Chapter 9 - Confusing

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Marinette reluctantly peeled open her eyes, feeling as though something was off. When they fully opened, she realized exactly what it was.

She wasn't in her room. Rather, she was in room 369 of Chloe's hotel, surrounded by five other sleeping people. She sat up with a jolt. What time was it? How long had she been there?

She clicked her phone to life, squinting at the brightness of it, a stark contrast to the darkness in the room. No one around her stirred. It was one in the morning and notifications from her parents filled up her entire lock screen. They'd called her at least ten times.

She slid off the bed, careful to make as little noise as possible. She cringed at the sound of the door opening but decided to keep going, slipping outside into the dark hallway. When they woke, things were bound to be awkward after yesterday's events.

She swiped on one of the missed calls and it immediately began dialing her parents. They answered on the first ring.

"Marinette?" It was her father.

"H-hi Dad," she said shyly, moving down the hall until she felt she was far enough from her friends as to not wake them. "I'm sorry I didn't call you," she continued, willing her voice not to waver. "It was a long day and I fell asleep. Are you mad?"

"Of course not," he replied to her relief. "Chloe called and explained the whole situation. It was kind of you to help set up for her party. And I heard there was a fight. So of course, you're tired, I completely understand. You can come home in the morning."

"Oh," she said, wondering if Chloe had actually included every detail. She was suddenly, overwhelming thankful for her. Who knew Chloe would be such a good friend? Oh no, she sounded like Adrien. She shrugged, surprised with herself when she wondered if that was even such a bad thing. It's not like he was the only person in the world.

"Okay then. Goodnight Dad. Love you." Relieved, she tucked the phone back into her purse beside a sleeping Tikki. She was too well rested to return to bed, so she began wandering the halls, sauntering towards Chloe's room.

She knocked, not exactly expecting an answer. However, the door opened, and Chloe stood before her. Marinette gasped, surprised to see bruises covering her face.

"What happened to you?" she demanded. "Are you okay?"

Chloe rolled her eyes and stepped out of Marinette's way as she barged inside. "It's nothing, Mari. Don't freak out. She quietly shut the door and moved to the sofa.

"Seriously," Marinette persisted. "What happened to your face?" She sat on the couch beside her, moving closer to better examine her face.

"It's not a big deal," Chloe sighed, leaning back on the couch cushions, exhausted from her altercation from Alya and from the fact that she'd barely been able to sleep. Her bruises ached and she couldn't rest her head in her arms as comfortably as she usually did. Not to mention, it hurt applying her face cream, and brushing her teeth, and scratching in itch.

"Just tell me what happened," Marinette said in a tone of finality. She moved off the couch and to the bathroom, where she found a clean washcloth and ran it under warm water. All the while, Chloe remained silent, closing her eyes to no avail, overly aware of Marinette's presence.

She sat back down beside Chloe. "This may hurt a little bit," she warned, "But it'll help with the swelling." She gingerly touched the warm cloth to Chloe's marks, who tried her best not to flinch.

Marinette lightly pressed the cloth to the different injured spots on Chloe's face. The bruises were mostly purple and yellowish, but there were occasional red marks.

"So, who did this to you?" Marinette asked, her voice low and gravelly. Chloe had never heard her sound so... dangerous. Protective. It was actually a little... No. She couldn't finish that thought.

"Alya," she admitted with a deep sigh. Marinette stiffened visibly, a new, blinding hatred developing for her old friend. How could she?

"Don't overreact," Chloe told her hastily. "I hit her first."

"I'm sure there was a good reason," Marinette told her shortly. Finished with the cloth, she discarded it on the back of the couch. Her fists curled at the thought of Alya. Even if she got on her knees, Marinette would never be her friend again.

Chloe yawned, the movement making her face smart. "I should go," Marinette muttered. "My room's just kind of... occupied."

"No, I'm fine," Chloe insisted, waving the idea away. "I haven't been able to get to sleep anyway."

"Maybe I can fix that," Marinette mused, tapping her finger to her chin. Chloe eyes drifted up from her finger to her lips as if they had a mind of their own. She quickly forced them to move away again.

"How are you going to do that?" she asked incredulously, quirking a brow.

"By... exhausting you so much you have fall asleep," Marinette declared. Chloe was about to open her mouth to ask how she would do that, before Marinette surged forward. Before she knew it, she was being tickled and burst out laughing uncontrollably.

She squirmed under Marinette's touch, her body moving on its own. "Haha! S... stop!" she wheezed through bouts of laughter, the word near unintelligible.

"Wow, Chloe. I didn't know you were this ticklish," Marinette said, her voice incredibly steady compared to Chloe's.

"Ma-ri!" Chloe gasped, struggling to get the words out. "I'll... wake the... whole hotel!" Her legs kicked violently, almost hitting Marinette. Finally, she pulled back and Chloe was able to breathe normally again.

They sat for a moment in silence, before Chloe lunged for Marinette to give her a taste of her own medicine.

Chloe thought her reaction had been big, but Marinette's was even more so. She laughed and kicked, arms and legs flailing in the air. Her face flushed, cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink Chloe's treacherous brain couldn't help but notice.

Finally, they both sat back on the couch, laughing to themselves.

"Think you can sleep now?" Marinette asked, smirking.

"Ha. No." Chloe laid down on her back, head resting in Marinette's lap, returning her smirk. Marinette struggled to ignore her racing pulse and the newfound warmth in her cheeks. This had been such a confusing day, she didn't need to night to be even more so.

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