🎉🎊🎄Christmas Special🎄🎊🎉

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First of all Merry Christmas!or Happy Holidays!Depending on what you celebrate.
Secound of all thanks so much for all your support on this book, we hit 2.53k and 1st on Black Clover out of 170 stories!
I hope you continue to support this book as I try to write on daily, I hope I wouldn't post any notes or anything like that, but I will make specials everytime we hit a certain goal!
Enjoy this christmas special!


"Ehhh!I can't believe it's christmas already!"I shout out loud as Leopold eats his breakfast in front of me in the mess hall.

"Yea and the Magic Emperor invited all of the Magic Knights for a Christmas Party tonight at the palace."Leopold adds.

"What type of party?"I ask as the subject catches my interest.

"Like a ball sorta thing, I think there will be presents and stuff but yeah.I heard we had to take a date with us too."Leopold looks to the side as he scratches his cheek.

"Oh that's nice."I comment, stirring my tea.

I wonder if I can skip it and head back to Hage for Christmas...

"Hey (Y/n)...would you be m-"Leopold qas cut off when heat grips my head.

"U-uh, Big Sister M-mereoleona."Leopold stutters holding his hand up as sweat drips down his head.I feel sweat trickle down my forehead when I hear her voice.

"There you (Y/n), come on.We're going shopping."She says smiling.

Not the nice nice smile the I'm going to kill you if you refuse smile.

I shake my head quickly as I get dragged away from our table while wavibg to Leopold.

Allow me to rest in pieces~!

Mereoleona kicks open the entrance door and marches out as the tiger paw drags me behind.Outside I spot a girl with pigtails and another with a huge rack.

"Mimosa!Noelle!"I shout as I see them.

Rescue me Mimosa!!!

As we walk closer to them I see a paw on each of their heads.We meet up and Mereoleona smirks as she aligns us together.

"You too (Y/n)?"Mimosa whispers to me.I shale my head as sweat bead rolls down my face.I spot Noelle looking our way, I look back at her as she turns her head turning rhe other way muttering about 'chest'.

"Girls we're going shopping!"Mereoleona shouts as a carriage flies down in front of us, the paws lift us up and we were sitting on the carriage.Mereoleona boards the carriage on the other side.(The seating is Noelle, (Y/n) then Mimosa.)

"Eh, where are we going?"I pipe up.

"We're going to the top brass of tailors in the Noble Realm of course."Mereoleona says proudly.

30 mins later...

"Woah!"I beam as I look around the noble realm.

I've been here before but not this part!These people are rich!No, rich would be an understatement, I wonder how the Emperor lives...

"Now."Mereoleona grabs our heads again as we start to wonder off, we're dragged back vlose to her as she walks into a large building, outside, the windows are decorated with cream mannequin dressed in fine dresses and gentlemenly attire of all sorts.Frilly, cute, sexy and in different sizes.Mereoleona enters the store and we were unwillingly following behind, inside were more mannequins dressed up.In the corner I spot a man sitting down and looking over his work on the table, he looked like he was in his thirties or fourties.Dressed in a suit fit for a noble.Black hair slicked back with brown chocolate eyes.He spots us and walls over.

"Lady Mereoleona, welcome back to White Elites, it's a pleasure for a royal such as yourself to purchase our designs."He says as he bows and takes Mereoleona's hand and kissing her knuckles.We look at the man in slight disgust as Mereoleona shakes her hand back.

"Ah well.We have a party tonight at the palace, I need these ladies dolled up."Mereoleona presents us to him, we look at him with cold eyes as the paws drop us back on our feet.

"Ah of course!"He says nervously at our gaze.He leads us over to a rack full of dresses, Mereoleona smiles as she takes a whole bunch and throws them at me, I catch them barely balancing as I try to see over the top.Another bunch was thrown at Noelle and Mimosa as we all try to balance.

"Go try all those on."Mereoleona orders with a deadly smile, pointing to the five change rooms behind us.


One hour later...

"Mimosa try the other one."

"(Y/n) garb a shorter one of that."

"Noelle go put on the other one I think the other one was better."After an hour we were still at it as we tried on dress after dress waiting for at least an OK from Mereoleona.

15 mins later...

"Not bad.We'll take these three."Mereoleona points at us three in our dresses.

"Finally!"We all shout rushing back into our change rooms to change back into our normal clothes.

(Mimosa's dress, without the hat though.I personally think Mimosa will looo really cute in this.)

(Noelle's Dress)

(Your dress but ditch the cane and hat, and imagine the dress is a deep red and that the bodess is lace not belts or whatever that is.)

"Am I glad that's over!"I shout as I come out of the changing room to be greeted by Mimosa and Noelle hanging, I felt something grip my head.

"You said that too soon (Y/n)."Mimosa says to me as we hang around.The dresses were boxed along with the accessories and shoes and they were loaded onto the carriage.

"Now you guys need a date."When Noelle and Mimosa both hear it, they goes deep red.

"Eh?Eh?!?!?!??!?!"I shout as I look at both tomatoes.

We all arrive at the Golden Dawn HQ to drop Mimosa off.She gets off and waves to us as we wave back, I spot Yuno coming out of the entrance and I burst into a large smile.

"Yuuuuno!"I shout waving.He looks up to see me and waves back with a small smile with Belle pulling his ear.

Wait....I forgot about Revel....he's still sleeping.....

I stop waving when I remember.

"OH SHIT I LEFT REVEL BACK IN MY ROOM."I shout hysterically, before something grips my head.

"Sowwy....."I pout as Mereoleon shoots me a glare of death.

The carriage starts to move and we arrive at the Black Bulls HQ we drop Noelle off and Asta was no where to be seen.

We then head to the Crimson Lions' HQ, we leave the carriage and Mereoleona went away somewhere as I rush back to my room holding the box of my dress.

Dammit, I was too late, utter choas...

The room was a mess, ink spilled on my desk, messed up bookshelf, papers everywhere, bunched up blanket and flipped over pillows, drawers hanging open and dresser flipped inside out.And last but not least, a crying Revel.

"WHHHHAAAAAA!(Y/N)!!!!"He cries flying towards me, smashes into my face tears going everywhere, I peel him off and place him on the desk along with my box.

This happens.Every.Single.Time.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Angels Call."Clones of me start to appear and we all groan as we start to clean up the mess.I look at a note on my table with ink spilled all over it.

The party starts at 5, don't be late.


Whhhaaa!Captain came into my room!!!! (-////-)

I blush at the note and place it in the bin and start to wipe off the ink on my table.I look at the clock on my wall.

1:37....I guess i could clean up in 2 hours and use one hour to relax and use another hour to get ready...

1 hour later...
My clones disappear as I place the last book on the shelf.I spot Revel playing with a squirrel that had came through my window.

What a weird angel...

My door suddenly bursts open to reveal the ferocious woman, Mereleona.

"Mereoleona?!"I shout in surprise.

"Time to go!"She yells as a paw grabs my head and drags me behind her, another paw grabs the box on my desk.

"(Y/n)!"Revel shouts coming out of my room and flying towards me, he lands in the hood of my robe.

I'm dragged into an unknown room, filled with dresses and tables with mirrors and makeup.

"Okkaay.. so why am I here?"I ask her as she let's me down.

"To get ready?"She says in a 'duh' voice.A girl in a maid uniform comes in ushers me towards ths change room as I hear voices behind me.

"H-hey!"I shout.

"Oi!I am royalty!"I hear Noelle's hugh pitched voice as the change room shuts and she pulls all my clothes off and dresses me in my red dress, she pulls my arm and puts my hand in my gloves.She ushers me out of the change room bare foot and sits me on a chair as I hear screams from the other change room.The maid makes me turn to her as she works her way with my face with the makeup.

1 hour later...

We were sweating from the rush of all the maids as we finally stood in front of the dolled up Mereoleona.

"H-how do we look?!"I shout slightly panting on my knees, she stands up and slaps my back making me straighten my posture.

"Not bad, not bad..."She mutters circling us.

(Mereoleona'a Dress)

We start to make our way to the carriage, when I hear a sigh.

"What is it, Noelle?"I ask her.

"I don't have a date...."She mutters blushing.

"There's no problem, I don't have one either!"I add.

"Mimosa?How about you?"I ask her.

"U-uh...I don't have one!!"She exclaims.We hear Mereoleona sigh.

"Well, do you have a date?"I ask her.She smirks.

"Who needs a date when there are determined women?"She declares sparringly.

She some how reminds me of Sol...

We arrive at the palace after about an hour and I wasted no time digging into the food.

"This is DELICIOUS."I say as I grab another cupcake.Everyone was chatting and I've lost Mimosa and Noelle in the crowd.

"Keep eating, and you'll get fat."I hear someone say from behind me.

"Yuuuno!"I shout biting into my cupcake as he walks over to me.He was handsome, as always.We wore a black suit with a stringy tie around his neck with a black button up shirt underneath.He sighs as he grabs a sweet from a bowl and plops it into his mouth.

"Yum right?"I say to him, grinning.I finish off my cupcake as I hear the music change into a slower rhythm. I walk across the room towards the chocolate fountain and grab a strawberry, I was about to dip it in.

"You know you'll get fat."Another says to me.I dip my strawberry in and plop it in my mouth.

"Funny.That's the second time some said that to me."I say, unoffended.

"Hmmm...I can why they did."Nozel replies.His hair was the same, he wore a white suit with a white button up shirt underneatg with gold rims on his collar, done up with a red tie.

"Okay, now I feel offended."I say poutyly as he walks over.

"Hmph, a commoner like you should be used to it."He says with a slight smirk.

And since when did he start to speak to commoners like me?

"Well I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I'm having a hard time get my head that far up my own ass."
I was about to say another insult when a hand clasps my mouth and an arm goes around my waist and pulls me back.

"Your always so troublesome."Yuno's voice reaches my ears as I struggle to get our of his grasp, once we were out of Nozel's view he let's me go, I was about to yell when the impact hits me on the head.

"Oooowwwwww...what was that for?"I yelp.

"For being an idiot and trying to provoke someone who might kill you."He replies back.

"Pah-lease like he can kill me!"I shrug with a exaggerated sigh.

"*sigh*Nevermind that, have you seen Asta?"He asks.I shake my head no and he sighs again.

"Well if you see he, tell me."He says walking away.

"Will do, you cold and handsome jerk!"I shout at him, crossing my arms.I walk over to a table and was about to grab some food when a hand grabs my wrist.

"(Y/n), come dance with me."Fuegoleon smiles charmingly.I feel my face flush as he pulls me over to the dance floor.

"U-uh!Sir!I can't d-dance!"I stutter out as he places his hand on my waist.


"Ah well, you're doing fine."He comments.The music fastens and Fuegoleon spins me to my next partner.


He places a hand on my waist and takes my hand.Unexpectedly, gracefully.

"I see you were getting a little bit close with Fuegoleon."Nozel notes.

I flush again, remembering.

"You know, he's out of your leaugue."

"Well, that goes to tell that I need to work harder to get on the same level."I say back to Nozel.

"You're different."

"No.I'm no different than you, trying to obtain my power and surpassing my rivals."I say as he spins me on the last note as I go to the next person.

Is he even a Magic Knight?

The man was tall, but he wore a suit that barely cuts the dress code.

"How about we dance over there?"He asks.I didn't have time to reply when he whisks me over to the balcony, he stops dancing and pushes me against the railing.Everyone was too busy watching the dance to notice I was being harrassed.

"H-hey, let go of me before I blast you!"I shout.He laughs and I try to use my magic.

"Don't sweat trying sweetie.I'm an expert at magic binding."He says.


"I would like it if you kept your hands off her. After all I'm her partner for tonight."A voice calls.The man looks behind him and was knocked over the edge.
I look at mt saviour and see....


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