Authors note: this sansect story will have every one as humans
Inks P.O.V
It's my first day of SCHOOL! IM SUPER EXCITED! Can't wait to make friends. I need to shower brush my teeth and have breakfast. 6 minuets later. Finally finished, Just need to get my stuff set. 2 minuets later after packing. I made it to school. I see a boy wearing a blue bandit with the normal school uniform he looks lonely. I say hello to the boy with the blue bandit, he looked at me and smiled, he looked hyper. HI the boy explained. What's your name? The boy said happily. My names blueberry but you can call me blue or berry witch ever you prefer. Oh I'm ink, nice to meet you blueberry. Nice to meet you to ink. Blueberry said. Want to be friends? I said a little embarrassed. He looked at me surprised and said.... I'll love to be your friend ink. Blueberry said happily. I was really surprised by his answer because he's my first friend. Blueberry asked if I had any other friends, or if I'm new to this school, because I don't look familiar to him and he knows mostly everyone. I have to answer him trues fully and tell him yes because I just moved here. oh. Blueberry said . Well looks like I'll be showing you around the high school ! Blueberry exclaimed. But first I'll introduce you to my friends lust, sci, and, dream! Blueberry said. I see another boy with a sleeveless purple jacket with blue hair on the jacket. He also have's white hair with purple dyed tips, he haves Mitch match eyes, I think there eyes are cool. I turn around to see blueberry waving at someone, the boy with the Mitch match eyes is running this way. So I think that is one of blueberry's friend. I ask blueberry if that's his friend. Of course that's lust. Blueberry said still waving at lust. Hey blue hey kid what's your name? Hmm... sorry, my names ink. Oh sup my names lust, it's nice to meet you ink. Nice to meet you too lust. You have really cool eyes. I said. Oh um... thanks I get that a lot. Lust said calm.
Blues P.O.V
Wait are lust and ink friends now! That's good if they are friends, because I'm super exited for ink to be friends with dream and sci. Oh I see Dream and sci. Hey lust, ink, I'm going to go get dream and sci. I'll be right back guys. ( 1 minuet later ) I finally catch up to sci and dream. Well by catch up, they just saw me and ran up to me. Hey Dream and Sci. I said exited. HI BLUE. They both said looking exited as ever. Hey guys is something wrong? You guys seem really exited. I said confused. Oh well we have a little crush on someone. They said Blushing but a little nervous. I gasped. WHO DO YOU GUYS LIKE!!! I said exited but really loud. Everyone looked at me and started to whisper stuff like, blueberry haves a crush a girl said.And I think they like me some other girl said. I yelled that I didn't have a crush on anyone. The girl that said that I have a crush on her looked a little upset. I felt bad because I know that some girls have a crush on me I like to call those girls fangirls because there girls and like me and treat me like I'm a movie star or something. Hey blue. Dream said waving his hand to get my attention. I was flooded from my thoughts. But when dream waved his hand right in front of my face, I snapped back to reality. Hey blueberry you okay? Dream ask worried. Hmm..oh I'm alright don't worry about me, I should worry about you, who do you and sci like at the school. I whispered. Oh, I like killer. Dream whispered in my ear (remember their humans in this story) and sci who do you like? I whispered curiously. I like fell. Sci said blushing from the thought of fell. Wait those are the bully's. You guys fell In love with the bully's! I whispered yelled. Yeah. They both said a little worried from my reaction.
Lusts P.O.V
What's taking them so long. I know a lot about ink now. He likes art,doesn't like anyone,he transferred schools,he was bully, and haves two friends that are me and blue. Bell rings. Hey ink I see Blue,Dream, and,Sci. I said. Oh okay, I cant wait to meet Dream and sci! Ink said exited. Okay. I started pulling his hand and waving at blue, Dream,and, sci. Hey Blue! I yelled from a far. I ran up to him, almost making ink fall down. Wait lust slow down I think I'm going to fa- ink said falling down on error. HEY GET OFF ME! Error said mad. I can tell his phobia of being touch is kicking in. I get Ink off Error. Hey Ink be more careful. This is error one of the school bully's. Ink winded his eyes. E-error. Ink said scared. Before I can say anything Error laughed. Hey squid. Error said intimately to ink. Ink do you know Error? I asked curiously. Yes. Ink said. We used to be friends when we were younger, but not anymore. Error explained. Oh. Why aren't you guys friends anymore? I asked curiously. Because he spread a lot of rumors like, my family abandoned me. Error answered. Oh why did ink spread rumors about you? I asked. Because he thinks I kidnapped his girlfriend so I can hang out with him again. Error said. Why dose he thinks you killed his girlfriend. I ask more curiously then ever. Because his girlfriend went missing. When me and his girlfriend were supposed to get along. Error said. SHIT WERE GOING TO BE LATE TO CLASS . Error said freaking out. I looked at the time. YOUR RIGHT! I said also freaking out. Ink looked surprised at both of us. Then laughed at both of us. He then looked at the time on his phone. YOUR RIGHT WERE GOING TO BE LATE TO CLASSES. I have to get my schedule from the office. Ink said running into the school. Me and Error ran to our class. We both have the same class cooking. Me and Error like cooking. Error like cooking so he can cook what ever he wants to eat, and it is helpful to his brothers. I like to cook because, I live by myself so I need to eat and because it's fun learning new foods. Yesterday we learn how to make a cake. That was so much fun for me and Error, I had to be partners with Error and it turned out fun baking the cake yesterday. Hello class. Ms. Toriel said. Today we'll be baking pie. I have partnered you all so don't worry choosing. Mr. Toriel explained.first off is Mettaton and papyrus, Sans and outer, Asriel and chara, frisk and monster kid, and. Error and Lust. Go find your partners. I'm partnered with Error again, great. Well at least I wasn't partnered with Mettaton or chara. Oh I see error. Hey Error ! He flinched when he heard me and turned around. Sup. Error said. Hey. So let's go find a station to make the pie. I said. Sure. Error said. Maybe the blue station that ones free. I said pointing at the blue station. Sure. Error said. Error go get the ingredients for the pie. But which pie do you want to bake? Error asked. Umm. Maybe butterscotch cinnamon pie? I ask Error. Sure. Error replied. ( Error goes to get the ingredients ) here are the ingredients lust. Error said placing the ingredients on the counter. Thank you, now let's get baking. I said exited ( 10 minuets later ) finally finished the pie, that took super long to bake, being honest. I complained. Yep error said. We were both cover with ingredients (Cliff hanger) here's some art of Error and lust in cooking class covered in the ingredients bye. :3
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