Chapter 3 - Shattered

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"Chloe?" Butler Jean stopped her in the hallway. She whipped around in a cloud of indignation, impatient to get to the party.

"What?" she demanded, arms folding over her chest.

He had known Chloe for a long time and was not the least bit intimidated by her attitude. His hands folded neatly in front of him, he smiled kindly and announced, "The chef would like to see you. He wishes to run something by you before bringing out the dish."

"Ugh! Fine, whatever!" She stomped her foot in irritation. Clack! went the sharp point of her heel. Marinette watched her, a small, amused smile on her face.

"Some guests have arrived," Butler Jean told Marinette kindly. "I'll have Chloe back as soon as possible."

She nodded, smiling back. "Alright. Thanks for the warning." Butler Jean kindly led the fuming Chloe away into the kitchens while Marinette navigated the expansive halls of the hotel until she was standing before the party room, separated from it by a set of double doors.

Taking a deep wavering breath, she steadied herself and pushed open the doors. Just as Butler Jean had informed her, there were already people inside. Her cheeks flushed, an embarrassing scarlet color, when her eyes landed on Adrien. Thankfully, she also found Luka. She trusted him completely. Even though she wasn't in love with him, she was never uncomfortable in his presence. She loved him in a platonic way.

Adrien, Luka, Kagami, and Felix were the only ones who had arrived. Marinette pushed the doors closed behind her, focusing on the soreness of her feet instead of the rush of emotion Adrien's presence inspired in her.

Her eyes sought Felix. She hadn't known he was in town, and she couldn't recall Chloe ever inviting him.

"H-hello A-Adrien," she stammered, butterflies in her stomach. She felt she might swoon she was so nervous. How was it fair for someone to be this beautiful?

"Hey, Marinette," he greeted her warmly, the way he did everyone. She sobered a little when Kagami stepped forward, holding Adrien's arm. Although she didn't mean to, she reminded a somber Marinette they were dating, and her love would continue to go unreciprocated.

"Sorry I brought Felix," Adrien continued. "It just didn't feel right leaving him in this house all by himself. I hope it's not a problem."

She stared at Felix and clenched her fists to keep herself from stuttering. "I-it's not with me," she said as steadily as possible. It made sense why Adrien didn't love her. She was always a blubbering, blundering fool around him.

Felix's gaze locked with hers and he glared icily. She bristled, always put off by him. She still couldn't forgive him for putting Adrien in danger the way he had. She didn't understand why he was so cold and distant either. Did he think he was better than them? Is that why he hadn't apologized?

At the opposite end of the room, the doors swung open grandly and in strutted Lila, her hips swaying from side to side. She wore a fancy, revealing black dress and her hair was styled impeccably.

If Marinette thought Felix was bad, Lila was worse. Marinette hated her. She wished she'd disappear, leave and never return. Although progress was slow, Lila was ultimately winning their battle. Marinette could definitely feel a rift in her relationships at school. Only Adrien was completely kind to her, but he was kind to everyone.

Did Chloe seriously invite her? Marinette thought bitterly, feeling slightly betrayed. Just the sight of her smug little face was enough to cause Marinette's fists to curl, itching to collide with something and break it.

Lila strolled right on up to her and kissed her enthusiastically on the cheeks, leaving Marinette with no choice other than to return the gesture. She pulled back, trying her hardest not to scowl. Her eye twitched in thinly concealed irritation.

Lila leaned in closer and whispered, "I cried when I heard I wasn't invited to this party. And everyone felt so bad for me. It's pathetic, how weak minded your friends are. Oops! They're not really your friends anymore, are they?"

"Shut up, Lila," Marinette hissed in her ear, wishing she couldn't come up with some witty response that would make her sound confident, like she wasn't actually losing.

The backstabbing liar giggled in her ear. She backed away, saying loudly, "Oh, Marinette! You're sooo funny!"

Her green eyes scanned the room, her gaze finding the bottle of perfume Chloe had forgotten to return to her room. Marinette's eyes followed hers and she bristled, recalling Chloe's earlier protection over her perfume.

"What's this?" Lila asked, reaching out to take it into her hands.

"No!" Marinette shouted abruptly, her outburst seizing the attention of everyone else in the room. Before Lila's skin had a chance to brush the heart shaped glass of the bottle, she snatched it up, stumbling backwards.

Her hands trembled and she knew what was bound to happen before it ever did. The bottle bounced in her hands, then plummeted to the floor. She stumbled in her heels, falling and landing on her butt. The breath knocked from her, she sat there, stunned.

The bottle shattered into a pile of tiny shards and a red mist clouded the room.

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