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Cardo wakes up to the sun shining through his window. He lays in bed and thinks about the day. After fifteen minutes he wakes up to shower and get ready for football practice. He looks at himself. "I am the most popular guy at my school, all the colleges wanted me. Yet I still feel empty." He drives to school and grabs his gym bag out of his car.

Cardo is walking on the field when he sees a group of students in the bleachers who he hasn't seen before. There were a group of ladies talking and one guy. Cardo couldn't take his eye off of him. Was it the blonde hair? The doll face? Was it his body space? Cardo quickly snapped out of it once his coach called him over for practice. He doesn't know what took over him but he wanted the guy's attention.

Cardo looks over at the bleachers and sees the group of students watching practice. He saw that boy staring at him. Something about him gave him butterflies. He wanted get to know everything about him. There was a second where he could have sown the guy was looking at Cardo. For that split second time had stopped. The guy looked away once Cardo was on the ground. He heard his laugh. Whoever this guy was is driving him crazy and he was only sitting down.

"Practice is over. Go hit the showers." says the coach. Most of the players head towards the shower area when one of the girls call him over. "Cardo, come here there is someone I want you to meet." she smiles as Jaylin is eating gummy worms talking to the other girl. Cardo get nervous as he gets closer to see how beautiful the guy is up close. "I'm Jaylin, what's your name?" Jaylin puts his hand out. Cardo freezes he was the most beautiful guy he ever saw but it confused him. He never viewed a guy as attractive before. Cardo smiles and shakes Jay's hand. "Hi I'm Ricardo but my friends call me Cardo. You must be new because I haven't seen you on campus before." he looks at Jaylin and bites his lip. "Hey we are going to leave. Jaylin we will catch up with you later, okay?" Jaylin nods and Cardo sits by him.

"I just transferred here a week or two ago. I liked this campus better." Jaylin eats his gummy worms and Cardo can't keep his eyes off Jaylin's lips.

-Dream Moment-

Jaylin smiles at Cardo and he smiles back. He looks at Jaylin's lips and Jaylin smiles. He pulls Jaylin closer to him slowly. He looks to Jaylin for acceptance before kissing him slowly. The kiss made the world sound louder, brighter, clearer. He felt like he was experiencing colors for the first time. Then the clouds turned dark. The dream ends.

Jaylin looks at Cardo weird. "Did you get lost in la la land just now?" Jaylin smiles at Cardo. "Sorry I was thinking of something. So tell me about yourself." Jaylin laughs. To Cardo his laugh sounds like angels. "Well I'm a marketing and advertising major. I want to run my own business one day." "A business man huh?" Cardo smiles. Jaylin's smile fades. "I don't think my boyfriend will like it too much if he knows we are talking right now." Jaylin plays with his gummy worms. "You have a boyfriend, my apologizes. I mean that's sad to hear." Jaylin looks up to Cardo."I didn't know you were into men." Cardo coughs. Was he coming to Jaylin aggressively?

"Uh no. I like girls." He says as he grabs one of Jaylin's gummy worms. "I didn't say you can have one of those. Plus I don't care what your sexuality is its just you cared so much about my relationship I just thought you would go that way. My apologizes." he says looking at Cardo seriously. "Sorry to be in your business or come off rude. You just don't look happy when you talk about him." Cardo says. Jaylin playfully hits Cardo. " Let's not talk about him okay? And for the gummy worms you can have some I was joking silly. You know you are actually really cool. We should hang out sometime!" Jaylin says as he throws his gummy worms away. "I'd like that." they both laugh as this tall light skin guy shows up.

"JAYLIN. Let's go." Jaylin's boyfriend says. "Who's that?" Cardo says. He can't explain it but he already didn't like the dude. "My jealous boyfriend, look I have to go." Jaylin grabs Cardo's arm and writes his social media and number on his arm. "Contact me sometime?" Jaylin says as we waves goodbye. "Definitely."

"Hey babe I missed you." Jaylin says as he kisses his boyfriend. "Who was that guy you were talking to just now?" Jaylin laughs. "He's my friend chill." Jaylin's boyfriend wraps his arm around him as they leave. Jaylin looks back at Cardo.

Cardo leaves to get into his car. He drives back to his apartment. Today had been so exciting. He met someone new...someone who made him feel something. For the first time he met someone he could be himself with. Cardo lays on his bed once he gets dressed from the shower. He looks at his arm and notices that the writing is almost gone. "SHIT!" Cardo rushes over to grab a piece of paper and writes all of Jaylin's information down.

Cardo goes on Jaylin's Instagram and sees pictures of him with his boyfriend. He wants to throw up in his mouth it's so bad. Cardo sees a picture of Jaylin by himself and he smiles. Cardo adds Jaylin to his contacts in his phone. He decided to call Jaylin to make sure he got the right number.

C- Hey is this Jaylin?

J- Guy I met earlier, Hi.

C- I know it's late I just thought I should call you to make sure this was the right number.

J- It's the right number. I'm glad you called. Its cute.

Cardo laughs.

J- Sorry about earlier... my boyfriend is a bit much.

C- Its fine. I mean we can still be friends right?

Jaylin pauses for a minute.

J- I don't see why. He's not the boss of me.

C- Seems like he was earlier on the field.

J- Let's not talk about him.

C- I know we just met but would you like to hang out tomorrow and play fornite?

J- I love that game. I haven't played in ages. (insert ex's name) wants me to do everything he wants. I don't have much of a say.

C- You deserve better.

Jaylin blushes through the screen.

J- Uh so man just text me your address and when you want me to come over. I'm free all day tomorrow.

C- Cool can't wait to hang out.

J- Goodnight Ricardo.

C- Goodnight Jaylin.

Jaylin laughs and hangs up the phone.

Cardo lays back on his bed. He had talked to Jaylin twice in one day. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world. He couldn't wait to hang out with Jaylin tomorrow. He didn't know it yet but he is very protective over Jaylin. Tomorrow would be the start of a new relationship.

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