~~~~~~4~~~~~~ (PART 1)

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Once again, you should know that I do things differently in my stories... So expect the unexpected and be open to new ideas. THANK YOU! :D

(And the rating is PG-13 now)


*****Those are Dawn's in-ring gears by the way (She wears the pink one tonight) ------------------------> 

4 (Part 1)

"Um... hey guys," I greeted them, watching how they quickly let go of each other when they heard my voice. 

"Oh..! Hey Dawn!" Dolph responded with a smile. He went over and put his arm around me. "How's my best friend?"

"Fine... how are you, Dolph?" 

"Charming and handsome as always of course."

I shook my head. "Hey, Kelly."

"Hey Dawn," she came over and hugged me as Sheamus and Dolph shook hands..

"So what's going on tonight for the Divas?" I asked her.

"Well, first there's gonna be a Mixed Tag Team match and then a regular Divas match. Nikki Bella is gonna take on me, and the tag match is gonna be The Miz and a diva of his choice against Drew and a diva of his choice. That's pretty much it."

"Okay, cool." The sound of Drew's name actually made my heart leap, but... 

The Dolph and Kelly situation was still bugging me....

But maybe I should just put that off until later.... and then maybe I can also tell her that Drew and I are dating.


Gosh, the way that sounded, makes it even harder for me to want to say anything about it....


9:31 p.m.

I was talking to Rosa Mendes, when Drew came over with some camera guys. 

The man gave me a signal that we they were gonna roll in two seconds...  I wasn't sure what was going on. 


"Excuse me Rosa," he said. "Would you give Dawn and I a few minutes, please?"

Rosa shrugged. "Okay. I'll see you later amiga," she told me and I nodded.

.... When she left, Drew looked at me. "Dawn.... tonight, I have a Mixed Tag team match against The Miz and another Diva.... I was wondering if.... you would be my partner."


I thought about what Kelly would think if she saw me teaming with Drew after everything she said to me....

.... But it's not like she knows we're dating.... It would just seem like a regular tag match. But, still....

"Me?" I asked him. "You want me to be partner? But... I just came to the WWE, don't you think you should be picking someone with more talent and experience?"

"No, Dawn. I don't want the other Divas... I want you.." He held both my hands... "Please.."

I sighed.... "Okay..... I'll be your partner, for tonight."

He smiled...

"Great. I'll see you out there then..." Then he did the unthinkable and the stupid because EVERY-FUCKING-BODY WAS WATCHING...


He kissed me on the lips..

When Drew walked away, the camera zoomed in on my face and I had a completely surprised expression...

... Because now everyone was going to know (or think) we were dating.. 

...Almost all my followers on Twitter (153, 836) would ask me a whole bunch of questions and so would the other Superstars and Divas I work with and.....

Kelly Kelly..

Damn it.


It only took about  3 minutes for Kelly to watch what happened, process the information and come running for me. 

Actually, she was walking...

Rosa and I were still speaking to each other but I could hardly focus on anything she was saying. (And not because of her accent this time...)

When Kelly came over with her lips in a pouted position and her eyebrows curving down, I swallowed hard and braced myself....

"Is there something going on between you and Drew still?" she asked me.


I looked at her... 


..I couldn't lie...


"We're just partners in a tag match, Kelly..."

"Uh-huh, that's why he kissed you?"

"Kelly... I.."

"After all I've said to you, you're still going through with him?"

After all she--??

"... You know, it is my decision. I can date whoever I want. Maybe you're just jealous because Drew cheated on you because he probably didn't like you!"

"Oh you're really gonna go there?" she said, getting up in my face. "I actually cared about you enough to warn you about what Drew is capable of and this is what I get for it?"

"Drew told me what really happened and it was all just a misunderstanding, but you never gave him a chance to explain himself!"

"So you believe him?? And not me? You're friend?"

"He never said you lied! He said you just misunderstood everything. He never meant to cheat on you and he said he regrets it to this very day!"

"Wow, more bullshit seems to come out of your mouth so often these days, Dawn. You ever think of cleaning it?" 

That's when I lost it. 

"BITCH!" I lunged at her about the same time she lunged at me and we started throwing punches at eachother like no tomorrow.

We rolled around on the floor, screaming and yelling so loud that I didn't hear the security/backstage guys telling us to back up and trying to break us apart. 

But they couldn't get the job done and Kelly and I kept fighting until I felt two strong arms wrap around me and pull me back suddenly. 

"Hey, hey! Stop!" I heard Sheamus and Dolph say.. 

Dolph held Kelly's arms from behind and Sheamus held mine.. 

"What the hell's goin on here?" Dolph asked us.

Kelly and I were flustered but I said, "She thinks she can tell me what to do!!"

Kelly yelled, "You're a stubborn, little, ungrateful bitch who's gonna wish she'd listened to me!"

"You guys need a looong time-out," Dolph said. 

"Stay away from eachother, eh?" Sheamus let go of me and stood in front so I wouldn't go after Kelly again. 

"You think you know Drew but you DON'T!" I said to her. 

"Oh and YOU do? He's a complete heart-breaker, and you're gonna find that out the hard way! Just make sure when you do, you don't come cryin back to me!"

I glared at her as Sheamus held my arm and lead me away...

Once we were far from everyone, we talked in a corner...

"Why the heck were you two fightin'?"

"I took your advice, GENIUS, and Kelly got mad when I told her that I was going to be with Drew. She acts like she can tell me what to do and control me! Well, she CAN'T. As much as I sort of appreciate her 'warning' just because Drew did some things he wasn't proud of during their relationship, doesn't mean that the same thing will happen to me!" I pulled my hair, angrily, til it hurt. "ARGGHH!!! I WISH PEOPLE WOULD JUST LEAVE ME ALONE SOMETIMES!!" I buried my head into Sheamus's chest and started crying...

....He wrapped his arms around me and held me close...

"It's alright, Dawn.... It's okay..... you'll be fine... Everybody has to go through tough times.. Some can handle it... some can't.."

"Well, I can't," I said into his shirt..

"That's pretty obvious..." 

"Shut up," I told him... but I didn't mean it...



Pretty soon, I stopped crying and Sheamus said, "So... ya still gonna go chrew wit da match and be McIntyre's partner?"

"Yeah.... I mean, of course. I told him I would... I'm not gonna take it back because of Jealous Kelly. That's what I'm gonna call her from now on. Jealous Kel--"

"Well, well, well...." said a deep voice.

I looked over and saw Randy standing there with his arms crossed.. 

"Saw your little cat-fight with Kelly," he said with a smirk. "It reminded me of a movie... hmm.... what was it called again..? Oh right... 'Sluts Gone Mad.' Haha..."

"That's not very funny, fella," said Sheamus, walking up to Randy's face.

"Well, I thought it was.."

I pulled Sheamus back slightly and got in front of Orton...

"You know... I actually want to thank you, Randal... for insulting me at the diner."


"If it weren't for you, then I wouldn't have walked out the diner, Drew wouldn't have went after me, he wouldn't have kissed me, and we wouldn't be dating."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... let me get this straight: McIntyre... is dating you?"

"That's right."



"Out of all the Divas besides Kelly and Rosa, he picked you? My God, he must be visually impaired. I'll have to go talk to him about that, see if he can get someone a little more...--"

He looked me up and down...

"--not you."

"Why is it you keep torturing me, Randy Orton? You don't even know me."

"I know you're a 12-year-old girl who probably mistook the WWE for a sleazy modeling business or maybe even an ice cream parlor..."

I opened my mouth to say something.... then I just shook my head...

"... I refuse to waste my time on people like you Randy. You can continue to hate on me but you're no longer gonna get a response from me. So go ahead... be my fucking guest, BITCH."

Then I flipped him off with both fingers and walked away...


10:12 p.m. 

It was time....

I went and found Dolph..


"If it isn't Layla Ali," he said, in a pissed-off tone...

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" I asked him. 

"It means you tried to punch Kelly's face in for no good reason... and why are you even going out with McIn-liar anyway? Didn't you hear what Kelly told you at all? He's a bonafied CHEATER."

"Oh great so now you believe that too? You of all people? You're supposed to be my best friend, Dolph."

"Hey, I'm just telling it like it is.."

"No, you're just enforcing what your girlfriend said."

"Girlfriend....? What-what are you talking about?"

"I saw you and Kelly holding hands earlier.. You immediately let go when you saw me, hoping I wouldn't see, but I DID."

Dolph looked nervous.. "So?"

"So why didn't you tell me you two were dating? And why so quickly?"

"It just happened ....okay? We were talking today... and... she was obviously flirting with me. So that's when she told me that she liked me. And I said I liked her too. Now... we're goin out."

"That's ridiculous."

"Hmm. Oh you mean even more ridiculous than you dating a cheater? Oh, okay then. Excuse me."



"She's upset that I'm going out with Drew and enjoying it, so because she wants to make me feel jealous by dating my best friend."

"That, what you just said, was completely ridculous. Kelly would never do anything like that to anyone."

"So now you don't believe me again? And Kelly can be sweet, but she also has a devious side that apparently no one but me has had the pleasure to experience."

Dolph shook his head. "You are totally delusional, Dawn."

"You know what you are, Dolph? You're a terrible friend." I turned and started to walk away. He called after me, but I kept going.



FUCK Kelly.

FUCK Randy.

FUCK Dolph.

And..... I can't believe I'm saying this but.... FUCK Sheamus sorta too.

Our conversation after the situation with Randy was how much he was concerned for me, he didn't wanna see me get hurt... blah blah blah. 

Like, DUDE. I am 23 years old. I am NOT a child who needs someone to hold her hand while she crosses the road. 

And Drew is NOT a bad guy, from what I have seen. I HEARD some shit about him, but like they say: Seeing Is Believing. 

If nobody wants me to happy (Kelly, Dolph) if people wanna hate on me (Randy), or treat me like I'm eight (Sheamus) then FUCK ALL OF THEM.

I am my OWN WOMAN.



I don't care what anyone has to say anymore.

I went to the girls locker room, found my stuff, and changed into my ring-gear for my tag team match with Drew...


As I made my entrance, the crowd cheered quite loudly for me..  Lots of people (mostly guys) held up signs that said, "Dawn: The Cutest Diva," "DAMN it's Dawn," and "Dawn is my Desire" plus others. I smiled and made my way to the ring, where Drew was watching me with this sexy, mesmerizing look of amazement.....

I stepped inside the squared area, slowly so that some lucky guys (and girls maybe) could catch a glimpse of my beautiful rear. HAHAA!


I climbed up the turnbuckle in the corner nearest the announce table, and held up my hands in the "rocker" sign, drawing more cheers and applause from the crowd.

When I got down, Drew gave me one of those "bad-boy smirks" and I nearly fainted (but still played it cool.)

Then The Miz came out doing his stupid (yet awkwardly adorable) frog-face pout like he was all that and then some.....

I put my hands on my hips and cocked my head to the side, watching him twirl a mic in his hands... 

His theme music cut off, and he spoke into the microphone: "My partner for tonight was actually chosen at the last minute... due to some.... interesting circumstances... She actually asked me if she could be my partner. Now... here she is..."

I waited patiently to see whose ass was gonna get kicked by the Dawninator (what I called myself.)






Then her theme song hit..






"Holla, Holla, Holla...."


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