it been 2 hours since i told Colby we were crying dont worry they were tears of joy we decided we'd tell the guys at the near end of the trip me and Colby went to see a doctor in Amsterdam and she said i was about 2 months pregant its still a shock but a happy one
no one knows except for me and Colby. i want to talk about what we are gonna do but i dont know what we are going to do
we decided to tell the guys later on today when we booked into a haunted hotel apprently the most haunted in Amsterdam
we arrived and walked to our rooms
Sam; yo theres so many floors here
Emilia; ya I know it's gonna take us an hour to find our rooms haha
Corey; did u guys hear that
*I can picture Corey's face and how he says it haha*
Emilia; the growl??
Corey; ya!
Emilia; oh my god nooo we just got here
We walked into room and we looked around. We walked around the hotel and heard a lot if noises and experienced a lot we headed back into our room to sleep until 3am which if you don't know is witching hour before our food came I decided to take a bath for a while considering it was still early I hopped into the bath and heard the TV. The guys were watching a movie
I enjoyed my bath for about 10 minutes till I heard growling coming from the closet in the bathroom which is used for towl and other items
I brushed it off thinking it was one of the boys messing around
Till this happened I started feeling like someone was holding my troat and holding me down underneath the bath to where I couldn't lift my head up
I began screaming under water and hitting against the sides of the bath to which thank god Colby ran towards me and grabbed a towl and wrapped me in it
Colby; I'm here I'm here shshhhh
All the boys then ran in after Colby
Corey: you alright what happened ??
Jake; woah what happened
Sam; Em look at your chest
I look to see a hand print on my chest
Colby; hey what happened
Emilia; I felt someone pushing me down I couldn't breathe
As my voice started to shake Colby hugged me and calmed me down I got dressed and sat with the boys trying not to think about what just happened. After finshing our food and movie we went to sleep and set an alarm for 3am
Sam , Corey , Elton slept on the bed while me and Colby slept on the floor with a shit ton of pillows
When 3am rolled around we all woke up and did a seance. We caught some really creepy shit
We got out of there and headed back into our rv
There I pulled Colby outside and asked if we tell the boys the news now this should maybe cheer them up from the night we've had. We went into the rv and gathered the boys together
Colby; brother come come we've some news
Corey; is this a prank Colby
Colby; no this is serious look here's my camera that's the only one I have see it's turned off
Sam; Ok what is it
Jake; just tell us already
Emilia; Were having a baby I'm pregnant!
Sam , Jake , Corey ; WHAT?!?!?
(Emilia & Colby laugh )
Corey; congratulations!
Sam; my man !
Jake; Colby and Emilia having baby this is amazing congrats guys
We were trilled they were happy for us i couldnt wait to bring this baby into the world and raise it with Colby with of course the help of the guys we are one big happy family and i wouldnt change it for the world
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