"What is that magic?His magic was restricted before?"Finral gasps in shock as I flip furiously through my gtimoire.
"Hey.Quit shooting your mouth off."Yami snaps.
"This is our chance, if we defeat him and this power, we'll leave out limits in the dust!"Yami shouts as Asta follows with an 'Awright!'.
I mentally cuss and chase after Asta, scratching my meteorite plan.The three enemies go towards Licht and form a triangle.
"Trinity Sealing Magic!"
The fuck!?They're gonna seal that?!Forget them, I gotta get Asta!
I grab Asta's collar from behind and pull him backwards as Licht is being concealed in crystal and flames from the sealing magic, Raia goes towards Valtos and they dissappear with their words of threat.
"Our chief is not feeling too great, so we're heading home for today."Raia says.
"We lost this time!Next time we meet though, I'll show you true dispair!"Threatens Vetto.
"And that will be the end of you."Fana finishes.
"We are the Eye of the Midnight Sun...and we are always watching you..."They end before completely disappearing.Sunlight spills from the open rumble in the ceiling.I let go og Asta as I feel a massive lift on my chest.
We actually....pulles through....and...
Asta's safe.
"D...did we win?"Asta breathes.
"They ran...so I guess we did."Yami answers pulling his cigarette from his mouth.
"YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!"Asta yells fist pumping in the air.He suddenly stops and his body freezes.I start to run as he falls backwards, he falls on top of me, I fall onto my knees as his upper half lands on my chest.
"Why is he so goddam heavy?"I mutter as struggle to lift him up, Finral rushes over and lifts Asta off with Gauche coming to the other side.
"I guess he hit his limits."Yami states.
"They hadn't gotten serious yet."Charlotte mutters.
"Haw haw!Loved by mana? They'll be worth slicing up!"Jack laughs, licking his lips.
"The Black Bulls....Asta hm?"I hear Nozel murmur.I look at him at the mention of Asta's name.He spots me staring and looks back, his eyes trail down to my bloodied side.I quickly place my hand over it to cover the clear skin, I shift uncomfortably trying to avoid his gaze.
If anyone sees this, they'll get suspicious...
I look around for something to bandage it up to look like I was 'hurt'.I hear footsteps come near me.
A hand lands on shoulder and I jump slightly from the touch, the touch was warm yet cold.
"Are you hurt?"I hear Nozel's voice ask.
"Ah no-I mean yea...."I trail off, spinning around and giving my self so room, he gives me a doubtful stare.I look around for an escape route.
"Let me see."He demands, reaching for my hand on my waist.I jump back and smack it away.
"I'm fine!"I shout.
"No need to be so defensive.I'll treat it."He says, lifting his robe to reveal a first aid kit.
"Actually....."I start to panic as he came closer.The others were looking our way as I slightly walked backwards.
"If you want, I could ask Charlotte to help you."He suggests.
"It's not a matter of who...."I say scratching my neck.
"*sigh*I'm actually....fine, really."I finish.Not allowing him to say anything, I scurry over to Asta.
Back at the Magic Knight Head Quaters at the Palace...
When we got back to thr palace, I took a bath to clean and my clothes were handed to the maids who washed and mended it seamlessly.
I sit next to Asta as he lies on the bed still unconcious.The door suddenly opens to reveal a young boy with aqua hair in a bowl cut.
"Hello, My name is Marx, I'm the Magic Emperor's attendant, I actually came here to tell you something."Marc says closing the door behind him, he walks over to me.
"The Captains are having an arranged meeting, and The Crimson Lions' spot is currently empty.I asked the Vice Captain to attend, buy he had some business he couldn't get out of, he recommended Leopold Vermillion, unfortunately, he was still resting when I got to the hospital, and he said you could come in as a representative for the squad."Marx explains.
"Uhhh...I'm sure Leo just lost his head for a bit, how about you check with him again, and while you're at it, check if it's the right person."I say to Marx.
"Ah I make no mistake, my days as the Magic Emperor's attendant is quite stressful, so I couldn't make such a trivial mistake.The meeting is held on yhe 3rd floor, ask on of the maids, they'll show you the way, I'll meet you there shortly."
"I guess there's no choice but to go..."I trail off, Marx goes behind me and ushers me out the door.
"Hurry!Hurry!"He yells as he shuts the door.
I go up to the thrid floor and asks a passing maid for directions, she points to the tower across the open court.I walk over the bridge and into the tower, I decided not to knock but just go in, I hear chatter from inside, I stand at the door and place my hand on the door, ready to push it, when I hear something that perk my ears.
"They haven't settled a temporary captain for the Crimson Lions?If Fuegoleon were here, he'd pull things together really well, but...."The voice from insides trails off as silence overcomes the captain.
Yea...Captain Fuegoleon would....
I look down deep in thought, I think about how Captain Fuegoleon should be here not me.
I'm probably not wanted, like I can replace Captain Fuegoleon...
I laugh at my thought, crying wasn't going to make things lighter, I let pressure on my hand the door squeaks.The door slifes open slowly, all eyes were on me.
"Uh...I'm the representative for the Crimson Lions, uh treat me well?....I guess..."I say akwardly as I walk in.The door behind me closes and the tension rises as they watch my every move.
A boy in the corner of the table sees our tension and immediately turns around, he turns back around with red markings around his eyes and a red diamond shaped mark on his forehead.
"Look!This is my Fuegoleon Impression!"He shouts, pointing at his face.A deadly aura suddenly emits from the other side of the table.
"Just what do you think you're doing?"Nozel barks.
"So what if you're the youngest captain ever.Don't let that get to your head."Jack says in a threatening voice.
He's kinda cute...thinking like that....but I can't really laugh, this is my captain....
"You're a funny guy!"Yami laughs, patting the guy's head.The door behind me moves, I turn to see William, Captain of the Golden Dawn.
"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."He says as attention turns to him, he stands next me.
"I'm late my apologies.Ah!You must be the representative from the Crimson Lions I requested.Please take a seat."William walks over to the seat next to Nozel and pulls it out for me.
I rather not...but...
I walk over and sit down as he tucks it in for me.
"Thank you."I say to him as he walks over to his seat next to Jack.I hear a light snicker from beside me.
What the fuck is so funny?
"What were you doing Vangeance?"Charlotte inquires.
"Ah there was some business I couldn't get out of..."William explains.
No...that's not William....it's some one else...his aura changed.
"I expect you are busy. The charismatic captain of the brigade that got the most stars this term. I'd love to know your secret, how do you claw your way up to become the strongest brigade so very, very fast?I hear those who join your brigade all develop powers beyond expectations.Do have the magic to see individual's futures?"The Captain of the Purple Orcas asks.
"I have no power that imptessive.My knights just work hard, that's all.I'd really like to ask you, a wealthy merchant, the trick to making so much money."William chuckles slightly.
"Gweh heheheh!That's a company secret."Gueldre laughs hanging his head lowly.
"I've been thinkin this for a while...but your laugh is way creepy."Yami comments.
"Why would you say that now?"Gueldre asks with a '!are you serious?' expression.
"And you look like a boneless ham."Yami finishes.
I can't lie about that part
..wait....the Captain of the Purple Orcas....he's hiding something...that tone is nothing but fake.
"Vengeance, where were you during the distinguished service ceremony? It's customary for Captains to accompany members of their squad when they attend the ceremony."Nozel inquires.
So that's why Captain Fuegoleon was there....
William remains silent as Nozel's eye look at him.
"Business you couldn't get out of, again?"Nozel suggests in doubt.
"I was out gambling!"Yami cuts in, no guilt at all
"Nobody asked you."Nozel snaps.
"C'mon people.Don't go pickin on Goldy.Cuz, I mean..you don't use Light Magic, do you?"I feel the mood drop lower as the question was asked.
"That's right..."William trails off.
The boy with pale blue hair looks around before rubbing his face and lifting up his hair.
"Look!This is my Yami imatation!"He shouts, I look at him and let out a small laugh, trying to contain it as Nozel shoots me a glare.
"JUST SHUT THE HELL UP FLUFFY!"Yami yells at him as shudders.
I start to laugh slightly holding onto my stomach.
"You musta been real spoiled growing up rich kid. Well i'm not gonna spoil you loser."Yami shoots Rill a glare.
"AND YOU!QUIT SLEEPING!"Yami shouts, pointing at Dorothy.He then points to me, which I then stop laughing.
"Oh?"I grin mockingly.
He's the Magic Emperor, he wouldn't forget...right?
"I apologize for keeping you waiting!Everything is ready, so if'd you conduct the Magic Knight Conference in another room...."Marx trails off on the screen as he sees Yami's deadly glare.
"You.Come here."Yami glares, Marx starts to sweat on the screen
I mean who wouldn't under that glare...
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