Marinette entered Chloe's hotel, the macaroons she'd ordered jostling unsteadily in her shaky hands. In an hour, there'd be a party here and all her friends were invited. Ever since Lila had returned to school, doing her best to fulfill her promise to Marinette and steal all her friends, Chloe had been a little nicer. It seemed they always united against greater evils.
"I'm here!" Marinette called, entering the room for the party. Chloe had hosted events there before. Marinette specifically remembered dancing with Adrien when she'd thrown a party in an attempt to be a nice person. It was still one of her most treasured memories.
Thoughts of Adrien seemed to make her even clumsier. Her foot caught and she tripped, desperately preventing herself from plummeting to the ground and saving the macaroons in the nick of time.
"About time!" Chloe's snippy voice shot back. She was already dressed for the coming event in a little yellow dress and white heels. At least it was better than her usual outfit.
"You're so slow, Mari," she sighed. "And clumsy." Her heels clicked on the floor as she moved to the dessert table. "Put these over here already so you can help me finish setting up."
Marinette rolled her eyes, well accustomed to Chloe's attitude. She moved to the table and set down the box, opening it and creasing it so it would remain that way. That morning, she'd helped her parents bake them. Prior to that, she'd coordinated the colors and flavors so they would be a cute display of sweetness at Chloe's party.
Chloe dug into her purse and returned her hand with a few neatly folded bills pinched between her first two, perfectly manicured fingers. She extended her arm, offering it to Marinette.
"I'm not taking that," Marinette told her shortly. "You already paid for the macaroons themselves. Besides, that's too much." She crossed her arms and lifted her chin, displaying her refusal.
"Oh, just take it, Mari!" Chloe huffed. "You know I don't need it."
"Neither do I," Marinette told her. "And I don't need you taking pity on me either just because I'm not as rich as you."
Chloe rolled her sharp blue eyes and sighed dramatically. "I don't pity you," she snapped. "Who cares that I'm richer than you - a lot richer than you? It's not that big a deal. I'm just trying to tip you for your service."
"Well don't," Marinette told her. "Come on. Let's finish setting up." She took a couple steps before spinning around. "And don't even think about trying to sneak that money into my purse, either!"
Chloe jerked her hand away from Marinette's bag, chuckling nervously. "Like I'd do that!" she said. "See? I'm putting it back." She tucked the cash into her own purse.
"Come on." Marinette walked further into the room. For the next fifteen minutes, the girls worked to put the finishing touches on the space. If someone had told her she'd actually enjoy spending time with Chloe a few years ago, Marinette would have never believed them. But now, as her life slipped away from her at the hands of Lila, she found herself enjoying the blonde-haired drama queen's company more and more.
Although Chloe would never admit it, and Marinette certainly didn't want her to, the party was secretly for Marinette. Chloe saw what was happening to her and this was her best attempt to help Marinette reform a connection with her friends.
"Finally done," Marinette declared, her eyes sweeping over the room which was in tip-top shape, ready for a party.
"Yeah. Now come here. I want to show you something." Chloe snatched her arm and dragged her down the hall. Marinette followed her, trying not to stumble. At the entrance to her room, Chloe finally released Marinette and darted inside. Marinette stood at the threshold, uncertain if she should enter.
She didn't have to decide for Chloe soon returned, holding a glass bottle in the shape of a heart.
"What's that?" Marinette asked. They walked side by side back to the party room, Chloe carefully holding the bottle.
"Shhh!" she hissed. "I'm concentrating!"
"On what?" Marinette inquired, the only response she received being a sharp glare from Chloe. They finally made it back and she gingerly set the bottle on the table, slowly retracting her hands.
"I can't drop it," Chloe explained. "There's only a few available bottles in the world and Daddy was kind enough to get me one."
"What is it?" Marinette asked, surveying the bottle intently. The glass appeared red because of the liquid inside. It had one of those long, puffy, sphere-shaped sprayers. Very fancy. Very typical of Chloe.
"It's my new perfume," she explained to an unimpressed Marinette. "It's the only one I'll ever be able to get. I'm going to wear it tonight for the first time."
"What's so special about perfume?" asked an incredulous Marinette. She reached out to pick up the bottle for closer examination.
Chloe slapped her hand, squealing, "Don't touch it!" She swallowed furiously and continued when Marinette had removed her hand. "You're so clumsy! I can't have you dropping this the way you do everything else. It's the only one I'll ever be able to buy for the rest of my life!"
Marinette rolled her eyes. "It's just perfume, Chloe. It won't make that big a difference. Do you even know what it smells like?"
Chloe ducked her head. "Well... no."
Marinette clicked her tongue. "So, it was the price tag that attracted you, was it?"
"So what?" she demanded. "How can I see perfume that expensive and not be intrigued?" She stopped her foot in irritation and took Marinette's arm again. "Let's just go. Your poor self can't appreciate such high-value items!"
"I'm not poor," Marinette reminded her as they journeyed to the roof. "My parents literally own their business."
"Bah," Chloe replied. "My daddy pretty much owns the city."
"Oh, hush."
They stepped out onto the roof and settled in lounge chairs. There was still a good half hour before the party was due to start. Marinette leaned back in her chair, wondering what it would be like to be surrounded by such luxury all the time. She didn't think she could stand it. She rather liked her modest life.
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