"A force with this much magic appears in five places simultaneously without the guard mages of the Noble Realm to notice. A powerful spatial magic user must have made them materialize in an instant."I state looking over the model.
They probably manipulated a guard or analyzed the mechanism of the barrier and broken through it. Either way, they must of been very skilled in infiltration.
"We need to guard the are around the castle first." Alecdora asserts.
"No. The Emperor with have skilled mages along side with him, the Magic Emperor would be there in assistance so the main problem is securing the people of the Capital, to do so we would need to send members to the five places that have been attacked and places where refuge could be taken by civilians and secure those places, the most safest place would be at the foot of the castle, there the guards could help any injured people and protect them, if the enemy doesn't get past us, then the safety of the people, the palace and the Emperor can all be protected on the palace grounds. Giving the amount of members we have, we need to take out the boss on one of these five locations, depending on our luck we need equal power to increase our chances." I start to murmur about strategies and counter measures before Asta bursts.
"NO! What're we waiting around for? We know there are people who need help out there!I'm going!" He exclaims and starts running out of the room.
"Going where Asta? We don't have a complete grasp of the situation yet, and anyway you can't sense magic at all, remember?!" Klaus yells after him.
"I'M GOING TO WHERE IT'S NOISIEST!" Asta yells back.
"Wait! Baka-sta!" I yell after him. Klaus looks taken aback at the unskilled strategy before I see Leopold smirk.
"BWA HA HA HA HA!! Iiiiiiiinnnnnteresting! Let's go see what you've got!" He exclaims dashing out the door behind Asta.
"Wait, Leopold!" I shout.
What type of friends have I chosen? TvT
"Guys really are dumb, huh sis?" Sol asks the Captain.
"Yes, they are." She replies bluntly.
"That Leo, he's still very much a child. I'll have to thoroughly retrain him later!" Fuegoleon mutters, sighing.
"I'm sure you find it irritating to take orders from me, but listen well Magic Knights!" Fuegoleon suddenly bursts in a loud voice, I turn because I ws the closest to him, so I could hear him the loudest.
"I'll follow Leo and the Black Bulls boy. After I've joined them, we'll head to the North District. You, Black Bulls girl! Come with me! According to (Y/n) there are chances we'll face the source of this problem by going to one of the spots with high concentrations of magic. Silver Eagles, you take the central district! Take (Y/n) with you, the enemy's magic is the strongest there!"
Why me Captain? TvT
I sigh as Nozel, Solid and Nebra give me a horrid look, Solid summons an eagle of water.
"Try to catch you, little cub." Nebra muses.I puff out my cheeks as they take off.
"Heavenly Sky Magic: God's Throne!"Glancing at the model I look at the place we need to go before teleporting there.
Hmp! Little cub, we'll see who needs help later Steam Face.
I look down to see people shouting and running away from a group of..
Undead? This is someone's magic? Let's see if they actually die...
I jump from my throne as it dissolves and flip and land with firm feet.
"Heavenly Sky Magic: Moon Waltz!" A current of wind blew from my hand and blood spurts from the front few that were coming. They fall and they slowly lift themselves back up, seemingly unaffected by my magic, I hear a loud laugh from behind me.
"Pfft! You call that magic?! I'll show you peasant!" Solid's voice fills my ears with unholiness.
"Water Creation Magic: Slashing Sea Serpent. What an eyesore!"The water goes towards me, I step aside and it passes me and attacks the army of corpses.It hits the ones that I just hit and they fall down.
"You know, making up for arriving late with a spectualr attack would be much appreciated to make up your reputation, and while your at it, fix your hair, it looks bad." I comment as I flip my grimoire. Solid grips his balled fists in anger.
"Why you........" He mutters filled with rage. Cheers suddenly emerge from behind us.
The citizens are cheering because we're here....feels nice....huh.
"Well put on a show for us." I remark at Solid as he tries to regain his composure in front of Nozel as he approaches us.
"Enough. Start protecting the citizens by getting rid of those corpses."He remarks at us.
Jeez, his very presence is frightening enough, his voice makes it scarier.
I face the hoard of corpses and start to think.
They're being controlled by magic, so negating the magic would be useful, but Asta isn't here, but I do have a spell that melts magic....
"Heavenly Sky Magic: Sun's Despair Lance." A fiery lance starts to mold, I put more magic into it and it extends longer but thinner at the same time.
"Move your prissy ass before I set it on fire." I smirk as Solid unwillingly moves out of my way with still balled fists. I bend down a little to test the balance of my lance before bringing it to my side and swinging it across the battlefield, cutting the entire front line, the bodies were gruesome, melted pieces of flesh and split blood, eyeless corpse, their spines could be seen from every direction.It was gruesome enough even for Sir Prissy Ass to look away to prevent himself from puking. Nebra looks at the scene in disgust while Nozel keeps his calm expression.
"It's the captain himself! We're safe now! Master Nozel!" I hear more cheering from the citizens fro Nozel.
Hmph, Braided Weirdo.
"These things, there's magic in them, but they're not living humans." Nozel notes.
"In that case, we'll just crush them until can't get back up!"I grinned enthusiastically.
"Mist Creation Magic: Solid Mist Clones." Nebra summons her clones and they fire steam bullets at the dead. She smirks at her success and looks at me.
Like, I'd actually think I'm beneath her from one attack.
"Heavenly Sky Magic: God's Breath." A heavy mist starts to appear and slip over the mob of corpses.The cold freezes them in icicles.
"Mercury Magic: Rain of Sliver. Accept your punishment."I hear Nozel's voice and large drops of mercury start to drop, I quickly flip backwards and few times and dodge them, I land a few meters away from the caster.
"Some how I feel like that punishment was aimed towards me?!" I shriek offhandedly.He glances down towards me with stoic eyes.
"I did say punishment, did I not?"He says irritably.
He sounds like a rhyming scheme monster...
"Ah welp, seems like we're done here." I say thinking.
"What incredible power!"
"Long live the Magic Knights."
It looks just way too easy. Wait, hold on this guy makes everything look easy. But if it were me...it would take a few more minutes....but Captain did say this was the area where the magic is the strongest, maybe it the strongest because we triggered a trap by defeating the hoard? Dammit the chanting of those people are making it hard to concentrate.
"Hey, I guess you did pretty good, be grateful I'm allowing you to stand next my glory." Solid smirks, I look up from my thoughts and look at him
"You and what glory all I'm seeing is a messed up haired bastard who can't accept a loss." I remark with a smug look. He looks taken aback and points at me with his finger trying to hold in his anger.
"You know the toilets in town aren't able to support you here, go back to the palace." I muse pointing at the palace.
Okay....maybe I hit the bucket too hard....
"Why you..."His voice is brimmed with anger. I start laughing when pain hits my head.
It's a trap, warn them.
Who are you and why on earth do you keep warning me about stuff?!
You'll see when the time comes. Now go warn them (Y/n).
The pain clears and goes away.
"It's a trap!" I yell out.
Why am I always too late?
A black ball suddenly appears and it hits the ground, it flies up and explosions could be heard.
"Oh n-" I hear Nozel's voice being cut off.
I blink and we start to fall, I land with a knee on the ground. I stand up and look at my surroundings, the Magic Knights were here, some were missing though.
"Where are we?"Hamon looks around with sweat on his head.
"We seem to several hundred kilometers away from the capital, at the very least."Shiren answers.
"They got us!"Sol panics hands on her head rustling her locks.
"I knew the enemy had a skilled spatial magic user, but I never dreamed they'd be this good!"Charlotte concludes.
"CURSES!" Alecdora shouts at the mountain ranges.
"They on't shout back if you're wondering."I say to him.
"(Y/n)....."I her Mimosa's trembling voice call me, I turn to see her on the brink of tears.
"A-are we ever going to get back?" She asks with a whimpering tone.
"What are you on about of course going to get back, and on time at that!" I shout.A struck of pain struck my head.
I guess you need my help now.
You know, you really get on my nerves, when ever you do this my brain hurts you know that?!
Yes, very much, it hurts my brain to hear your whining.
Yep, I don't like you, but come help me now.
Only because you asked.
My grimoire starts to shine and every turns to look at my grimoire, it flies up from my pouch and starts to flip the pages until it turns to the page with the unidentified spell.
Oh I see...
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