A/n: Hey guys its been forever, but anyways I have brought you guys an update. Also I'm sorry that in my previous chapters the name Jonghyun shows up and some people have been reminded of SHINee's angel. I'm sorry about that since I know how you feel, but please understand that I wrote about Nu'est's Jonghyun before any of this happened and the reason I'm saying this is because my sister wanted me to take the name Jonghyun out of the fanfic. But It doesn't feel right to do such a thing, since Nu'est Jonghyun is someone who's name shouldn't be changed to please others, his parents gave that name to him so who am I to change it. Anyways I'm sorry if I brought back unwanted feelings but Jonghyun wouldn't want us to feel sad every time we see or hear his name. He was funny and always smiling when we saw him, and that's because he wanted us to be happy when we remember him not sad. Sorry again guys, but I just really wanted to tell you this, bye.
7:38 p.m.
- On the Train -
/n POV
SC: You cant take the cast off!
Y/n: Who says I can't.
SC: Oh I don't know... THE DOCTOR.
Y/n: Ok. I'll just take the strap off.
SC: I'm pretty sure theyll notice that one of your arm's is way thicker than your other arm.
Y/n: I'm done for.
SC: Just get it over with.
Y/n: ugh. Okay I'll try not to hide it.
SC: Great.
SC: So how are you going to manage at school.
Y/n: Since its my left arm that broke I won't have that much trouble since I mostly use my right, but even if I had broken my right. I was bored a lot so I would always practice writing with my left arm. Although, I can't say its my best writing I can still wright very well with it. And if I need help with something I'll ask one of the guys to help me.
SC: I really wish I could go to school with you.
Y/n: What, I know that I'm all about working hard and focusing on school, but once I'm out. I'm gone. I would never go back. Ok I'm going to collage but thats different high school can either be hell or heaven to a teen. Why would you want to go?
SC: Why do you say that, is it like hell to you?
Y/n: Ah~. Oh, look a bird.
The bus stopped.
Y/n: Oh look were here.
SC: Hold on. You didn't answer what I asked.
Y/n: Its okay not great but not bad either. I would give it 3 out of five stars. My problems there will end as soon as I graduate so they arent problems that will bother me forever, so everything will be fine in the end. Okay now lets go.
SC: Since your smiling I guess there not big problems, right.
Y/n: Yup.
- At The Dorm -
o Ones POV
SK: So what time did they say they would get here today.
DK: Im pretty sure theyre supposed to get here early.
MG: Do you think Y/n will come here or go straight to her house.
WZ: maybe she'll just come straight here. Its not like shes in a rush to see here parents. Plus, dont you remember, there not even home. They came to pick up Jeonghan, so that they could get Y/n a new desk.
Dino: What did they need hyung for.
MG: Most likely to help them carry it.
*Sound Of Door Opening*
SC: Hey, guys.
*Uninterested Members*
SK: Oh. Yeah. Congratulations.
Only The8 bothers to look.
The8: I guess Y/n decide to go home first instead.
SC: What are you talking about she's
S.coups turns only to find no Y/n behind him.
MG: I think love has finally made him lose it.
DK: I'm so jealous.
SC: But, she did come with me.
SK: Dont worry DK I know how you feel I'm single too.
VN: Hey!
WZ: Where all single, idiot.
HS: Hey!
S.coups walks back out.
WZ: What are you saying hey for.
HS: I don't know. I thought it would be fun.
S.coups was about to open the door, when Y/n finally walked in. With her coat off and folded in over her left arm.
Y/n: Hey, guys whats up.
She walked over next to the couch.
*Members Smiling Like Idiots*
SK: Oh your back how was is did you have fun.
MG: Or was it boring.
The8: Was it nice there, I like hyung home town.
SC: Is it just me or does it feel like I was ignored when I got here.
SK: No. We reacted quite nicely. Y/n why dont you hang the coat by the door.
Y/n: No its okay, I'll hold on to it.
SC: Are you actually trying to hide it right now, what about the conversation we had earlier.
MG: Hide what?
Y/n: Nothing.
SC: Oh. Is that so.
Y/n: Is my brother here?
MG: No, he left to go do something with your parents.
Y/n: So is it just you guys?
DK: The others left to get some food we ordered and drinks. ( A/n: To be specific. Jun, Wonwoo, and Joshua.)
Y/n: Thank goodness, I was speared for a few more hours.
The8: Speared?
Y/n took out her arm from under the coat.
*The Members Gasped*
MG: What happened to your arm.
WZ: Its broken, right.
Y/n: Yeah, it happened yesterday.
SC: It happened when she fell from a tree.
SK: What was she doing on a tree tho
Y/n: That's not important the fact is, its broken. The end.
The8: Doesnt it usually come with a strap or something, or was that not necessary.
Y/n: Yeah, it did. I just took it off in the hallway before coming in here.
Y/n took off her back pack and S.coups helped her take out the strap.
SK: It must hurt a lot.
Y/n: As long as you dont punch me in the arm, or beat me up, I'll be okay.
SK: What kind of oppas do you think we are!?
Y/n: Oh! But you're not an oppa..
SK: sorry. (A/n: Aww, Seungkwan wants to be an oppa.)
The Next Day
/n POV
So, my parents became very shocked from the sight of me with a cast Jeonghan laughed for about 30 seconds, till he realized it wasnt a joke. They told me I'm not allowed to go out since I'm on a short break from working thanks to my injury. I can only come and go from school. Im grounded for two weeks and off from work for three weeks. I'll only be able to see Dino, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Moonbin.
S.coups told me to call him twice a day. Which I'll try, but did not guarantee, since I'm very forgetful. Right now, I'm in my last class of the day, so far, I'm not liking today as much as I would want to. Some girl bumped in to me a little too hard in the end of 6th period. The pain is still there but the way she displayed her attitude was what aggravates me the most. She was two grades below me which means she is much younger than me. After she had bumped in to me, it really hurt so I cringed in pain, luckily Moonbin was there next to me. She was just going to walk away, but Moonbin told her she should be more careful, and she should apologize. But, she straight up said, Why should I this girl was the one that bumped in to me, she should be the one that should apologize to me, why do I have to just because she has a broken arm. I was shocked, who the heck is she to be telling me it was my fault, she was the one with her face stuck to her phone. Moonbin was going to talk some sense in to her but I stopped him and pulled him, so we could ignore and walk past her. He asked me why, but I told him it would be to much of a privilege for him to continue to talk to her, since his voice and looks where to much of a blessing to the eyes and ears.
Seungkwan wanted to know who she was but I didnt even bother to care enough since its not like Ill greet her the next time we bump in to each other in the hallway. Im just glad our little Dino isnt in the same grade as her. Kids are sure growing up to be very disrespectful and annoying.
VN: Hey Y/n I forgot to tell you, S.coups texted me earlier, to ask me what time we get out from school. I think he wants to come so he can walk you home.
Y/n: Did you tell him tho.
VN: of course, I did.
(A/n: Well dang, a was just stretching over here then I turned to look at my tv [my tv was on my Chromecast thing, and standby mode is just a random slideshow of *cough* good looking asian men *cough*] so by the time I had turned it was a photo of Joshua looking like the visual he is, I felt offended but its fine I go through that a lot lmao. Anyways sorry for bothering you guys, ok Im out.)
SK: It's too bad you got grounded. I really wanted to hang out with you today.
Y/n: Why??
SK: Because its my birthday today.
Y/n: Oh yeah of course. Its too bad.
(A/n: I know the 16 wasnt on a Monday but the fanfic is in the year 2017. It wasnt my plan but it ended up this way)
SK: You forgot didnt you.
Y/n: No, no, I didn't. I nope. I forgot, sorry. I'll buy you some snacks in the convenient store nearby on are way home.
SK: Ok, cool.
Man, I feel like crap. Today's not my day.
*End Of The School Day*
Y/n: I'll see you tomorrow then Moonbin.
Moonbins manager came to pick him up since they are busy this week.
MB: I'll see you tomorrow than, bye.
Y/n: Bye.
I'm still in the classroom since the art teacher said she had some of my art work she was going to give back to me.
AT: Thanks for letting me hang them in the hallways. I planning to keep them till the end of the year but they plan on repainting the walls this weekend, so I decided to give them back to you.
Y/n: It's fine, thank you.
She handed me my drawings and I placed them in to my backpack.
Y/n: Thank you, I'll be leaving now.
AT: Ok, careful on your way home.
Y/n: I will, take care Mrs.
I tried not to run but I quickly made my way to the school gates since the guys said they would wait for me.
Man, am I so out of breath I really need to get in to shape. My gosh.
Well dang, I almost pulled a muscle. I spotted them and S.coups too.
Takes deep breath.
Y/n: Oh you came.
SC: Yeah. Since your grounded and cant celebrate Seungkwans birthday with us I brought this.
He pulled out I small box from behind him.
SC: It's a cake we can eat it together.
Y/n: Oh we can eat it in front of the convenient store since were headed there anyways.
SC: Ok sounds good.
To Be Continued..
A/n: Sorry about the beginning again guys. Anyways I hope you guys liked the update I'll work hard to make the ending of the fanfic good. I'll talk to you guys next time, have a great day everyone.
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