I glance behind the rock and see people carrying on with their daily lives underwater.
Now....I need to find out if they're hostile and find out who has the magic stone.The magic stone is valuable, so it must be in the hands of the top person here.
"Hello there!"A suddenly voice speaks in front of me.
Shit nuggets!
"I've been caught..."I mutter in dissapointment.
"Yep, send me back up to the surface, arrest me, injure me, blah blah blah, just do what you're gonna do."I sigh hanging my head low.
Kick his ass then keep going with the information gathering.
"You know, you're really bad at acting."He says.He was a young man with dark blue hair tied up in a low pony tail that reached his lower back, with bangs and a strand on the side with beads.He wore a light robe with scaly patterns with a hood.
"So you're from the surface?"He asks with a smile.
"Not obligated to tell you."
"You don't need to know."
"Not obligated to tell you either."
"Younger than you."
"Very well.So (Y/n), I'm sure powerful in coming down to the underwater temple through those currents, bother to tell me why?"
"Vanish Insect."I state Noelle's famous line, hoping it'd work.An irk mark appears on his forehead
"Ok.My name is Kaito, I'm the grandson of the High Priest here."He introduces himself, trying to catch my interest after my little statement.
"The High Priest?Is he the one in charge here?"I ask him.
"Are you interested?I can show you to him, but only on one condition."He smirks.I raise my brow.
"You'll have to win against me in a duel."Kiato finishes.
"Okay.I don't have time for your shit.So I'm just going to inflitrate every house till I find him, thank you for your time."I start to walk away when a hand grabs my shoulder.
"And you think I'll let a suspicious stranger infiltrate my home?"He grits his teeth.
Well no.I wouldn't.
I smack his hand away and turn to face him.
"Fine.We'll have your duel.But you need to keep your end of the bargin."I mutter.
"Ah.Since you have a prize to win, how about I have one too.If I win, you'll leave and never come back here again."He smirks.
"Deal.Now let's get on with it."I hiss.
What a nerve this guy has.
"We start on three.Three, two, one."He launches at me and I dodge to the side, I jump up and my grimoire follows, he looks up and sees my grimoire, in slight shock before returning it to a sly smirk.
"Heavenly Sky Magic: Cresent Glacier!"A gust of wind fires from my hand and hits against Kiato, he was sent backwards and he hit his back against the rock I was hiding behind.He coughs and places his hand underneath his robe and pulls out dual swords.He starts running towards me in a weird fashion.
Is he dancing?!
"Heavenly Sky Magic: Cross Of Sin!"A white cross appears and the long end is sharpened into a point.I grab the short end and charge.
I don't know how to use a sword, I'm just gonna wing it.
He flies by me in an instant and lands a few cuts on my side and arm.
I couldn't land a hit...I'll just attack rapidly.
The cuts already heal themself as blood stains my clothing, I face Kiato.
"Heavenly Sky Magic:Frozen Tears!"Icicles appear and aim themselves at Kiato, he smirks and cuts through all of them.
"Nice try, seems like I'm winning."He smiles.
He's using a dance to synchronize with his sword skills, that's why his moves are unpredictable...I'll just have to see the future for myself, Heavenly Sky Magic: God's Eye!
I close my right eye and open it to reveal a white pupil for a slight second.
He's coming in from the right, slash with his left and then right, jumped back 1 meter, slash to the front and....an opening!
I blink and he lunges forwards, I get my cross out again and block his attack from my right, he jumps back a meter and I jump forwards as he slashes, I block his attack, he looks stunned for a split second and his arms fling to either side, I raise my sword to his neck.
"You lose."I say to him.
"Fine.You win."He mutters unwillingly, I let him go and my sword disappears, I collect my grimoire and place it back into my bag.
"How did you read my moves?"He asks.
"I didn't."I answer.
"Then how?"
"I saw, the future.I was then able to block and attack by seeing what you'd do in the future."I answer.
"Is that your magic?"He asks again.
"I guess you could say that, it's apart of my magic.My magic allows me control elements of the sky, and use the abilities of a God."I answer.
"A God, huh.No one can beat a god."He smiles sadly.
"So.You're telling me this is your first defeat?"He nods his head slowly.
"Hmmm...I guess I could hive you some pity and tell you what I'm here for, I'm (Y/n), a member of the Crimson Lions Kings of the Magic Knights, I'm here to gather information about the magic stone that is located hete, tommorrow, another group will come and collect it if the situation is calm."I explain to him.
"My grandpa, has the magic stone.He'll give it to you guys if you complete his game."Kiato says.
"I see."I murmur in deep thought.
"What type of game?"I ask him.
"They're always random, so I can't say for sure."Kiato answers.
This could be more dangerous than I thought....
"Well, thanks for your help, I guess I'll report back to the surface now."I saw opening up my grimoire again, ready to cast Noah's Ark.
"Wait! Is there a chance...that I can fight you again?"He asks me.
"Hmmm....well sure, maybe."I answer.
"Next time we do, I'll beat you."He declares with a determined expression.
"Haha, sure as hell you won't but okay! Heavenly Sky Magic: Noah's Ark!"Air starts to gather and the ark appears.Kiato stares in awe.
"Well, till next time!"I wave, he waves as I board my ride.I go through the currents and arise on the surface, the sun waz beginning to set so it was around noon, I dock near the cliff I was collecting mana from and disspel my ship, I head back to the hotel and wrote down the information on a spare scroll I carried.
I wonder what everyone is doing right now.No, I need to take my mind off things, I could use this as vacation time...
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