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I left the house for a few hours when  I came back i asked Sam if Colby was around he told me he left for the gym

Sam; you alright?

Emilia; im going home

Sam; your going to Colombia?

Emilia;  ya for a while at least while i'm able to still fly

Sam; how far long are you?

Emilia; soon to be 2 months

Sam; you need to tell Colby

Emilia; he just wished I stopped reminding him of the past Sam. i just wanna leave

Sam; i get you this is hard for you

What i didn't know was Colby was in the other room listening to every single word i was saying


What the hell did i say ??? Even though I don't remember her at all I fell in love with her all over again. I don't know why i couldn't tell her i love her. I finished my workout and headed home and walked in through the door when i hear Sam and Emilia talking. She's pregant???? Emilia walked up to my room and i later followed her up

Colby; you pregant ?

Emilia; Col--

Colby; are you ????

Emilia; ya i am Colby!

Colby; how far along are you?

Emilia; I'm two months


He walked over to me and held my hands he looked so disapointed i cupped his face with my hands

Emilia; Colby I'm going back to colombia for a while um? we can talk about this whole thing later I'll be with my family

And with that i left the room. He was finding it hard to swallow everything i mean i don't blame the guy i would act the same

2 days have passed since Colby found out i have been avoiding him. I packed a little bit and arrived at the airport I was waiting for my flight to be called when all of a sudden I hear my name being called I turned aorund to see Colby running up to me while still yelling my name

Colby; Emilia wait!!

Emilia; Colby what you doing here????

Colby; don't leave

Emilia; Colby

Colby; I might not remember anything but what do I know is that I fell in love with you once again

Hearing those words come out his mouth made my heart drop he looked so sad and desperate on trying to change my mind of not leaving so I placed my hand around his neck while the other on his waist and jumped into a kiss when he wrapped his arms around my neck and waist deepening the kiss

Emilia; you really fell in love with me again hahaha

Colby; I really fell in love with your crazy ass haha

We kissed again and left the airport and drove home when we walked through the front door there was everyone standing there with balloons and streamers

Emilia; okay so I'm guessing you told them already haha

Colby; ya I did

He turned me around to make me face him. He put one hand of my back while the other one was on my stomach

Colby; I fell in love with you and our baby

My heart dropped I have everything I wanted again even If he can't remember anything we'll make new memories together

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