A/n: Hey guys, did you miss me.. Okay just kidding. I placed my girl Jimin's song above cuz its fun to listen too.
If there's any errors it will take me a while to fix, so pretend there isn't lol. Love you guys.
Jeonghan POV
HS: Who is it??
I hope I'm not causing problems by saying this..
JH: Its Jonghyun. But don't let her know I told you guys, she'll kill me.
(A/n: I'm sorry if you guys actually have a bias and its not Jonghyun, but I needed a name and face so I can continue. If you want just switch JR's name with your bias.)
HS: No wa- well actually he's very handsome so its not all that surprising but I was expecting her to like Ren or something.
(A/n: wow there Hoshi, let's not talk about such things in in my presence.)
As I turned to look at S.coups, he had a shocked expression placed on his face.
Oops was I not supposed to tell him.
But soon his face softened.
My parents just had confused expressions on their face, since they weren't really catching up to what I was saying.
But I really can't believe my little sister went out and got a job, not to mention, meeting her idols while I was gone.
I wonder if she felt lonely while we were gone, especially S.coups. If she was missing him as much as he was missing her, then they both must be wanting to see each other right now.
SC: I'm going to go finish unpacking.
He looks kind of sad right now.
S.coups walked on to the room and I continued to talk to my parents.
I hope he'll be okay... and wait a little longer.
4:30 p.m.
Just one more hour and I'll get to see them.
My parents are still at the dorm with them, it's hard to believe they're still there since this morning. My mom said they'll probably still be there by the time I get out of work, since she wants to prepare a dinner for them.
She sent me a list of ingredients I should get from our place since they don't have any food. [most likely expired lol] I told her I would as soon as I get out of work.
BN: Hey y/n, what time will your mom be picking you up?
Y/n: Actually she's with my brother, so she won't be able to pick me up today.
BN: If its okay I can give you a ride home.
Y/n: Oh no its okay I can just take the bus home, since I'll have to go to my place first and pick up some stuff, then go to my brothers dorm.
BN: Its okay with me. What about you Minjun?
MJ: Its okay with me.
Well I can't say no to that.
Y/n: Okay, thanks.
BN: Great at least now I'll be able to see the guys and your boyfriend again.
Y/n: What do you mean by "again".
BN: Oh, did you not know that they would always come here twice a week before they left to America.
Y/n: What! You mean to tell me I picked a job that involves them having to come and see me work every once in a while.
BN: Actually now that your working here, I won't be surprised if they come every day.
Oh man I don't know why but what he just said made all the energy in my body drain.
Y/n: If that happens my job's going to be chaotic.
5:47 p.m.
Okay I can waist about 20 minutes before Brian gets restless. Should I hurry up and collect the ingredients so I can change my clothes.
Hmm. Yep, I'm totally changing.
Outfit below
Man.. Its so cold these days, yet I'm fixing to walk out with ripped jean. My one and only weakness ㅠ_ㅠ.
I feel sad I couldn't see the boys for Christmas or New Year. Instead I just spent it like I always did with mom and dad back in the states, except this year I video chatted with Moonbin.
Okay all done.
I should take Brian and Minjun something to drink.
I went to take a quick look in the fridge before I left with everything I needed.
Yes! Mom had some ice cream cones in the freezer.
I know I shouldn't since its still winter..... But I really want one sooo~ bad.
I grabbed the boys some drinks and.... I grabbed the ice cream cone.
Man.. I know. I know. I'm stupid. But that cone was whispering to me.
I ran out and towards the car. I opened the car door and placed the bags in my leg area, sat down and closed the door.
BN: I thought you would take longer. Waoh, you even changed.
I grabbed my hair into a ponytail, put on the cap and fixed my side bangs.
Y/n: Really. How long did I take?
MJ: About 16 minutes.
Y/n: WOW! That was quick. I've set a record.
I got out the drinks, which were just juice and handed it to them.
BN: Thanks. I was really thirsty. (A/n: 😏)
I took out the cone and tried to unwrap it.
But just like every love story it was taken away.
BN: Give me that. You have to be crazy to think of eating this when it's freezing outside like this.
I nodded my head.
Y/n: but I am crazy.
BN: Well you're not fixing to be crazy today.
He lowered down the window, I guess ready to throw it out.
Y/n: No No No. I won't eat it, but at least let's not throw it away. I'll place it in the bag, how about that?
Brian paused for a little and pulled the window back up.
BN: Okay. But don't you dare eat it.
Y/n: Okay. Okay.
6:24 p.m.
- At the dorm entrance -
Y/n: Brian~. Why are you so mean~
BN: Will you stop pouting and knock on the door.
Y/n: Will you give me the cone?
BN: No. Now knock.
Y/n: Okay fine.
Brian and Minjun we're both carried the bags. I was just the one not holding anything.
I knocked and we waited for someone to open the door.
And now that I knocked on the door, I'm starting to fill anxious. I haven't seen them in so long.
MJ: wow. You suddenly look a little pale.
Y/n: I'm nervous.
All of a sudden the door opened.
I turned to the door only to make eye contact with Seungkwan.
Y/n: ... Hi...
SK: Oh.My.Gosh
He hugged me and twirled me around.
SK: I missed you so much..
Y/n: I felt the same way.
I hugged him back.
He started sobbing on to my shoulder.
Y/n: Did you miss me that much?
SK: Be quite. Your crying too.
Man, I didn't even noticed.
Y/n: That's because your crying made me cry too.
We were both sobbing now.
BN: Me and Minjun are just going to head on in.
- At the same time, in the dorm -
No One's POV
Dino: Seungkwan, who was it?
At that moment Brian and Minjun entered the dorm.
BN: Hey Dino.
The8: Oh. Hey guys, what brings you two here.
MJ: We came with y/n.
Dino: She's here! Where!
BN: Out in the hall with Seungkwan.
With no less then 2 seconds Dino ran out followed by The8.
Brian and Minjun placed the bags down on to the table.
Outside the dorm. Dino ran straight into y/n's arms for a hug. The8 did so as well and Seungkwan was back hugging her while stopping his sobbing. Y/n started to stop sobbing as well and instead placed a smile one her face.
Dino: Missed you a lot.
The8: Me too.
Y/n: I missed all of you.
They all stopped hugging and decided to walk inside.
Y/n: Dino did you get taller than me.
Dino: Wasn't I always taller then you.
Y/n: Oh really.
Y/n started to pinch Dino on this cheeks.
Y/n: Don't get sassy with me you only grew 2 ce-
She was suddenly hugged by Hoshi.
Hoshi: Y/n!!!!!!!
Y/n: My.Goodness.My.Ear.
Soon everyone that was in their rooms heard that Y/n was here and ran out.
Everyone went to hug y/n and the room was filled with voices.
WW: You got even more prettier, y/n.
Y/n: Thanks Wonwoo.
MG: Are you wearing contacts.
Y/n: Yeah I wear them to work.
JS: Are you still getting great grades in school.
Y/n: Yep.
Jun: Keeping up with Chinese.
Y/n: You know it.
DK: New outfit.
Y/n: Yeah.
WZ: I like the cactus.
Y/n: Woozi!
At this moment Jeonghan ran out from the room and lifted Y/n, on to a tight hug.
JH: Oh.My. Look at you, you got even prettier. Oh. You got lighter, are you eating properly. Did someone ever try to hit on you while you were at work.
Y/n: Thanks. I did lose some weight but I'm eating properly. And no the Oppas over there kept every boy in check.
Jeonghan looked over at the two boys who had been looked over since they were all too excited with y/n.
BN: Hi.
Minjun just waved.
JH: Really. I really thought Brian would try to hit on you.
BN: Yah!
Minjun just laughed.
At this moment S.coups came in from the front door.
SC: Hey guys, I'm back.
At that moment he made eye contact with y/n.
Y/n: H- Hey S.coups.
In no less than 3 seconds, S.coups was already embracing her tightly in his arms.
SC: You really don't know how much I missed you.
To Be Continued..
A/n: Hey guys sorry it took me a while, I'm still fixing the chapters here and there. Sorry, there isn't moments with S.coups in this chapter but there will be some in the next one. Hope it was good, bye.
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