Chapter 4: I Think i Like Him

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Amara Rodrigez POV:

Elijah ha left me 5 minutes ago to mingle with some other people, and I thought I was falling for him. Slowly, but I was falling. It was weird because we had just met 2 days ago, but I hoped our connection would blossom into more than friendship. Hopefully, it could.

"Amara. Hello?" Piper waved her hand past my blushed face.

"Huh, what happened?" I said, blinking as I stared at Piper and Luna.

"You didn't hear what we said, did you?" Luna asked, looking into my eyes that were wandering around the hall for him.

"I did...actually—" I began.

"We know you didn't, you were probably thinking about Mr. Rat," Piper said, glancing at Luna before looking directly at me.

"No, I—how did you know?" I asked, shocked that they had figured it out.

"You do that thing where you look depressed and zone out. Can we eat? I'm starving," Luna said, grabbing Piper's and my wrists and dragging us to the buffet.

I laughed, knowing I had made the best friends ever.


"Bye, Luna, text me!" I said, hugging Luna tightly.

"Can we have a sleepover at your house, please?" Piper pleaded with my parents, who happily agreed.

Elijah walked up to me with his phone in his hand, looking quite nervous.

"Hey Ams, can I get your phone number, just in case I need help with schoolwork?" Elijah asked. I love that he calls me Ams, it makes me feel so special because he's the only one that calls me that.

"Of course," I said happily. Internally, my heart was radiating with love as I admired his neatly styled hair. I remembered the day we met; it had felt so free and looked so sexy.

"Bye Ams, see you on Monday!" He waved goodbye, and I did as well, holding hands with Piper as we walked out the ginormous doors. A strong gust of cold wind blew through my warm barrier, sending a shiver up my spine.

Piper and I reached home, heels in hand and exhausted. We rushed up the stairs, slipped into our most comfortable pyjamas, and ran down the stairs into the kitchen. My stomach growled as I rummaged through the pantry and set my eyes on heaven—chocolate.

"Oh my—this tastes so freaking good. I wish I could eat this every day!" Piper said, shoving chocolate-dipped strawberries down her throat.

"Slow down, girl. What do you think I should say to Elijah on Monday?" I asked, biting my plump lips.

"You should talk to him. Isn't he in some of your classes? You could make conversation about teachers or homework," Piper suggested, taking small bites of the strawberries. She gave the best advice at times of desperation, so I hugged her.

"Thank you so much for being there for me, through everything," I said as I buried my head into her chest.


"Stupid bitch." "Asshole." "What is wrong with her?" These comments had flooded the halls as I walked through them with my gaze fixed on the floor.

"Such a slut." "How could Aiden's sister do this? Aiden is so much better than her."

That was it. I rushed into the girls' bathroom, tears streaming down my face. They wouldn't stop; they just kept coming.

"Hello, are you okay? Fuck me, of course you're not okay. Could you open the door, please?" A girl said from behind the door with a calm tone. I opened the door and fell back onto the ground.

"Are you Amara?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Oh shit, these rumours about you hooking up with Everlyn's boyfriend are so stupid. Could you tell me what happened?" She asked, looking at my stained cheeks. I told her everything—how Everlyn, my best friend, had started these rumour's because I had accidentally kissed her boyfriend at a party due to the darkness. I had tried to apologize, but she didn't listen, so she started these rumour's. I cried harder into her arms, feeling guilty.

After a few minutes, she picked me back up, wiping my eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Piper Smith, and you're my new bestie," she said, hugging me as I giggled.


When Aiden found out, he was furious. He confronted Everlyn, leaving her in tears as she apologized to me. The rumour's had died down since then, and Piper and Aiden had become my bodyguards ever since.

Piper and I ran back up the stairs into my room and continued gossiping about Elijah's nice hair.

Elijah POV

I had been in bed, thinking about Amara. Her soft locks, her doe eyes, her glamorous body, her shining smile, her full lips—everything about her was perfect. She always made me smile, even just her presence in a room. I loved her.

"Hello, Elijah." Amara's voice had echoed in the room as she leaned on the doorframe, wearing an oversized shirt and long pants.

"Hello, Ams," I had spoken. I was confused; I had thought she was having a sleepover with Piper, but she was here. I took my fear and shoved it out the window, and my courage floated up. I walked to her petite frame and pinned her against a wall, looking into her orbs and slowly twirling her soft locks.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"This." My lips smashed onto hers, her lips were as soft as a pillow. I began kissing down her neck as a moan followed out of her mouth.

I arose from my comfortable bed and groaned in agony. It was a dream. 


Hello beautiful readers, i am back and this chapter is also a bit short because i was having a mind blank, but this one turned out quite nice so i decided to add Elijah's POV. I read another watt pad story that had a sex dream in it so i did one too and i think it adds more to Elijah's personality. I also added a backstory to Amara to develop her character a bit more and i think it adds more dimension to her. TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS' THINK. 

 I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you in chapter 5....


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