Chapter 29 - Level Up

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A/n: I was suppose to upload this earlier but time and circumstances were not on my side. I noticed new readers today, hi nice to know you like my writing.
Anyways I'm trying to see if I'm good at upgrading my writing. Let me know if you like this kind of writing, okay thanks.


Next Morning
7:52 a.m.
S.coups POV

I can't believe I woke up for the 3rd time already.

I don't like being jet lagged.

Well at least my special little fairy is still asleep and resting well.

She looks so cute sleeping.

The way her ponytail is loose and messy, yet she barely moved around last night.

I think it's adorable the way she would always end up shifted away from me and facing the wall, every time I moved her closer to me.

She even plays hard to get in her sleep.

I shifted her slowly one more time.

I moved the hair that was covering her face and I slowly started stroking it.

Her hair feels so soft.

I gave her a peck on the forehead.

"Uh Its so cold", I cuddled closer to her.

But as I cuddled closer, one of her hands wrapped around my waist and she placed her head in my chest.

SC: Y/n..

Y/n: Mmmm

She cuddled in more and fell asleep again.

SC: I'm not sure it's okay for you to be tempting me like this.

But just as I said that, she moved again. This time her right leg moved in between my legs.


SC: Wa-

How can she do this while still fast asleep.

She didn't do this last time.

As I tried to move away, she tensed up, making it hard to move.

SC: You're so lucky I'm a gentleman.

(A/n: guys. I don't even know. I'm cringing.)

The hand that was around my waist slowly moved more up. Which tickled, I had to prevent myself from laughing.

SC: Now your attacking me in two ways.

As I looked at her figure I saw that the blanket was only covering below her waist and her shirt was a little raised up, exposing a small amount of skin from her side.

SC: Gosh this girl.

I pulled her shirt down to cover the exposed skin.

SC: Your not even trying but I feel like your winning.

As I tried to move the blanket more up, I tilted my head down hovering only 4 cm away from her face.

*ring* *ring* ⏰ *ring* *ring*

And boom.

Her eyes were open. Our eyes met. Faces 4 cm away. She quickly looked up and down.

*ring* *ring*

Y/n: "Holy Sh-", she said as she bolted back heading the back of her head in the wall.

Y/n: Aish~

She massaged the back of her head.

*ring* I turned to the alarm on the nightstand *rin-*

SC: Are you okay?

Y/n: IDK. Am I still pure!

(A/n: No.)

(A/n: Oh shi- ) (A/n: Its 1:43 a.m. and I'm here writing [on my bed] when I feel someone staring at me. So I turn. Only to make eye contact with my sister, who was asleep 2 seconds ago on her bed. Holy crap I got shook.)

(A/n: Okay bye.)

SC: Why wouldn't you be pure?

Y/n: Oh I don't know.. I woke up in that position.

SC: You say it like it's that bad.

Y/n: ...

SC: Besides you did all the moves on me.

Y/n: What moves?!

SC: You moved your hand around my waist, moved your body closer, and places your le-

Y/n: ah. Okay. Stop.

Her face was flushed red.

Y/n: "I'll go wash up", she said as she jumped out of bed and out the bedroom door.


8:14 a.m.


I entered back into the room again.

Y/n: If you want you can go wash up. I left a new spare toothbrush on the sink countertop.

SC: Thanks. I guess I have to wait till the dorm to take a shower.

Y/n: Well I guess you won't have to wait long, since you'll be heading there after I go to work.

SC: No I'm not.

Y/n: ... What do you mean?

SC: I'll be going with you all day.

Y/n: What. What for. I-

SC: I missed you. So I'm not leaving you all day.

Y/n: Don't you have work to do. Rest to catch up on. People to see.

SC: No I'm on a three day break. I'm not tired. I only have you I want to see.

Y/n: Don't you have a family to go see?

SC: They're busy. I'll see them next week anyways.

Next week?

Y/n: Oh. Hope you have fun then.

SC: I will. But won't you come with me?

Y/n: ...

I looked around.

Y/n: You mean me.

SC: Yeah you.

Y/n: For?

SC: What do you mean "for". Your going to meet my parents. I already met yours it's your turn now.

Y/n: I can't meet them yet.

SC: Why not?

Y/n: Won't they think I'm too young, you know, for you. Plus I'm busy working next week.

SC: You say it like I'm that old. Plus you don't even know when I'll be going.

Y/n: ... when?

SC: Weekend.

Y/n: Oh. Ah. Guess I can go..

SC: Great.

Y/n: Wait. When you said Weekend you mean one day right?

SC: No.

What you mean "No".

Y/n: *laughs* Your joke isn't funny.

SC: I'm not joking.


SC: We'll be leaving on Friday afternoon and coming back Sunday night.

Y/n: .. I can't go.

SC: Why Not?

Y/n: I work on Friday.

SC: No you don't.

How does he know.

Y/n: Yeah I do.

SC: Your mom told me your not.

Y/n: What the heck mom. So you told her about this?

SC: Yeah.

Y/n: She's letting me go? What about my dad, he said no right?

Heck yeah. There's no way he'll ever let me go.

SC: He said yes.

No way.

Y/n: He said yes. But he knows for how long, right?

SC: Yep. I told him all the details.

Y/n: And he said yes..

SC: Yes.

Y/n: My dad. The one who said to stay away from men till I'm 23. Said I can go one a trip with a guy.

SC: Yes.

Y/n: I think there's something wrong with my dad. He must have been sick yesterday.

SC: Your dad said it would be good for you since you never go out or hangout with anyone. He says your always at the house and he's afraid you won't be able to socialize if you don't go out once in a while.

Y/n: I'm good. I don't like socializing.

SC: You won't make any friends that way.

Y/n: I already have 24 friends.

SC: Uh. I ment your age.

Y/n: 4 out of 24.

SC: What about girls.

Y/n: I'm in to guys.

SC: I ment friends that are girls.

Y/n: 2 out of 24.

SC: ... What's up with you and guy friends.

Y/n: I don't know. I'd like to know that too.

SC: Stop joking.

Y/n: I don't like girl friends. Drama surrounds them all the time. One day they hangout with you, the next they talk crap behind your back. I can't deal with them.

SC: What about the girls you said you hanged out with at school.

Y/n: I don't want to talk about it, they're not worth my time. I'll go with you on the trip. If you want, I have a pair of clothing you can change into, so at least you don't have to wear the same thing from yesterday.

I'm not salty. And I'm not trying to change the subject either. It's just an everyday thing that girls go through at least once or twice.

SC: Is it not that big of a deal?

Y/n: Not really it happens often for me so it's not shocking.

SC: They don't bully you right.

Y/n: Don't worry. Its not that. Plus I have at least one of the guys with me in every class. They wouldn't dare touch me.

SC: Then.

Y/n: They friend me for my brain or for the sake of getting close to the guys. Plus I'm mostly introverted when it comes to making friend. They don't have the patience to wait for me to open up to them.

SC: You have 24 friend, who needs any more than that.

I laughed at the change of heart.

Y/n: Right, that's what I'm saying. Anyways, I'll go get you some clothes you can change into. You can just leave your dirty clothes in the laundry basket in the bathroom. I'll wash them later and take them back to you at the dorm tomorrow.


8:37 a.m.

No One's POV

S.coups walked out of the bathroom once he freshened up and got changed.

SC: Are these Jeonghan's clothes? They actually look good on me.

Y/n: No there not Jeonghan's.

SC: I never expected your dad to be in to this kind of fashion.

Y/n: What no way. There not my dad's either.

SC: These are men clothes, right?

Y/n: Yeah no doubt about it. I bought them.

SC: Oh. Well if your in too buying men clothing for yourself, I won't judge.

Y/n: Well it's true I buy some men stuff I can pull of (or bias has worn), but I bought this for you.

SC: You bought this for me?

Y/n: Well yeah. It was a two set deal.

SC: 2 set?

Y/n: Yeah. I bought it cuz. You know.

SC: ...

Y/n: .. COUPLE outfit.

SC: No way. So you wanted to have a couple outfit? When did you buy it? Where's yours at?

Y/n: I bout them when I went to the mall that day before you guys left. And I'm not going to wear mine.

SC: Aww. Come on put it on. Don't you want to look like a cute couple today. Well look great. A match made in heaven.

Y/n: I'm not wearing it.

SC: Okay I'll just tell your mom to make sure you wear in one the day we leave to our trip.

Y/n: No way.

SC: Why not it will look great.

Y/n: I'll go change. I'd rather wear it now than later.

* 5 minutes later *

SC: You see we look great.

Y/n: ...

SC: Let's take a picture.

Y/n: What for?

SC: So I can have a new wallpaper.

Y/n: Why can't you have a picture of a flower as your wallpaper for once.

SC: We'll I'd rather take one with you so I can have a picture of me standing next to a flower..

(A/n: I don't know what I'm doing with my life smh)

Y/n: Kim SeokJin??

SC: Stop Joking.

Y/n: Well stop with the pick up lines.

S.coups pulled in Y/n by her waist and took out his phone.

*click* *snap*

SC: looks good.

Y/n: Nice to know.

Y/n started to walk twords the door while picking up her bag that was on the couch.

SC: Hey. Let's go on a date before you go to work.

Y/n: We open at 12:00 p.m. but I have to get there by 11:00 a.m.

SC: Its 9:05 do we have time for a breakfast date?

Y/n: I guess like 1hr 25 min.

SC: Okay let's go out and eat breakfast then.

Y/n: Okay sure. I'll text my parents that we're out.

As Y/n pulled out her phone and grabbed the house keys from the key holder by the door. S.coups suddenly turned to face her.

SC: Actually before we go I have something I wanted to do.

She looked away from her phone to face him.

Y/n: What is it?

He suddenly crashed lips with her without any warning. And his hands moved to the back of her head.

He kissed her again and again.

And she could barely take a few breathes between every kiss.

She would move back to create some distance but he would move forward, trying not to break the kiss. To the point where her back was against the wall.

She was so shocked. This was the first time something like this was happening. And just as she was running out of breath he broke the kiss.

She took a few breathes in.

Y/n: What. You. Gosh.

SC: I'm good. Lets go.

He grabbed her hand and walked her out the door. Making sure it was locked properly before leaving.

To Be Continued.


A/n: So guys what do you think did this chapter turn out good?
Anyways I just wanted things to move up a level or two. I felt like it was getting anywhere so I got things going. Writing a fanfic it hard, especially since I have zero experiences to base it off of, anyways catch you guys later bye.

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