Chapter 47

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This books' chapter update is really inconsistent, sorry about that guys.


"You see, there was this sweet old granny, all troubled on the side of the road. As a Magic Knight, I had to help her, so I was a little late!" Xerx explains as he pats Julius's shoulder casually. An irk mark appears on my forehead as I watch the scene play out in front of me.

The nerve this guy has....!

I ball a fist when Julius speaks up to his rudeness.

"I see...! Is the old lady alright?" He questions.

"Oh yes, she's doing great." Xerx replies with a small snicker. Angry yells come from the Magic Knights around me.

"Step away, you fool!" Marx barks as he reaches for Xerx with threatening magic in hand, Xerx jumps off the balcony and everyone dodges out of his landing space.

"Hey hey, what's the big idea? That was really dangerous just now, what are you doing all of a sudden?" Xerx muses as he lands.

"How dare you act so disrespectfully after being chosen!"

"What are you doing?!"

"The Magic Emperor is one of the few men our Boss respects!"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THE MAGIC EMPEROR?!"Asta barks freakishly as he points to Xerx.

"Everybody, please calm down." Julius ushers us. I ball a fist at the Magic Emperor's kindness.

Unforgivable, to taunt such a great person like that, the Magic Emperor, no less.

"Oh, I get it! Everyone respects the great Magic Emperor, huh..." Xerx mumbles as he rubs his neck sheepishly.

"But I don't have a shred of respect for him! Don't go pushing your values on me, small fry!" He laughs as he blurts out.

"WHY THIS JERK!" I bark out as people clear way as I march up to him, I grab him by the collar and look him dead in the eye.

"Look here, Xerx Lugner, I don't give a damn about who you respect or who you don't have respect for. But! Acting cocky like this is not a decent human being. You bastard!" I lift my fist up for a punch, he smirks and catches my fist but due to my increased strength with my magic, I thrusted us a few meters forwards, he almost hit the wall.

"It doesn't matter, little girl. Looks like we're on the same team so let's get along, yeah?"He smirks as he let's go of my hand and presents a handshake. I take it and crush it with some of my strength.

"Just because we're on the same team, doesn't mean I don't hate you, got it?!" I growl.

"Clear as crystal." He smirks as I let go of his hand. He goes to the person next to me, Asta. I look away and walk the the edge of the court. An uproar comes from where I had just been.

"I just came here to make fools out of you guys.

I hear Xerx smirk through his last words.

We'll see who is the real fool here.

I look around as everyone has confirmed their own team.

"Alright, let us go start the exam then! Cobb! If you please!" Julius looks over at a plump man, he salutes with a big smile.

"Yessah! Yessah!" He opens up a portal next to me and motions for everyone to go in. I go in with Asta as he catches up.

"WOOOAAHHH! This is the stage of the crystal destruction tournament!So huge!!!" Asta's eyes beam.

"This battle stage is divided in several areas! Use your powers to the fullest everyone! And this is the tournament chart we chose by drawing lots!" Julius points above his head as Marx displays the battles.

"Winning or losing in this bout will no directly affect the exam results, but the more you win, the more chances you have to show your abilities!" Julius explains.


Let us start the first round!"

Ah, I'm in the 1st round. Wait, there is four people in our team, how will this work?

Someone taps my shoulder and I whip my head around, Marx stands there with a small smile plastered on his face.

"Miss (Y/n), you'll be participating in the first round in a team of 4, the opposing team will also have another member, but I must ask you to drop out for the second round as you are already recommended by one of the selected Royal Knight Captains, so there is no need to display your skills any further." Marx explains to me.

"Alright, I don't see why anyone would recommend me, but sure, thanks for telling me in advance." I say to him.

"My pleasure." He gives me another soft smile before hurrying back to the Magic Emperor's side.

"You are allowed to attack the other teams, but obviously no killing! We have advanced recovery magic users on standby, so fight with all your might!" Julius advises up from the sidelines with a glowing aura.

I look over at the other team as I walk towards the other side of the field. I spot Raquel and three other men. She gives me a smile and a small wave. I smile and wave back.

I go to my spot next to Asta, Mimosa and Xerx.

"WooooooooH! I'm getting pumped! I'm gonna show you what I can do!" Asta beams with balled fists.

"What are shouting for? This is an exam take it seriously. Analyze the terrain and discuss our strategy, there are loads of things to do you shitty brat." Xerx hisses as he narrows his eyes at me, I huff and look over the terrain.

"Arrrggghhh! He didn't say anything wrong this time!" Asta growls in frustration.

"I never say anything wrong, dumbass." Xerx states.

"Come on now, both of you..." Mimosa says as she tries to calm the both of them.

"Xerx is right, first we should learn about each other;s abilities and prepare a strategy! The opposing team is probably doing the same!" Mimosa proposes.

"For starters, we all know what everyone's magic is here, except for yours, care to elaborate?"I say as I raise a brow.


I flip open my grimoire and move the crystal to the side with my wind, the magic attack hits the ground.

"Stay on guard! It's the enemy!" I shout as I give the crystal to Mimosa who covers it in vines. 

Two more attacks come in and hit the crystal.

"Mimosa! Stay on guard!"I yell again, I close my eyes as Asta starts yelling at Xerx.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Sinful Prayer." I listen closely.

Two people near the enemy crystal and another two in a tree 60 meters away. The magic I'm feeling... The two people next to the crystal are probably fusing their magic together.

I open my eyes again, to see Xerx sleeping.

This bastard.

"Mimosa! Asta! There are two people near the crystal fusing their magic together to make these attacks, 60 meters away from them are the other two in a tree. Leave the sleeping bastard here, we're going in!" I yell at them, they nod their heads as we charge in, leaving Xerx behind. Asta kept cutting through the incoming attacks as we got nearer to the enemy crystal.

"I see it! Two enemies and their crystal!" Asta yells. 

"Go behind that brick wall right there!" I yell pointing at the wall at the foot of the cliff.

"Plant Magic: Magic Flower Canon!" Mimosa casts her spell and a large sunflower appears, it shoots a beam the crystal. One of them blocks it with rock magic.

"Mimosa! When did you learn such powerful offensive magic?!" Asta yells in awe.

"Now is not the time!" I scold him.

"I'll take the lead! Let's charge in!" I say as I come out from behind the wall.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Messiah's Faith!" Numerous blades of light appear beside me and charge.

The two enemies suddenly split up.

"They split up! Which one has the crystal!?" Asta yells frantically . I close my eyes and focus on the magic emitted.

"The left one!" I yell out.

"Alright!!!" Asta charges towards him, I go as back up.

"An-ti magic, I see. Let's see if you can withstand my strongest magic!" The man yells

This magic power! We're surrounded!

"Asta! Don't go! We're surrounded!" I yell he stops, a magic circle appears below his feet, magic flares up and paralyses him.

"Dammit!" I curse under my breath.

"Mimosa! Protect the crystal!" She nods as I stand my ground.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Sky on Water Reflection!" Magic surrounds us as I cast the spell the spells from the enemy fly into it and comes back at them. An echoed explosion happens outside as I help Asta up from the ground, Mimosa comes over and starts to heal him. I let down the spell and the explosion stops.

"Looks like you didn't need my help in the end." Xerx smirks, an irk mark appears on my forehead.

The nerve this guy has.

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