Chapter 9

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Warmth rained onto my lips, as his eyes closed in and our noses touch.I was lost for a minute before realization suddenly came to him and he pulled away, he looked into my eyes, there was a fire, lit ablaze, by what?

(Author cuts in and says love)

"Leopold, uh let's forget about it yea?"I ask him. He blinks finally coming back to reality.

"H-huh, yea, lets go over there!" He points.

Your enthusiasm isn't  fooling me Leopold, your hurt right? Was it me? I want to ask you so many questions, but I can't bring my self to say it.

I put on a fake smile and follow him.

"Sure! By the way, where did you fish go?" I stop and look at his hand, he looks at his hand and he looks behind him to see his fish already trampled.

"Eh? I was looking forward to eat that..."He mutters, I shove my fish in front of his face.

"Here, we can share!"He looks at it and stares before compiling and took a bite.

"This is tastes better when you feed me."He remarked.

"You have hands too you know."I told him.We walked pass an alley when I hear a loud obnoxious voice. 

"Don't shove your important stuff off onto me!"Asta's voice bossed.I look around the corner to see Asta shouting at the guy he had as his opponent during the exams.

Wasn't his name, Sekke?

"LIVE! MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE YOURSELF! DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP, YOU IDIOT!" Asta shouts into his ears, a woman bends over and starts rubbing his foot with ointment.

"There's no way you'd die from this. It's just temporary numbing poison. I'll put some of the shique ointment I just bought on it. It'll be fine in no time."She says. A wave of shock over comes Sekke and he immediately stands up and walks away.

"Train harder until we meet again, Asta!"He says trying to be cool.

"See you later! Har! Oh, yo (Y/n)! I didn't see you there, wassup?"He questioned as he ran over to me and Leopold.

"Nothing much, Leopold and I are on a date!"I announce, Noelle suddenly comes sprinting and stops to interrogate me.

""A date!?!? With Leo?"She yells.

"Uh, yeah..."I trailed off, wondering about what all the fuss is about. She lets go and turns to the side to sigh.

"Leo went on a date before I even got asked out...."

"WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE WORLD THESE DAYS?!" She screams in frustration. Asta picks up the bag on the floor and heads over to the old lady who was standing near the wall.

The wall is made of magic, it must be a black market of some sort.

"You won all this gambling? That's awesome grandma! Don't let anybody take it again!" Asta tells her as she takes her money back.

"Thank you, Magic Knights!" She exclaims happily. We start to head off, Leopold was really red for some reason after he chatted with Noelle.

"Take care grandma!" Asta shouts as we turned the corner.

"Good job Asta!"I told him as I pat his head, since I was taller than him, it was easier for me.

"You sarcastic moron! Your making me blush!" He says playfully hitting my arm playfully.

Damn you and your muscles, I'm going to have a bruise there for the next 2 weeks.

We go our separate ways as we parted with Asta's group.

"That was a surprise." I try to lighten the mood.

"Ah, yea running into him here of all places."Leopold adds.

"Hey, we never really got to do anything for our date."I say, recalling the events from earlier today.

"Yea but that's okay, we can go on another one some other day."He says scratching his chin.

"It was fun, just being with you, and seeing that you enjoyed yourself as much as I did."He stops and looks at me.

It's that fire again...

"But we didn't really do anything...."I trail off, feeling guilty of taking his time and wasting it on me.

"Then let's go somewhere right now!"He says as he grabs my arm and drags me along.


After a few more hours, I bought a few things for my family and a few new things for me too, and when I say bought, I meant Leopold paying for everything as I grab what I like, he keeps saying that they're gifts and that I really didn't have to worry. We arrive back at HQ.

I walk into the ball room with Leopold holding most of my things. We drop them off at my room and head to the first mess hall for dinner.

We grab our food from the stands and take a seat at a table.

"Thanks, Leopold I had a great time today, and thanks to you, I got to buy things for my family too!"I thank him with a wide smile.

"Nah it was nothing."He says slightly disappointed

"Are you sad because you spent so much money? I knew I should've kept pestering you that I should of paid!" I mutter, having a wave of guilt wash over me.

"No, no no! I'm just a little disappointed that the date ended, and don't worry about the money, I'm royalty after all." He encourages me.

"Ok,I'm thankfull that I met you, even though it wasn't in the prettiest way."I say recalling his accusation of me falling in love with his brother at first sight.

"Yeah I guess."He looking at me.

"Yea.."I say as I stare back with a soft smile.

"Leo! (Y/n)! Did you guys have fun on your day off?" A voice asks as footsteps come closer to our table.

"Big Brother!" Leopold yelps.

"So? How did it go?"Fuegoleon asks me. I feel my face heat up from his closeness, I dart my eyes to the side and muster up my voice.

"It was fun, thanks to Leopold."I say quietly.

"I'm glad to hear my little brother was behaving himself."He says as he leans back and laughs.

Dammit! He's so charismatic! 

I straighten my posture and try to cool my face by taking deep breaths.

Leopold suddenly stands up and excuses himself.

"Leopold?"I ask him as he leaves.

"What's wrong with him?"Fuegoleon asks me.I feel my face brighten again.

"I don't know." I answer.

"I'll go check on him."I say and get from my seat to chase him.

"Leopold!"I yell as I see his vermilion hair in sight.I grab his shoulder and look him in the eye.

"Are you alright?"I ask him.

Why are there tears?!

He looks back at my eyes before realizing it was me. He quickly wipe away his tears and looks to the side, he peels my hands off and quickly straightens up.

"Oh, yea I'm fine.I got remembered something sad, so I got a little emotional."He says faking a smile.

I can see right through it Leopold.

He gives a slight laugh and continues down the hall way.

Just what the heck is bothering you?! Damn it all!

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