Chapter six

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"I figured you would need company" Colby says coming out I give him this look "how'd you know I would be up here" I say and look away he sits next to me "Bryce told me" he says "of course he did" I mumble he looks at me "look I know you too aren't in the right place but he's really trying to get you back his sister" Colby says I look at him like he's crazy "what" he says and smiles a bit "where did Colby go" I say and look at him "I'm right here" he says I give him this look like seriously "wait are you going soft" I say and smirk a bit I swear I heard him mumble only for you but I ignore it "what no I'm not going soft" he says and glares at me "you sure" I say he rolls his eyes "ahh theirs he is" I say and chuckle "and yes I know" I say and look at him he looks at me "so we are going to the track tomorrow your dad already set it up" he says I nod "ok" I say and look back up I bring my knees tighter to my chest "what happened that night" Colby says I don't look at him I take a deep breathe "it's fine if you don't want—" he says but I interrupted him "it was last year it was a normal Friday go to school come home train then get ready for the track then we leave once we get there we park in our normal spots in the grass area we are just hanging around and joking around like normal until my mother walks up to us and she starts to make small talk then she all of a sudden brings up a deal I race against their best racer which was my brother at the time the deal was I win they leave town and go some place else where if Bryce wins they stay and I had to join them and go against my dad but Jaden volunteered himself to go against Bryce I tried to talk him out of it but it was no use when they got to the starting line I went up to him and wished him luck we hugged then I went back and joined the others we watched the race from Joshes truck Jaden had first the whole first lap until the—" I start to say but my voice cracks as the memories start to come back "you don't half to finish" Colby says I shake my head and wipe under my eyes and I continue "the second lap on the first turn Bryce comes up behind Jaden and pushes his bumper which caused the car to go off road a bit but Jaden got back in control Bryce then had the lead until Jaden caught back up then it was just a neck and neck battle but apparently Bryce had other plans he hit the front of the car and it speed out of control went off road when it stopped rolling I ran over there and I see Jadens lifeless body I turn around and see my mother she's smirking I just glare at her my sadness soon turned to anger I started to go towards her but Chase and Josh held me back I was trying to release from their grip but they were to strong so I stopped struggling and went back to Jaden his lifeless body I was their for about an hour until we heard gunshots so we all ran I didn't want to leave him but Chase pulled me with him I looked at Jaden one more time before I got in the back of chases mustang and we speed off that night was hell that was why we started to hunt you guys we wanted revenge I wanted revenge for what happened that night it's a night I will never forget" I say and glance at him but I look away quickly and wipe my eyes as I realize that I'm crying "I'm so sorry Taylor" he says I look at him confused "it's not your fault it's my moms she did this she brought this upon herself" I say he looks at me "I know but still it just sucks that you had to go through that you shouldn't of had gone through that" he says "no one should" he whispers the last part I ignore it I don't want to ask him what that meant but wait I just told him the story the story only Josh and Chase knows about well and the others because they were there but still do I really trust him we only meant a couple nights ago I can't bring my guard down not now anyway.

We just sit there in silence "it's getting late we should probably go in" I say he nods in agreement we get off the roof I shut my window and lock it I close my curtains and follow Colby to the door "night Taylor" he says and starts to walk off to his room "night" I say and close my door I take a deep breathe and close my eyes I take a deep breathe "ok it was only a one time thing no more bringing my walls down" I say to myself I decide to change into something comfortable and lay down in bed hoping everything goes smoothly tomorrow night I soon fall asleep.

I wake up to my alarm going off I groan and turn it off I decide to get up and take a shower I go to my bathroom start the water strip and get in I wash and get out I turn the water off and wrap up in a towel I go to my closet and pick out an outfit I slip it on then I slip on my white converse I then go back to my bathroom and blow dry and straighten my hair I then do my make up after I am done with my make up I go put on a couple of necklaces then I go grab my bag and my phone and head downstairs. 

Taylor's outfit

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