"How does one get to be the Wizard King?!"
Julius looks taken aback in surprise, before he bursts out in a fit of laughter.
"I see! You three want to be the Magic Emperor, do you? All Magic Knights should be that ambitious!" He muses cheerily.
"It's rude to ask the Magic Emperor a question like that directly, you three! Listen to me! The Magic Emperor must have a noble heart and the deep trust of the people.." Klaus starts to talk as he pushes his glasses up.(You have no idea how many times I've written that line)
"No. It's results. You can't protect the people with pride alone. Trust comes after you've built your reputation. People want just one thing from the Magic Emperor. Achievements that mark you as the strongest. Produce Results. Devote yourselves to building a reputation, results are everything. No one who's unable to do that could never at the top!" After his speech, I felt a new wave wash over me.I grip my fist without realizing.
"BRING IT ON!"Asta, Yuno and I shout at the same time, our vioces filled to the brim with determination with our newly found information.
"All right! As a matter of fact, we're holding a decoration ceremony for the Magic Knights who've been awarded an outstanding number of stars today, if I recall correctly, (Y/n) you wre invited, so I guess I was wondering what you were doing getting caught up in this bunch that we reporting about the the mission, anyways, I hope you'll come and join us!"Julius exclaims.
All the others looked as confused as I was.
Well...if I do remember correctly, Leopold told me about an awarding ceremony last week.....meh.
We follow the Magic Emperor up towards the palace, we go through the gates and go through the corridors before stopping at a large door, the doors open and light spills from the room, it opens and the Emperor steps into the room.
Wait.....why is Leopold and Captain Furgoleon here?
"All right, can you give me better results than they have?"Julius asks.
A rehetorical question, he's challenging our determination and our ability to cahse our dream....
Julius steps up the steps. I make eye contact with Leopold and he looks down at his hand, I follow his gaze to see his hand motioning for me to stand next to him, I glance back at Yuno and the others before making my desicion to go over there. I scramble over, in the most awkward possible. I make my way and stand beside Leopold.
I'm feeling uncontrollably short right now next to these tall ass people.
I kept thinking about my height when my name was suddenly being called.
"(Y/n) of the Crimson Lion King Knights with three stars earned! I grant you the title of Junior Magic Knight, 3rd Class! You use an ancient magic bestowed from the heavens, I can see the Lady of Luck has been with you. Just try not the go over board with your power."Julius says.
"Uh, sure. Thanks."I say with a smile of confusion, in the coner of eye i could see Leopold and Furgoleon face palming.Julius chuckles nervously as glares shot my way from the other side of the room.
"Leopold Vermillion of the Crimson Lion King Knights, with seven stars earned! I grant you the title of Intermediate Magic Knight, 2nd class! You use the same flame magic as your big brother, the leader of the Crimson Lions, and your power is overwhelming! I guess you'll have to be careful not to go overboard."Julius chuckles again.
"Evil needs no mercy."
"Sol Marron of the Blue Rose Knights, with six stars earned! I grant you title of Intermediate Magic Knight, 3rd Class! You're as dynamic as the guys! Both that and your creative Earth Magic are amazing, but you're a bit too much of a free spirit!"
"My sis..no I mean, The Captain is the only one who can tie me down."
(Annnndddd we're just gonna skip all dat because I'm lazy and I wouldn't want to read it if I was the reader)
"Well done all of you. All right, we've got a simple reception set up, so I hope you'll enjoy yourselves! Oh I lmost forgot. We have some special guests with us today. Make sure you get to know each other real well!"Julius beams as everyone turns behind them awkwardly to see my friends. The Emperor makes his exit as everyone disperses to enjoy the food on display. I skip over to a mountain of cupcakes and take a vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting. I take a bite and smile.
If only the kids and Sister Lily could taste this.
I finish up my cupcake and reach for a drink.
This one looks okay...not alcoholic... I think.
I pick up a glass of red and gulp down a few sips.
"Raspberry juice, nice."I say out loud.I reach for another cupcake when a loud voice shouts from another corner of the room.
"What the heck is this?! I've never had anything like this!!"Asta shrieks. Klaus and Yuno whisper to each other looking at Asta as Mimosa approaches him.
Didn't I tell you to hit up a chruch, Mimosa?
I walk over, ready to give out a lecture when I here distrubing mumurs.
"Vulgar peasant."
"Why would the Magic Emperor invite such a lowborn scum?"
"I can't sense any magic from him, no doubt that dungoen capture was sheer luck."
"Just look at the way he eats. Disgusting."
"It's unnatural for that little brat to be here. What a misfit."
No....it's not like that.... without Asta.....without Asta.....we probably wouldn't even be here right now.....even Mimosa....he's a goof ball and a guy who only talks muscles and a small brain....but still!
"Hmmm.... They're sure tearing into me, huh? Well, I'm used to it." Asta says boldly.
I start to run without knowing and I start to pick up the pace, I was charging, towards one of them, balling a fist ready to kill. I suddenly fall and a force pulls me back, my back meets a warm wall, I look up to meet golden eyes.
"It's not fair. He's gone through so much, and he's used to it, it's so sad. I'm sad."I say to Yuno on the brink of tears.
"Your such an idiot, who cares what others think, you shouldn't be talking, don't you have shame for someone who was about to punch someother while trying to hold back tears with icing on your mouth?" He scolds me, pulling me over to a table and grabbing a napkin and clearing my icing for me. I puff out my cheeks.
"You of course you have to put me to shame."I mutter as he finishes and places the dirty napkin down.
"Well who's faults that?"He asks with a smug smile.
"A cold and handsome jerk named Yuno."I say pointing at him.
Oh it's on.Stare down time.
"I would of handled that dungeon-capture mission better!Our clumsy (Y/n) brings destruction where ever she goes, first it was our HQ and now the dungoen."Leopold sighs shaking his head from side to side.
"HEY!! I'M NOT CLUMSY JUST UNAWARE!!"I shout at him waving another cupcake around.
"Impressive self-confindience Crimson brat. It isn't as we're expecting much from a peasant like him(Yuno). We are the ones who embody Master Vangeance's ....no the Golden Dawn's ideal!" Alecdora scoffs.Yuno says nothing and Klaus speaks up.
"If I could say one-"Klaus starts before being cut off.
"You too Klaus! With your skills aren't you ashamed to be here?"Alecdora shouts looking at Klaus.
"Well if I had your attitude, I would be a shamed to be here."I mutter out loud, everyone's eyes fall on me at my remark.
"Did I say that out loud?"I ask nervously.
"Yes, yes you did."Leopold answers awkwardly. Alecdora disregards my comment and continues.
"Mimosa! I hear you were wounded early on in the dungeon and left the front line. You, a Vermillion royal. Ridiculous!" Alecdora continues.
"Re-dic-culous! O-lay! O-lay!"I snicker at my mocking as I waved my fingers upwards.
"Are you mocking me?"Alecdora asks his voice dripped in anger.
"Took you longer enough to notice!"I smile spinning my finger.
"Now hang on. The most useless misfit of the lot is...You, isn't it?? Right Noelle?! A record embarrassment who can't even control her magic properly!"Solid snickers as Noelle shook.
"Big brother Solid..."Noelle whimpers.
"I wouldn't really be hearing that from the person who can't even control their hairstyle."I snicker. His eyes buldged in anger before charging towards me, his sister stepped in from the side lines, we turn to look at her and Noelle.
"You were practically exiled from the Silvas. I'm surprised you had the nerve to return to the noble realm!"She laughs smirking,
"Big Sister Nebra...."Noelle whimpers again, walking past Solid and Nebra I stand infront of Noelle and them.
"You don't any right to claim her position."I shout at them.
"Getting excited over a single success, did you come specifically to bring shame on the Silva name? You do not belong here. Leave this place, you faliure!"The Captain of the Silver Eagles snarled from behind us.
"B-big brother...N-nozel...."Noelle whimpers again.
"Noelle, showing fear is a sign of surrending authority! So man up and hey- come back!"I shout after her as she starts to walk away. Asta goes past me from behind and pulls Noelle back by her wrist.
"You don't have to run from these jerks."
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