WARNING: The stupidest chapter this dumb excuse of an author has written, she hopes you may forgive her for she can do much better then this. Anyways she's back to writing.
A/n: Also I hope you guys are enjoying your summer break and listening to MonstaX's new song. Hope you guys are having a better summer break then me..
All I'm doing is watching dramas/anime and staying in my room.. (Hope I'm not the only one who watches anime 😨)
Okay, goodbye for now.
SC: So you did think he was handsome..
Y/n: Yeah and he's always going to be handsome no matter what...
SC: Does that mean you kind of still like him!
Y/n: No, I already told you this earlier.
SC: Well earlier you didn't tell me you had liked him a little in the beginning.
Y/n: I don't like him, like him, but I like him. You know what I mean right, other wise why would I be friends with him if I didn't like him.
SC: So you see him as a man!!
Y/n: Well its not like I can see him as a women?!
SC: Ya!!
MB: If your mad at her, then why are you yelling and screaming at me??
SK: It's because of your handsomeness, that there quarreling like this.
MB: But, I didn't do anything??
HS: Come with me..
Hoshi walked over to Moonbin and whispered to him.
Or at least he tried, he told Moonbin that if a man's girlfriend has an attractive and kind male friend, it can cause the man to feel insecure.
Note taken!!
Also, note to self, never tell mom anything that she may spill to others.
Y/n: I don't like him that way, you got that!!
I walked over to my room and closed the door behind me, I may or may not have closed is loudly accidentally.
I'm not mad, just frustrated.
We just started a relationship and were already having arguments and over something as dumb as this.
Can't he just have more trust in me, I-
S.Coups POV
JH: Ya, S.coups don't you think your making things seem bigger then what they are.
JS: I also think this it too much.
WZ: I'm sure you didn't want to make things turn out like this, but try to have more self-confidence.
MG: Yeah, sure Moonbin is really handsome, charming, kind, funny and sma-
WW: Ya! Mingyu just be quiet and come with me too go see what's taking Jeonghan's parents so long.
They left out the door in less then 10 seconds.
SK: What he ment to say is that, all though he has all those amazing qualities. She decided to date you and only have eyes for you.
(A/n: I don't even know where I'm going with this but, *youngjae voice* "its whatever")
SC: I don't even know what I was trying to prove..
JH: Maybe you're over thinking things way too much, you should probably go to your room and try too understand yourself.
SC: Yeah~
And with that said, I headed to my room.
What's up with him.
Why does it feel like, relationships are so difficult.
Are all relationships this way?
Does every couple have arguments over such dumb subjects?
Not all relationships are perfect. Not all people are perfect. I know that much.
But why is he suddenly so uneasy? Did I really do something wrong? I don't think I did? Did he suddenly lose confidence? No way, there must be something bothering him. I should probably give him some space, otherwise he won't have space to relax.
I laid on my sleeping mat that was placed on the floor.
And here I was about to give him a gift I got him at the mall.
I guess I'll have to wait.
I'm so tired, and its still early. I'll just take a short nap.
I hope Moonbin isn't having a hard time..
No One's POV
SK: I'm sure the'll be back to normal by dinner time.
HS: Yeah, most likely.
DK: I'm sure they won't be mad at each other.
Dino: Don't you think Y/n seemed to be a little mad?
VN: She didn't seem to be that upset.
WZ: I'll go check up on her.
JS: Either way we should go back to what we where doing before we decided to come see what was going on.
MB: For some reason I feel like I caused the fight.
WW: Don't feel that way, after all it was S.coups who made it turn out this way, you had nothing but your name involved.
SK: What?! I thought you guys left.
MG: By the way was it just me, or was that the dumbest argument I've ever seen.
SK: Did I just get ignored??
HS: I agree with you.
JH: I think those two just need to find a way to understand each other. Whether the argument was stupid or not, it was still an argument.
Woozi came back from checking on y/n.
WZ: Oh, I thought you two left?
MG: No he just took us outside the door and waited for it to be over.
SK: How come you answer when he asks but you ign-
WZ: Anyways, she feel asleep.
JH: Oh, well I guess we have nothing to worry about, they'll probably make up rather quickly.
° ° °
SVT&MB: Huh!?
WZ: Why do you say that??
JH: We'll if she was really bothered by what happened, she wouldn't be able to even close her eyes and sleep.
MB: My heart feels lighter.
MG: I guess she also thought it was a dumb fight too.
WW: Let's just go to the room, you've already talked way to much for today.
HS: Also how come the whole time we where talking those guys just were just sitting there, just watching tv.
Sitting on the couch was Vernon, The8, Jun, Dino, and DK.
DK: Oh, sorry but there's a really good drama on right now, and it kind of just took are attention.
The8: It's really good.
Jun: Who knew Korean Dramas where this good.
Dino: No wonder my mom likes them so much.
VN: I like it.
° ° °
20 seconds later, they where all sitting and watching the drama.
And shortly after Jeonghan and Y/n's parents came home.
To Be Continued...
A/n: I'm sorry guys, I feel like this chapter was really dumb, I was having a hard time coming up with something and this was all I could come up with. I still hope you guys like it a little, I'll come up with a better chapter next time, bye.
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