new talents for this year's spring playoffs"he added "if we want to make it to the finals...we need fresh blood like tong yao"

"That's risky"cheng said "the national League is about to begin"

"That's why i need you to train tong yao with me"ming said


"He went home?"lu y/n said after ming put some books infront of tong yao for training "hmm"he nodded "there was an issue with both your parents"he said

"Coffee?"she said and handed him one,he politely agreed and grabbed the coffee from her hand ,After he drank it they went over tong yao

"Tong yao,lets begin our training" ming said as lu y/n looked at him "today I'm going to start from being a professional e-sports player"he added "the ultimate goal of participating in a game"he said "is not to achieve individual victory,but a team one"

"During the process"he said"you need to get rid of lots of your attitude charging ahead alone"he spoke"and the first thing you need to get used to is to see yourself as a screw within your team"tong yao nodded"ok, I am ready to be a backup"she said

"We will officially begin when you are ready"he added"first take a look at this"

Tong yao followed as being said to her while lu y/n read it as well

(Basics for decisive onmyoji arena oro league)


Ming and lu y/n were talking while heading towards the playing tong yao as they noticed something

Ming exited the tab and she was playing cards,lu y/n laughed as tong yao got embarrassed

After many hours studying about different characters she went to bed as well as lu y/n and ming

(One notification from weibo)
Lu y/n looked at her phone

(So tired.as tired as a dog.)


A/n:heyyy i see you doing well reading this chapter hopefully you did( ╹▽╹ )

Anyway do you also play onmyoji arena?i do play but not really that good

Vote or biscuit will eat si aswell

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