Izumi Pov:
I woke up and for some reason I didn't feel as tired as I usually would be when I woke up from school-IT'S 8:10!
I jumped out of bed and grabbed my school clothes from the closet and put them on and left.
I started to use my quirk to go fast so I wouldn't be late than I already am I ran inside the school and sprinted down the hallway and hurry and opened the door "I AM SO-" "YOUR LATE AGAIN" Mr.Aizawa said not looking my direction "Midoriya this is the third time that you have been late this week what has gotten in to you you have been acting weird and it is unacceptable!" Iida said doing that hand robot move "I know it is just my mom has been sick and now she is-.....just not doing good" I put my head down looking and my red shoes "Alright just go sit down already" I walked back towards my desk and took s glance a Iida he looked unhappy and sad like he seen someone die before his eyes.
I put down my backpack and sat down on the chair "Alright class we are going to be having a test today" With that being said there were a lot of 'Ugh' and teeth smacking as he started to hand out the papers "You can start the test but don't talk" He looked at us with red glowing eyes shivers just went up my spine.
When everyone gotten finished with their test we had a some time left before the bell rung "Alright class you can get up or whatever but don't go anywhere out of this class room without my permission" I that because said I got up from my seat and walked over to Iida and Ochaco "Hey guy-" "Midoriya! I am truly sorry for this morning if I would had knew that this is going on I would have told Aizawa what was happening please forgive me for my mistakes there anything that I can do to make it up to you?" Iida said doin the weird robot hand move.
"Ah..No it's is fine it not you fault if only you knew what was going on.. I apologize for not telling you" I said running my hand through my hair.
We all talked for a while about my mother and how was she doing until Mr.Aizawa woke up with an announcement "Class" everyone turn there attention to the teacher "The dorm will be closed for two week since some idiot wants to flush a fork in the toilet" Aizawa glared at Kaminari "Awww comn I was sleep walking I thought it was the dishwasher"
"dumbass" Kacchan said going back on his phone
"Anyway you'll have to go home today or stay at someone house I don't care just don't go to the dorm and I contacted all your parents to let them know as well"
And just then the bell rings for lunch.
Bakugo POV:
Old hag:
Oi brat Izumi mom is in the hospital and I won't be home for a while but tell Izumi that she'll be staying at are house until y'all can go back to the dorms
WHAT NO! Mom you already know I like her WHEN I TOLD I THAT I DID NOT MEAN LET HER COME OVER! Can she just got by Fat face or Four eyes?!
Old hag:
NO! She is coming over there like it or not. And if you have a crush on the little bean spend some time with her or bring her out to places
Fucking fine you old hag!
Old hag:
Use condoms π
I am to young to be a grandmother
Old hag:
Go back to your damn hell hole
End of texting
'Damnit' I got up from my seat and started to walk towards the cafeteria.
"HEY BAKUGO OVER HERE" Raccoon eyes shouted waving her hand signaling me to come over there I walked over to the table we usually sit at "Sooo~ Bakugo what would you do if only one of 2-A girls liked you?" The pink raccoon tapping her finger on the table 'If it is not Izumi then tell them I don't like them' I said to myself "Tell then I don't like em"
There was more and more talking until I heard the cutest laugh ever I turn my head and landed my eyes straight on Deku she was laughing at Icy-Hot 'She should be fucking laughing at me not fucking IcyHot Damnit' "EARTH TO BAKUGO!!!" Tape buy screamed in my face "SHUT THE HELL UP I HEAR U DAMNIT" I got up from the seat and walked over to deku.
"Hey Bakugo~" Fat face said in a flirty way I ignored her comment "Oi Deku we have to talk after school alright" "O-okay Kacchan" and with that I left and went to my next class.
Izumi Pov:
'I wonder what Kacchan wants to talk about he also talked to me in a calm voice I wonder what has gotten him in a happy mood because it's weird for him to talk so calm and then after school jeez' I looked up from my food and saw the whole table staring at me "Sorry was I mumbling agin?" I said blushing with embarrassment "I cannot believe it Bakugo just talked to you like you guys were best friends" Shoto said to me "EEEPP I TOTALLY SHIP YOU GUYS" Mina and Toru shouted from the seats behind us.
"Mina! I thought you were over there by kirishima and sero "Yeah I was over there but then I saw Bakugo coming over here and I got suspicious and came over here BUT ANYWAY BAKUGO WANTS TO TALK TO AFTER SCHOOL!!!" She scream getting looks from people still eating " Yeah I wonder why to" I said looking at Ochaco. Her face was dark like she was at a family member funeral " Hey ochaco you alright you look upset?" "I am fine I just need to go to my next class! You know getting there early hehe" she said grabbing her tray and leaving me with confusion ' I hope she is ok' I said to myself also grabbing my tray and put it on the rack.
I walked to my next class that I had Kacchan with.
I opened the door only to hear screaming I looked inside the class to see Kirishima and Kaminari running from Kacchan "GET BACK HERE DAMNIT YOU SHIT HEADS" "MIDORIYA PLEASE YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN MAKE THIS STOP PLEASE HEP US!!!" The two boys screamed in union right when they said that Kacchan had stopped and looked towards me we both connected eyes. His beautiful red ruby eyes staring back and my green emerald eyes ' Wow his eyes are amazing his handsome ruby eyes staring back at mine' That when it hit me I searched his face to see calmness and not always that anger face.
"Awwwwwwww Mina was right I do ship you guys" Kirishima said Kacchan face had turned back into anger "DAMNIT GET BACK HERE SHITTY HAIR" and once again Kacchan started to chase only Kirishima around the room agin.
The classroom had started to storm in with teens I took my seat behind Kacchan.
The teacher came in and start to teach us.
Kacchan had went in his book bag and grabbed a piece of paper and started to write on it and passed it to me.
'Don't forget that after school I am walking with you so we can talk' His hand writing was very neat 'Ok I'll try not to forget' I wrote back and handed the paper back to his.
I felt like someone was just staring at the back of my head I turned my head a little bit to get a glance a Ochaco she was just staring at me it sent shivers down my spine ' Alright it fine she probably not even looking at you now just pay attention to the lesson' I turned my attention back on the teacher and started to take notes in my note book.
1381 words
Note from you author
Sorry for not updating in a while school has been a little hard for me hopefully you enjoy this chapter!! LOVE YOU GUYs!
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