After leaving with Wonho and I.M., we drove in a taxi to a Chinese café shop. I think it was almost a 15 minute drive.
As we walked in we headed towards a table that had 5 guys. They were just playing around and laughing.
WH: Wait before they notice us.
He grabbed the scarf that was wrapped around I.M.'s neck and placed it around my neck.
IM: wha...
WH: It's so they won't recognize her right away.
He rapped it to where it was covering my mouth and a little bit of my nose.
After that he quickly pointed out who was who, and we continued are way towards them.
As the rest of their group turned and noticed us, I was going to grab on to I.M. but Wonho stopped me and said to grab on to him.
As long as a hold someone I'm good.
As we were almost too there table they looked over to our direction.
I held on to Wonho and we continued are way over to the rest.
Shownu = SN
Jooheon = JN (A/n: since JH is taken)
Kihyun = KH
Minhyuk = MH
Hyungwon = Author's bae❤
(A/n: JK....no not Jungkook😜)
Hyungwon = HW (A/n: Home Work😁lol) (A/n: I'll just stop talking😑)
As they saw me they looked at me with shock and there gaze moved from head to toe and back up to my head.
Well time to hide, I feel like they're going to judge me.
I think this is the second time I've had so many pair of eyes staring at me so intensely, after all the first time was when I meet SEVENTEEN.
JN: I.M. ...do you know there's a girl hiding behind Wonho??
MH: Ahh, this kid...everyone knows.
KH: Who is she??
I.M. turned to look at me and gave me a nod, which was a way of saying "greet them" and so I will.
I came a step forward and gave a polite bow.
Y/n: Hello, nice to meet you.
I was about to say my name but then I was stopped by the members talking.
JN: Oh, she's speaking Korean.
KH: How can she speak Korean??
SN: She looks more like a foreigner.
MH: Half her face is covers how can you tell what she looks like??
JN: I thought we were in China??
MH: We are!
They all turned their attention to me, and then to Wonho and I.M.
HW: Where did you guys meet her??
WH: Actually she's my girlfriend.
I.M. gave a quiet gasp as well as me and we both had a shocked expression of course since half my face was covered, so it wasn't that obvious.
MH: Eh, I don't believe you.
JN: If she's your girlfriend, then I'm dating Minhyuk.
MH: Ahh, why me??
JN: Because th-
HW: If she's dating you then why is she wearing I.M.'s scarf??
They all looked at me and then I.M.
SN: she looks like she's better suited to be I.M.'s girlfriend than Wonho's.
KH: How old are you??
I turned to look at Kihyun.
Y/n: I'm 18.
All you could hear was the members gasping and whispering to themselves.
All you could see now was them all turn to stare at Shownu and then he gave a small nod. He then made his way in front of me.
Wow, his so freaking tall. Then again I'm like 5ft-3in, I can still grow right?
As I looked up to him he looked down at me, then made his gaze towards my hand that was holding on to Wonho's coat sleeve.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him and can I just say that was a really strong grip.
WH: What are you doing Shownu!?
MH: Wonho youre dating a minor.
What?? A minor?? I'm 18. Wait I'm In Adult in America, this is Korea, well where actually in China but you know what I mean. I guess I'm a minor.
WH: She's not that young.
IM: This is funny.
JN: How could you Wonho.
Wonho made a small smirk and then started talking again.
WH: How come you guys where okay when you guys found out that Shownu had a small crush on Jeonghan's little sister.
Ahh, what, him the guy in front of me, the one holding my hand. Why?? He looks like a "Muscular Angel".
WH: Y/n is the same age as her. ( A/n: Wonho that is her 😒)
MH: He's more responsible to date a minor, plus he's as innocent as a minor.
HW: What does Y/n have to do with this?
IM: Y/n come over here.
Shownu, Jooheon, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Hyungwon were giving off a confused face. Shownu let go off my hand and looked over to the others.
I made my way over to I.M. and he held out his hand so I could grab it.
IM: Guys this is Y/n.
MH: What??
I took off the scarf that was covering my face and placed it back on I.M.'s neck. Then turned to greet the members again.
Y/n: It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n.
HW: You're dating Jeonghan's sister??
Is it me or did the atmosphere get really serious.
JN: Are you crazy.
I.M. just started laughing.
WH: Wait I was only kidd-
SN: Does Jeonghan know??
HW: How is she here in China??
KH: How are you dating her?? How did you meet??
WH: I met her today, she was with her brother and about the whole dat-
SN: You met her today??
HW: Then how are you dating her??
Time for me to step in, since my innocence is on the line.
Y/n: I'm not his girlfriend he made that up.
IM: It's true he didn't even tell us he was going to do that...even Y/n was shocked at the fact that Wonho said she was his girlfriend.
I think my headache is back.
MH: I knew she wasn't dating you.
WH: "What I still think we would look good together", he came over to me and patted my head.
IM: "Eh, this hyung will never learn", he removed Wonho's hand.
After 1 hour of talking and playing around we got a little close. Also they made a rule that Wonho has to be at least 2 feet away from me, and he's not allowed to be alone with me. Also Shownu took the time to clarify that he did have a crush on me but he got over it because his friend's feeling are more important. I don't know what he meant by that but whatever.
At this point MonstaX decided we should go to the arcade and play around.
As we were on are way to the car my phone started to ring.
It was S.coups.
I looked over to I.M. and Wonho.
I answered the phone.
Y/n: He-
SC: Where are you?? Are you okay?? Why did you leave?? Are you lost??
Y/n: I'm okay, I'm with Mons-
Wonho took the phone from me.
Short Wonho Point Of View
I took the phone from Y/n and started talking to Seungcheol.
WH: Hey Seungcheol, I'm sorry but we took Y/n, since we wanted her to meet the members.
SC: Then bring her back, she's been with you guys for almost 2 hours.
WH: Were not done hanging out yet I'll return her at 5:30 pm.
SC: Its 12:23 pm, and you want to keep her for 5 more hours.
WH: I'm glad you understand.
SC: I'm not giving you permission!?
WH: Are you jealous Seungcheol??
SC: Is she there??
WH: No she can't hear our conversation she's in the car with my members.
SC: Where are you guys going too??
WH: I'll return her later.
SC: I'm picking her up now.
WH: Fine, will be at the arcade.
SC: Which one??
WH: Find out, bye. (A/n: Why so savage😑)
To be continued...
A/n: Hmm, I think its about time for me to make it more interesting.
Should there be a kiss in the next chapter??
Hope you guys like the story so far, I'm sorry for the slow/short updates. Give it a star, bye.
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