Angel 30 (Final)

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[A.N: Please read between the lines.

ps. This is quite long
pps. I'm sorry in advance]


Yoona woke up this morning hoping that what happened last night was just a dream, but its not.

She tried to forget about it and enjoy her last stay with them. It's too early (she didn't sleep at all) she went inside the kitchen and saw Irene cooking their breakfast while humming some unknown songs.

"Irene!" She called while smiling. "Good morning!"

Irene smiled back at her "Good morning, too, Yoona-unnie!" She greeted back "why you wake up this early?"

"I just thought this day will be great, don't you think?"

"It's always great unnie, as long as you're smiling and happy like that." Irene mumbles "Do you want to help me prepare the breakfast?"

"Can I?" Yoona asked

Irene nodded "its kinda lonely alone here. It's better if I'm with you unnie."

"Okay!" Yoona exclaimed and get the extra apron on the rack and wore it "What should I have to do?"

"Just mix this until it boils, Yoona-unnie." Irene said gesturing the stew she's cooking "I'll just get the ingredients for cookies, Taeyong wants to eat cookies."

"Okay, I'll help you with that too." Yoona smiled, Irene nodded and get the ingredients from the cabinet and inside the refrigerator. "You know, Irene? I'm going to miss you, so much!"

Irene went near the ref "Just remember that if you love, you have to prepare yourself to be hurt too.. they said love is always the twin of hurt.." Yoona added

"What are you talking about, unnie?" Irene asked as she get the chocolate inside the ref. she placed it on the kitchen counter and hugged Yoona

"Just always remember that, I love you and you're more like a dongsaeng to me. All I want for you is to be happy."

"I love you, too, Yoona-unnie. Why're you talking like that.." Irene asked "It's like you're going somewhere and you'll never come back anymore." She pouted

Yoona smiled at her "Just don't mind me."

"If you're planning to leave, just don't do it, Yoona-unnie because I'll cry, I'm telling you!" Irene exclaimed

Yoona wants to cry. She can't take it.. sooner she'll break down.

After cooking, they prepared all the food on the table, Sehun and Taeyong went out of their room.

Sehun immediately hugged Yoona and kissed her cheek "Good morning, gorgeous!" He greeted

Yoona blushed "G-good morning.." Sehun chuckled and sat on his usual spot

After greeting each other 'good morning' they all eat and prepare for school after.

They separate ways when they enter the University. Irene and Taeyong went on their building while Sehun and Yoona proceed on their classroom.

They're still early, Yoona saw Jessica doing something on her laptop "Jessica!" She called

Jessica smile at her "Good morning, Yoona!"

Sehun is with Kris, Chanyeol, Luhan and Kai. Yoona grabbed Jessica's hand and pulled her up "let's go, I'll give you something!"

Although, Jessica is confused she just let Yoona dragged her on the cafeteria "What are we doing here, Yoong?"

"I'll buy you your favorite strawberry yogurt smoothie." Yoona said

"Really? What for?" Jessica asked while beaming widely

"Because I love you!" Yoona exclaimed, Jessica chuckled. Yoona proceed on the counter to order two cups of yogurt smoothie.

After getting their order, they sat on one of the bench, watching the students running and playing around the field.

"Thank you for everything, Jessica." Yoona started not even looking at Jessica

"Thank you for what, Yoona?" Jessica asked looking at Yoona

"For everything you did for me." Yoona answered "You're really a great friend. I mean, you're the best best friend!"

Jessica chuckled "I don't understand but you're welcome."

Yoona held Jessica's hand and squeezed it lightly "I hope you'll have many friends.. don't keep yourself from them, Sica. Find and make friends, don't let yourself used on being alone."

Jessica frowned "W-what do you mean?"

"You're pretty inside and outside. You're smart and kind. They'll like— no, they'll love you!" Yoona exclaimed "And please, don't cry like that again.." She mumbles remembering that day when Kris and Jessica had fought "if you have friends, you'll never cry like that again, they'll be there for you."

"But you're my friend, Yoona!" Jessica exclaimed "you're enough to be my friend."

"Of course, I'm your friend and I'll be your friend forever!" Yoona smiled "but you have to promise me, you'll open the door for others to be your friend."


"Always remember that, I love you, Jessica." Yoona smiles, she doesn't want to cry "you're my best friend!"

Jessica suddenly hugged her "Hey, are you planning on leaving us?" She whispered "if you do, don't you dare do it! I'll cry, I'm telling you!"

Yoona chuckled "Just don't mind me, let's go back. I can feel you trembling in cold."

They stood up "Yeah, I actually do." Jessica chuckled "but you looked like you're not feeling cold, are you alright?"

The truth is, she can't feel cold since she woke up this morning.. she knows its a sign. "Yes, I'm okay. Let's go."

Jessica nodded and clung her arm on Yoona's "I love you, too, Yoong and you're my only best friend."

Yoona doesn't want to cry. She won't cry, not yet..

During break, Sehun, Kai, Chanyeol and Kris had their weekly manly meeting. Yoona went on the music room to see Sehun.

She knocked three times before opening the door, she welcomed by eight handsome guys. She bowed 90 degrees in front of them "Yoona, what are you doing here?" Kris asked

"Do you need anything?" Kai asked too

Yoona shook her head "Where's Sehun?"

"Oh, he went out to talk to Taeyong. Why?" Chanyeol answered

"So, she's Yoona?" Baekhyun asked, Yoona can't remember their names "she's really pretty."

"Yeah, there's no doubt that Sehun fell for her." Kyungsoo added

"You can wait for him here, Yoona." Jongdae suggest "he'll be back any moment now."

Yoona nodded and smile "Thank you."

"Here, you can sit here, Yoona-sunbae." Taehyung said, tapping the vacant chair inside the studio

Yoona sat there thanking Jungkook and Taehyung. She can't really remember their names. She's sitting across Chanyeol, Kris and Kai.

And as if remembering, she get her bag and pulled the cookies she made with the help of Irene. It is wrapped in a pink wrapper. She gave them one by one.

"What's this for, Yoona?" Chanyeol asked

Yoona stood up and bowed to all of them "Thank you for always taking care of me.." she said "and sorry for all the burden I gave to you.."

Kai, Chanyeol and Kris smiled "It's nothing, you're Sehun's girlfriend and you're our friend also." Kris said, the other male nodded

"But still, I want to thank you for everything." She mumbles "and please, take care of Sehun for me.."

They frowned "Why're you telling us that?" Chanyeol asked

Yoona just smiled at them, then she went in front. She kissed Kai and Chanyeol on their cheeks making the two male blush. "Thank you!" She exclaimed I'll miss you.. she want to say but she insist

The other's are giggling except Kai and Chanyeol whose currently in state of shock. Yoona saw Sehun walking towards the music room. She opened the door and hugged Sehun immediately.

Sehun is a little bit surprised but he hugs her back, chuckling "Did you missed me?" He asked

Yoona pulled out from the hug and looked at Sehun "Where's Taeyong and his friends?" She asked, totally ignoring Sehun's question

"They're in their laboratory. Why—"

Sehun didn't finished, Yoona ran towards the junior's building leaving him clueless.

Yoona slowly open the door of the lab without noticing by the people inside "What the fck, Yuta!!" Ten shouted

"Faster kids, faster!!" Taeil yelled

"Now, mine will win! C'mon, c'mon. Jump!!" Doyoung exclaimed

Yoona chuckled, they're all serious watching the race of frogs. "Yes!!!" Taeyong exclaimed "I won!! Give me the price, idiots."

Ten, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Taeil and Yuta sighs and gave Taeyong 5,000 won. Mark, Haechan and Winwin are laughing at their faces.

Yoona knocked gaining their attention. "Hello!" She greeted

"Yoona-noona?" Taeyong asked "What're you doing here?"

"I just want to give you this." Yoona said giving them the same cookies "Thank you for everything you did for me."

"You don't have to thank us, Yoona-noona. We didn't really do helpful things.." Doyoung said as he scratch his nape

Yoona shook her head right away "No, you all did a huge help for me.." she said "I just want you all to know that.. even.. even.. I C-can't remember all your names.. I still love you.. because.."

"Because you're all my dongsaeng." She continue "and I love you all, so much!"

They just stare at Yoona not even know what to say or do. Yoona went near them and kissed their cheeks one by one. They're all blushing.

Yoona last stop is Taeyong. Taeyong is frowning, he's confused why Yoona is doing this, but his thoughts fade when Yoona hugged him tight while patting his head. "You're so handsome, Taeyong. You're more than handsome than your hyung." Yoona whispered making Taeyong chuckled and hug Yoona back

"I know, noona. I know."

"Thank you for taking care of me like I'm your real noona." She whispered again "I love you, Taeyong. You and Irene, you're more like a dongsaeng to me."

"W-what are—"

"Please take care of Irene for me, okay?" She continue "And I know you're more matured than your hyung so please always look after him."

"Love him and don't fight over nonsense things." Yoona said "Always remember that, I love you my most handsome dongsaeng."

Yoona pulled out from the hug and kissed Taeyong's forehead before ruffling his hair. "Take care." She said then storm outside the room leaving Taeyong dumbfounded



Irene turned behind to look whose calling her "Mr. Alien?" She asked

Taehyung ran towards her and gave her a book "What's this?"

"Yoona-sunbae. Left that on the music room." Taehyung answered

Irene looked at the cover and read the title "Angels?" She asked

"Yeah. Can you give it to her?"

"Sure, thank you, Mr. Alien!" Irene exclaimed

Taehyung smiles "I'm Taehyung, you should call me by name. And I'll go now, I still have classes to attend."

Irene giggled "Okay, thank you again. Taehyung."

"There you are!" Taehyung exclaimed "Bye, see you around."

Irene waved at him, she slowly opened the book. There's Yoona's perfect handwriting. She start reading some.

-Angels are usually beautiful.
*Yes, yes, we are!
-theories tells us that they're God's instrument to guide the human here in earth.
*It somehow correct, but we're not guiding them. We're helping them, just like me. I leave here in earth to help Sehun, I can prove this because I'm an angel!

Irene almost dropped the book on the floor, her knees weakening. She just read what Yoona wrote on the book.

And without thinking twice, she immediately ran where Taeyong is. She went on their classroom and she saw, Taeyong talking to his hyung.

She walked towards them "Oh, here is she." Taeyong said as he saw Irene "Did you saw, Yoona-noona? Hyung is looking for her."

Irene shook her head right away "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Yoona-noona is an angel!" She exclaimed making Taeyong and Sehun surprised

"W-what are you talking a-about, Irene?" Taeyong asked

"Where did you get that thought, Irene?" Sehun said coldly

"No, believe me, senpai, sunbae! She wrote it here!" Irene exclaimed and showed them the book

Sehun and Taeyong red it "T-this must be— hyung, did you know about this?"

Sehun didn't answer. "So you know about this.." Taeyong mumbles "That's why she came back to life, to help you.. even you're the one at fault why she died.."

"S-senpai.." Irene breathed trying to stop Taeyong from spilling out the truth in the wrong place

"What are you talking about, TY?" Sehun asked.

"Yoona-noona, died fifteen years ago because of you hyung and she came back because of you too."

"W-what? I.. I don't understand.." Sehun said

Taeyong told him all the things they knew, from the little details to the biggest.

Sehun just sat there. He can't digest everything he heard, So from the very beginning I already hurt her.. I even did the cause of her death.. I took away all the opportunities she can get.. I took away her life..

All I did to her is to gave her pain.. I'm such an asshole. I don't think I can forgive myself after this..

"You can't remember it because of the trauma.. hyung.."

Sehun wants to cry.. Taeyong tapped his shoulder in the most comforting way. "I'm sorry, hyung.."

"T-this is all my fault.."

"It's no one's fault, Sehun-sunbae.. you're both young during that time." Irene said "if you're really blaming yourself for that, then make it all up to Yoona-unnie."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Make her the happiest girl when she's with you, make her feel that she's special and you won't ever let go of her, that you'll protect her just like what she did for you back then.." Irene answered "Just don't hurt her again, Sehun-sunbae. Because even we admit it or not, you're the only one who can hurt and make her happy.. she loves you, that's why."

"She's right, Sehun-hyung." Taeyong said "its not too late to gave her everything she deserves."

"B-but what if—"

"She'll forgive you, simply because she loves you." Irene cut him

Yoona is currently walking around the field, she just want to remember this place, she didn't even bother if its snowing, she can't feel cold or hot anymore.

She continue walking when she heard a beautiful voice nearby. She looked behind the huge tree where the voice coming from. It's Seohyun..

She just listen and when Seohyun's finally done, she clapped her hands. Seohyun looked at her in utter surprise "W-what are you doing there?"

"You have a very beautiful voice, Seohyun.. you sound like an angel." Yoona admits as she sat beside her, maintaining a comfortable distance

Seohyun hissed but she let Yoona settle beside her "You shouldn't

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