Chapter 36

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It's the chapter ya'll been waiting for! It's 2019 and I was planning to finish the 10k special, halfway it became 15k and now about to be 20k and I still haven't finished, so i decided it was too long and saved that for another time.

I was also planning to do a Valentines day special 2 days ago, but I missed it, so I'll probably be doing one later on.

Anyways, enjoy!


"Erm, maybe two spatial portals can cancel out one another?"I say with uncertainty as Yami flips through his grimoire with a annoyed frown.

"No need."He breaths out as he faces the triangular hole and sends a few slices through, I hear a dreadful scream and the spatial portal starts to dissolve.

Oh ok. Didn't need my help afterall ;-;

"Let's go. Stay put gramps."Yami says as he jumps down, I follow suite, giving one last glance at thw screen with a victorious Asta.

I hope he was okay...

"Oi! Hurry up!"Yami yells, I snap back to him and jump down, hurrying towards the large building. Yami cuts a hole through the wall and we walk into the game.

We follow Vetto's magic trail, I feel more magic trails and hurry pass Yami, he sighs as I make a sharp turn.I spot Vanessa, Finral, Noelle and a battered up Asta.

He's okay, just gotta patch uim back up and he'll be fine.

The heavy weight on my chest lifts, I suddenly feel a large concentration of magic, my eyes divert to Vetto, he was laying on the ground as flames enveloped him.

"This is just like that one time! Even the Captain's attack didn't work! He's so much magic like that other guy! No, maybe even more!"Finral yells in panic, my eyes widen as I feel my heart race.

"Is he planning to self destruct!? It's till growing! What magic power! It's erasing my threads!! I can't get near it!"Vanessa shouts.

"That doesn't change what we have to do! We'll just send him flying again!" Asta yells with determination.

Not when he whooped your ass 5 times Baka-sta!

I curse at Asta's stupidity as my grimoire floats beside be, flipping rapidly.

"No, no! That's not even- What am I saying?! I almost wimped out again! There has to be something wee can do! We got this far, we won't give up until the end!"Finral yells as he pinches himself.

"Finally! Something intelligent!" I blurt out behind them.

"Ohhhhh! (Y/n)! Are you here to help?!" Asta yells as he waves at me.

"Yea."I say as i stand next to them.

"Well said, Finral. If we manage to deal with this, I'll let you touch my boobs."Vanessa says.

"Are you serious?!??! WOOOOAAAAAHHHH!" Finral's eyes beams as his motivation soars.

Boi, did his mood change, or is it just me?

"Okay! Bring it!" Asta and Finral yells. In an instant the space in front of us shakes, along with the rubble, smoke clouds over.

"Right. Consider it bought."A familiar voice reaches our ears as sighs of relief goes over the group, the smoke clears.

"Hey you idiots. How've you been?" Yami asks them.

"Captain Yami!" They all exclaim.

"Took you long enough."I mumble, he narrows his eyes towards me before looking back at Vetto.

"Weren't you trapped?" Noelle asks.

"As you can see, I got our. I had to bust a few things though." Yami answers, I sweat drop as I recall the scream of agony.

"Awww right! You're a whole calvary unit all by yourself Captain Yami! Let's knock him into next week together!" Asta beams, my throat hitches as I pull him back by the collar.

"Aha no, you're staying here."I say sternly.

"She's right. Besides, I can take him down on my own."Yami says as he pats Asta's head, making him calm down.

"You've been putting your lives on the line here. I'm the Captain, I've gotta go all out too." Yami continues as he pats Vanessa and Finral's heads.

"You guys did good."Yami says as he pats Noelle's head.

First compliment I've heard from him.

"As a special favor. I'll take care of the cleanup."Yami faces Vetto as his katana drips in darkness.

He kinda sounds co-

"Bwaahahahha! Actually, I'm taking all the glory!"Yami laughs as he walks towards Vetto.


A rush of black flares up from Yami's katana as he smirks. Vetto, feeling the magic pressure, roars.


"Despair, despair...shut up three eyes. It doesn't matter how strong your magic is, this spell....cuts theough dimensions." Yami says.

Oh, that's he cut through the spatial portal from before!

The Black Bulls members gasps as magic flushes from the katana.

"Dark Magic: Darked Cloaked Dimension Slash!"Yami sends a cut through to Vetto, cutting his in the dead centre.

"Consider thanks from my brigade members. See ya, Mister Despair." Yami says as he sticks a cigarette into his mouth, lighting it.

If that was thanks.

I felt something wind past me, I blink and all the Black Bulls members were gone from my side and at crowding Yami, even Asta.


I look at them hugging their Captain as I reflect back to my Captain...

He's still in a coma...

I think sadly, another thing flies past me, I blink again and see Nero pecking Asta's forehead.

"Kkkaaaaaaiiiitttttooooo!!!! Kkkkkaaaaaahhhooooonnnooooo!"A shriek erupts from behind me as I see the high priest cradling his grandchildren.

Why is Kaito here? Wiat, he did say he was the grandson of the High Priest here...

"Ahhhhhh!! ALL BECAUSE OF MY STUPID GAME!!!" He yells as tears flies everywhere, he lets go of his grandchildren and kneels.

"Black Bulls! In beating the Midnight Sun team! You've cleared the game! Splendid work! You also have my profound gratitude for saving the underwater temple! As high priest! I'm begging you, please let me to grant your wish!"

"Sure thing. We'll be taking this magic stone like we agreed." Yami says as he holds up the magic stone.

"Well, well. That's the magic stone? Are you sure that's enough? Yes, yes, take it! Take it!"The high priest beams.

"Huh? Gramps, didn't you know about the stone already?" Yami asks as he tucks the stone away in his pocket.

"Nope! I took a lil'peek in your mind and saw you were looking for some 'magic stone' thing. What exactly is that rock?" The High Priest asks as he stands up, i sense a person coming this way, I turn on guard and see Charmy flying over on a cotton cloud.

"Is the evil boss over here?! I, Charmy will smite him!! Have at mmmmeeee!!"She yells as she strikes a pose with Guache and another girl behind her.

"Hm? Where is he? Did he get cold feet?"Charmy yells, Guache and I make eye contact, I fell a tug on my robe, I peer down and see Kaito, my eyes trail to his legs, one of them were missing.

"Kaito?" I question as I bend down.

"Would you guys like to spend the night here? You guys must be tired, freshen up and then head back to surface." Kaito suggests.

"Actually, we were ju-"

"I'll take you up on that offer."Yami cuts in as I was about to decline.

"Finral needs to recover before we can head back."Yami explains.


I don't want to ruin the fun, now do I?

"On secpund thought, I think that's best."I say as look back the Black Bull members smiling faces. We make our way to another building and the others settle in as I follow Yami to vetto's corpse. Yami covers him over in a cloth and lays down a cigarette, he closes his eyes and prays.

I guess I would too...

I hold thw sign in front of me as I prayed.

I hope you can find happiness instead of despair...

I open my eyes as i hear shuffling behind me.

"What is it kid?" Yami says as I hear a small shriek, I tilt my head and see a tip toeing Asta.

"Asta? What are you doing? You're suppose to be resting!" I scold him, he laughs it off.

"I just wanted to explore a littlw bit kore, we're leaving tommorrow afterall." Asta answers.

"Can't you stay in one place?" Yami remarks, I peer down at his arms, holding a bunch of red flowers.

"I stumbled upon these flowers while I was exploring."Asta explains as he sees my gaze shift.

"Oh right, come to think of it, I'll go check on Kaito and Kahono." I say as I escape the tension between Yami and Asta. I walk up the stairs to the building and open the door.

"Noelle?"I say as i see her next to Kahono.

"(Y/n)!" She yelps as she quickly wipes away her tears, she stands up and waves to Kahono before leaving.


I thought as I look back at the two

"How are you guys feeling?" I ask, Kahono nodds as Kaito replies with a shrug.

"I've been better."He says.

"That's great, I hope you guys get better soon." I say as I take a seat in between their beds, we chat for a while, halfway through Kahono fell asleep, leaving Kaito and I to talk.

We laughed as i talked about Asta's stupidity and Yuno, the dopr suddenly opens, i turn over and see Yami.

"(Y/n), time to go."He says.I nod my head as he walks away.

"I'll come see you off!" Kaito says.

"You don't really have too!" I protest.

"No, it's the least I could do."Kaito fires back.

"Oh! Could you get gramps for me?" Kaito asks.

"Sure thing."I reply, I head down to the main room of the building and spot the high priest.

"Gramps! Kaito said he wanted to see you."I yell, he turns aeound with a raised eyebrow.

"Thank you." He replies as he goes upstairs on his eel. He soon returns downstairs with Kaito on a crutch and Kahono.

My eyes trail down to Kaito's missing leg, only for it to be replaced by an artificial one.

"Let's go!" Kaito says as he hops after me.

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