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"I'll miss you so much Shawn!" I said hugging him tightly. He chuckled.

"your only leaving for 3 weeks Sarah not forever." He laughed.

I smiled as I pulled away. "Yeah but I'm still gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too but at least Carly will shut up for a while and not talk to anyone except me."

I shook my head as we bid our goodbyes.

I had already said goodbye to Carly before we came here. She didn't come to the airport with us because she was sick.

Xavier and I walked through security. Just as we did our flight was called. I turned and waved to Shawn before boarding the plane.

Nash's POV

I was getting ready for school when Hayes came into my room.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Um-uh Sarah-" he hesitated.

"What about Sarah?!"

"She's coming back for a couple of days to visit."

My eyes widened and I looked at Hayes.

"Really?!" I asked as a smile came to my lips.

"Uh yeah. I - I don't really know how to tell you this, b-but she's not coming alone..." He trailed off.

"What do you mean?"

"She's- uh- she's coming with her boyfriend."

My lips slightly parted as I stared at Hayes in disbelief. He just stood there scratching the back of his neck.

Had Sarah moved on so quickly? But why? I still loved her. What the fuck am I saying? Of course she moved on. I'm going to be the father of a child that isn't hers. She's got every right to move on.

"And by the way Mrs Sanders describes Xavier, it," Hayes hesitated "it sounds like he treats Sarah better than you ever did."

"Hayes shut up! Get out before you get hurt!" I yelled at him as jealousy and anger fumed through my whole body. He slightly nodded before leaving my room.

I didn't like him already. I haven't even seen the guy and I already want to shoot him. Ugh! Why am I such a fuck up?

I sighed loudly as I got up and took my bag off my bed and dragged my feet downstairs. I left the house without saying goodbye to my family. I drove to school and parked my car.

Just as I got Lily came walking towards me holding her stomach.

"Good morning baby," she smiled at me.

I hated how she thought we were in relationship when I just wanted to dump her slutty ass and leave to go find Sarah, but I didn't. That baby needs a father.

I just frowned at her and kept walking towards the schools main door.

"I can't wait till this little girl or boy inside me is born nashy." Lily giggled.

I was going to mumble something really mean to her but I stopped myself.

"See you in class Lily." I said as I rolled my eyes at her. She looked disgusting today. Short shorts and a bright yellow crop top that looked so tight I thought it was going to burst.

I walked into my History class and took a seat at the table where Sarah and I always say since we were partners. She still had some of her belongings that she had left here. Now since she was gone, I sat alone.

I hated it.

Sarah's POV

"I missed you so much mum." I mumbled into my Mum's shoulder as she hugged me tightly.

"I missed you more honey," She whispered back. I knew she was crying because I felt a tear drop onto my shoulder. I pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears away.

"Don't cry Mum, I'm back." I whispered. She smiled at me as I went inside the house to hug my Dad and Niall.

I hugged my Dad really tightly. We talked for a while. I ran towards Niall and basically jumped onto him.

"I missed you so much stinky!" I squealed as he chuckled.

"I loved it when you weren't here." He said.

I gasped and jumped off him.

"Well that hurt." I said sarcastically. He just laughed before hugging me again.

"Sweetie you need to go to school right now and get some papers, books and other belonging you left there last time." My mother told me.

I nodded. I quickly took Xavier's hand and dragged him upstairs with me. I heard him chuckle.

I placed my bags down and looked at Xavier.

"I can't believe it! I'm actually home!" I squealed hugging him.

"Babe calm down." He whispered into the crook of my neck while placing a soft kiss on it.

"I love you Xav."

"I love you so much more."

I smiled.

I pulled away from the hug and pecked his lips.

"I'm gonna change and then we can go and pick my stuff up." I told Xavier.

He nodded before walking out of my room.

I took out my black high waisted shorts and a white tank top. I put on a gold necklace that Xavier had given me. I then took my black high heels. It was weird that I never really wore my converse or my training shoes.

I refreshed my makeup by touching it up. I put on more eyeliner, mascara and foundation. I put my hair up in a neat bun and took my sunglasses.

I took my phone and purse before walking out of my room and downstairs towards Xavier.

"Xav lets go." I said as I opened the door.

"Okay baby girl." He smirked as we walked to his car.

I got in and so did Xavier. After a good 15 minute drive we made it. Xavier kind of got lost on the way which made me laugh.

Once we got out Xavier locked the door and intertwined his hand with mine. A big smile spread across my face. We walked towards the main doors of the school. Wow I've missed this place.

As we walked in the halls were quiet. There was only a few people out. I'm pretty sure they forgot their books. They stared at me as we got deeper into the school.

I took a deep breath as I made it to my old History class door. Xavier squeezed my hand reassuringly. I looked into the tiny window and saw Mrs Tate scribbling on the board. I looked as the students turned their heads towards the door.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Mrs Tate looked at me and a smile instantly grew on her face. She ushered for me to come in. I opened the door and walked in with Xavier.

"Well hello Sarah! It's been a good two months since you left! What brings you back here?" Mrs Tate squealed.

I smiled at her.

"Oh well my parents got a call from the principle asking me to come and pick up some old belongings. If it's fine with you can my boyfriend and I please quickly take my stuff out of this room?" I asked ever so politely.

"Of course you may." She smiled.

I looked at the students. Some were whispering while the jocks were smirking at me and looking down my body.

My eyes caught Tom's. He stared at me and bit his lip. I rolled my eyes and scanned through the group of students till my eyes met icy blue ones. I gulped as I saw him sitting at the same desk where my things were.

I pointed to the table showing Xavier and he nodded. I slowly walked towards the table. The only noises that could be heard were the sound of my heels and people whispering.

After what felt like years I finally made it to the table.

"Um hi." I said to Nash as he kept staring at me with his lips slightly parted. The temptation to kiss him was really high.

"Hi." He replied after a few awkward seconds.

"Can you maybe move so I can get my stuff?" I asked him as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Oh-uh -y-Yeah sure." He stuttered.

I've missed his voice.

I've missed his scent.

I've missed his lips.

I've missed him.

I tried getting past him. Just as I was my hand brushed past his. I quickly moved it and gulped.

Nash's POV

Her hand brushed mine. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and tell her how much I've missed holding her, but I couldn't. She wasn't mine.

She leaned across the table and started picking up her books.

We heard a whistle. She stood back up straight and looked at the person. Tom. I clenched my jaw and tightened my fists. She gave him a glare and flipped him off when the teacher wasn't paying attention before turning back around and trying to get her books. I lightly chuckled at how she couldn't reach one of her books.

She heard and turned her head to look at me. I gave her a smile and she just shrugged. She finally got her book.

She turned to me.

"Thanks Nash." She looked down at the books and started walking away.

"No problem baby girl." I whispered so she couldn't hear.

I couldn't believe I let her go like that. It was a stupid mistake and now I have to pay consequences. I watched as she said goodbye to Mrs Tate and walked back to her boyfriend. He gave her a big smile before slinging an arm around her shoulders and walking out with her.

I sighed as I sat back down.

I really really miss her.

Sarah's POV

Xavier and I started walking down the hall again.

Suddenly the bell rang and the halls got bombarded with students. As they got out of class they're eyes fell on me and Xavier. Xavier pulled me closer as boys started smirking at me. I squeezed his hand reassuringly. He looked at me and attached his lips onto mine.

I kissed him before pulling back. I really loved Xavier but when we kissed they're really wasn't any fireworks or sparks, there was few but not as much as when I kiss Nash....

We kept walking towards my locker as girls glared at me.

Just then I felt someone slap my ass. I gasped and turned around. Tom. I should of known.

"Keep your filthy hands off of me!" I yelled.

"And why should I babe?" He asked not even bothering to look at Xavier and see that he was here.

"I'm not your babe! Go slap a bimbos ass you fucktard!" I yelled again.

"But babe your ass looks hot today." He smirked.

I blinked and Tom was on the floor holding his jaw. I turned to see Xavier looking at him like he killed his sister.

Xavier walked towards him and punched him one more time.

"Xav don't please." I whispered as others started circling the area.

He nodded his head.

"Stay away from my girlfriend!" He yell/whispered to Tom. Tom nodded in fear as Xavier wrapped his arms around me. I turned around to see Lily.

She smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"First day back and already starting drama?" She said making sound like a question.

"I didn't start the drama, your boyfriend did." I said as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"For your information he isn't my boyfriend, this one is." She said as she waved her arm up in the air gesturing a guy to come forward. I knew it was Nash since she was pregnant with his baby.

"Nash is my boyfriend." She smirked.

"Wow I feel sorry for him." I whispered earning a few chuckles from people who heard. I think Nash heard too.

"I feel sorry for myself. I'm not even dating her." He whispered back. Since that bimbo has so many hair extensions she can't hear a thing we whisper because the hair extensions are covering her ears.

"Well good for you Lily. Have a great life with Nash and the baby." I said looking at her stomach.

The crowd around us gasped and started looking at Lily. They whispered to each other as Lily turned red as a tomato.

Xavier and I walked passed her.

"You totally rocked that babe." Xavier whispered into my ear as he placed a kiss on my neck. I laughed.

Just then I felt a pain go through my head. Someone pulled my hair. My hair fell out of its neat bun. I turned around and looked at Lily anger fuming throughout my body. Oh hell no.

"You little bitch!" I yelled as I slapped her across the face. The whole school was around now. They all gasped.

Lily looked at me while holding her cheek. She screamed before tackling me down.

I screamed too. What? It's scary getting talked by a big boobed, fat ass bimbo.

I pulled her hair and she fell off of me. Her hair extensions came into my hand.

"Ew! What the fuck?!" I screamed. The school started to laugh.

I went on to slap her again but I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I turned around thinking it was Xavier but it wasn't. He was too busy trying to get out of the crowd to come help. I turned around and a pair of icy blue eyes met mine.

He gulped as he looked back into my eyes. My lips were slightly parted. Nash looked down towards my lips then back towards my eyes, then to my lips then to my eyes. This kept going on for a while before he pulled my hand out of the crowd.

I let him pull me. We needed to talk anyway. He pulled me into a classroom and locked the door. I awkwardly stood there.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"What do you mean 'why are you here'?" I asked.

"What are you doing here in the school?"

"I had to come here and pick my books and old belongings up."


We stood they're awkwardly for a while. I knew he was moving closer to me. Soon I felt him grab my hand. I looked up at him as he looked into my eyes.

"I've missed you so so much, Sarah." He whispered.

"Have you moved on?" I asked.

"I can't. I can't get you out of my head. Your all I want and need Sarah. I love you."

"Nash," I hesitated. "You have to move on Nash, I love you too but I'm trying to move on. The only reason I'm doing this is because of the baby Nash. You need to be there for them. You can't always think about me an-"

I felt his soft lips on mine. I tried not to kiss back but I couldn't. My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands wrapped around my waist. The kiss was so passionate. I felt Sparks and fireworks and the same butterflies warm up in my stomach. I soon pulled away.

He smirked at me and I just stared at him trying to comprehend what just happened.

I quickly unwrapped my arms from his neck.

"Nash pretend that what just happened, didn't happen." I said worrying about someone seeing the kiss from the outside window.

"But I can't Sarah. Every kiss, every hug, every moment I'm with you is a time I can't and won't forget." He said.

"I'm sorry Nash. You've got a child coming and I've got a boyfriend that I love."

With that I walked outside leaving him in the classroom. I quickly found Xavier leaning against my locker.

"Where were you princess?" He asked.

"I just washed my face." I said trying to fix my hair up.

He nodded. "Should we go back home?" He asked.

I nodded smiling. He pecked my lips.

I don't ever want to come here again.

Sorry for not updating! Gonna do a double update tonight 😇


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